Tamed Wild Sale - BOGO Free!

It’s your neighborhood enabler again!! I just received notification that Tamed Wild is having a But One, Get One FREE sale. There are over 150 items in the sale! Fair warning, it will discount the lower priced items so if you want the decks or jewelry, you may have to do two orders to get the discount. In the past when I had two orders on the same day, they put them together in one box. Don’t know if they will do that this round.

Tamed Wild Sale

I’m using this same to snag the Rituals and Moon Oracle decks, a few new altar cloths, and restock some teas as well as try a few I’ve been eyeing.


Ohh thanks for letting me know! I’ll have to give it all a look :eyes:


:hushed: Oh my, thanks for the heads up! I love windowshopping their store. :heart:


You beat me to it! I got the email earlier today too! I was like… that Moon Deck… & I’m sure I will find something else… I always do :joy:


Gif from Giphy

Hooray for enabling! :laughing: Don’t mind me- just gonna peek in and drool over all of Tamed Wild’s beautiful witchy goodies :eyes:

Thanks for the heads up on the sale, Amaris! :handshake: :smile: :two_hearts:


So, not only did I get the Wild Moon Deck… I got the most perfect altar cloth for my main altar. It aligns so well with the direction my practice is taking me. Sometimes those emails are too irresistable to pass by… I get it :joy:

I mean I couldn’t just stop there, since I am waiting for certain items to start appearing for my fall/winter crafting at Michael’s, I turned to Etsy.

I found… the Morrigan Oracle Deck… I couldn’t let that one slide! I’ve been waiting for someone to have those since last October! So as far as my husband knows, my subscription box is on it’s way :rofl:


Haha, same!!


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