šŸ“ Spells8 Book Club XXX - Readers' Reviews!

I will do my best! So far Iā€™m just going off how things sound and looking for commonalities with the languages I do know. I donā€™t actually know any Polish. :sweat_smile: Iā€™m a fraud! Donā€™t tell anyone. Weā€™ll make it a cult secret. :shushing_face:

No worries! :black_heart:

Aww. Your praise is too high. :bowing_woman: The word for ā€œyogaā€ was ā€œjogiā€. :female_detective:

Then what if I told you these words, ā€œinkantacjami, afirmacjami, słowiańskim horoskopemā€ are ā€œincantations, affirmations, Slavic horoscopesā€? Then thereā€™s ā€œgimnastykiā€ (gymnastics), ā€œholistycznieā€ (holistic), harmonię (harmony)ā€¦ You can see it, yeah? :smile:

Weā€™ll have to see how far this can get me. :joy: Iā€™m hoping I can translate chapter 4 on the festivals in the cycle of the yearā€¦ Then there is a whole chapter on Slavic magick (3), with information on a Slavic altar, spells, amulets and talismansā€¦ :star_struck:

If I translate it and put it into my own words in doing so, is it okay to share an entire spell and similar things? I know we canā€™t simply copy-paste because of copyright, but it gets weird with translations. I notice people translate whole books and sell them as their own but credit the original. :thinking: