This Poor Little Earth

As some celestial bodies goes, our little planet is still in her infancy.
At 450-/+.05 billion years old. And our poor baby has been through more than you can imagine. From its creation, through at lease 5 extinction level events. It’s more than any ‘baby’ should have to endure.

  1. The Ordovician Mass Extinction
    When: The Ordovician Period of the Paleozoic Era
    (about 440 million years ago)
    Size of the Extinction: Up to 85% of all living species eliminated
    Suspected Cause or Causes: Continental drift & subsequent climate change.
  2. The Devonian Mass Extinction
    When: The Devonian Period of Paleozoic Era
    (abt 375 million years ago)
    Size of the Extinction: Nearly 80% of all living species eliminated.
    Suspected Cause or Causes: Lack of oxygen in the oceans, quick cooling of air temperatures, volcanic eruptions and/or meteor strikes.
  3. The Permian Mass Extinction
    When: The Permian Period - Paleozoic Era (abt. 250 million years ago)
    Size of the Extinction: An estimated 96% of all living species gone.
    Suspected Cause or Cause Unknown—possibly asteroid strikes, volcanic activity, climate change, and microbes.
  4. The Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction
    When: The end of Triassic Period of Mesozoic Era
    (abt 200 million years ago)
    Size of the Extinction: More than half of all living species eliminated.
    Suspected Cause or Causes: Major volcanic activity with basalt flooding, global climate change, & changing pH & sea levels of the oceans.
  5. The K-T Mass Extinction
    When: The end of the Cretaceous Period of the Mesozoic Era
    (about 65 million years ago)
    Size of the Extinction: Nearly 75% of all living species eliminated
    Suspected Cause or Causes: Extreme asteroid or meteor impact.

Poor little girl, so much trauma in her short life. But is that the end of her suffering? Sigh.
Apparently not, the 6th mass extinction is about to if not happening right now, cause? The apex predators…
Is there hope? Maybe, if man learns to listen the earth upon which they stand. Listen to the oceans before they’re fished out or the sky before the smog and pollution is so thick that birds can no longer fly.
Is there an answer, if so what?

Merry Christmas, Joyous Winter solstice. & a Happy, Hopeful New Year.
Love and respect to all of you.
Barbara Beverly AKA: Garnet


So we are overdue already for another one.

She needs another one. Cause we humans are a virus on this beautiful earth.