Thought Provoking - Emotions

This is a great discussion! :star_struck: While it is true that emotions lead to higher levels of energy and passion, I personally think it is preferable to cast spells, rituals, and any other magick asking or dealing with an outside influence with a clear and calm state of mind.

There’s an interesting article called High Emotion Magic: Bonus or Bad News? from the Witch at the Crossroads on Patheos that weighs the pros and cons of emotional magic. It’s a great read, but here’s a quote that somewhat sums up her overall take on this issue:

Neutrality and objective openness allow us to accept all possible outcomes and not feed energy into the worst; therefore, any magic done in the face of fear should come from a position of faith rather than from panic.

from Katrina Rasbold’s article: High Emotion Magic

On the flip side, I absolutely have used magick- in the form of meditation and visualization- during times of emotional turbulence. The caveat being that I was using these techniques to calm myself down and try to regain a clear sense of mind :dove: .

I think that removing yourself from a high-energy situation and retreating to your inner temple can be a great way to both distance yourself from thoughts coming from a natural ‘fight or flight’ response and try to calm your mindset :woman_in_lotus_position:

It can be tempting to turn to magick when we want things to go our way! I think we have a responsibility as witches to always practice responsibility and consider the possible outcomes (and potential regret of emotional casting!).

Really great discussion to have- thanks for bringing it up, @SilverBear! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: