πŸ“ Spells8 Book Club XXXXI - Readers' Reviews!

I just finished reading my book today~! Here is my review on it :black_cat: :heartpulse: :sparkles:

Book: Sweet of Love: An Anthology for Bast and Bast-Mut

Author: Chelsea Luellon Bolton

Status?: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I worship Bastet so this book is very important for me in my practice.

My personal thoughts/opinions: There is a good amount of information on Bast and Bast-Mut within the pages of this lovely book~! The book is easy to read and explains everything in a clear and simple manner. I also enjoyed the hymns and poems, which I plan on using in my spells and meditations with Bastet.

An interesting quote from the book:

β€œPlayful Cat
Joyful Lady
With flaming sword
Warrior with a shield
Warrior with a Scimitar
Fiery Goddess of Sun and Star
Lady of Power, Lady of Passion
Bright Lady of Fire and Sun
Bast, the Lady of the Two Lands
Lady of Joy and Strength
Lady of Art and Creation’s Bliss
Lady of Music, Lady of Dance
As the tambourine is played
Bast dances with Her followers
Bast dances and people are in joy
Jewelry adorns the Goddess
Fine linen for Her clothes
Abundance in food and water
The finer things in life
Passion, Beauty and Power
There is Power in Beauty
There is Passion in Strength
There is Beauty in Power”

(Poem: Power, Beauty, Passion and Strength, Chapter 5: Poetry of Bast, Page 51)

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Absolutely~! This book is a great way to learn about Bastet and Bast-Mut, a syncretic fusion of the Goddesses Bastet and Mut.