I want to cast The Truth spell but I has multiple people and some of them are not by me but it’s also for somebody that’s close to me I don’t want them to start speaking the truth to her is there a way that I can do a true spell and have all of them done at once instead of doing it separately and include people that are lying to me
You can. You just need to write all the names on a piece of paper nor mention all the names in your spell. However you are doing it. In my experience tho, doing a spell on multiple people that are all in different places makes the spell weaker. You will have better results doing them separately.
I just want to make sure I understand before answering. Do you want to cast a truth spell on multiple people to make them tell the truth? And then cast a separate spell to make someone not tell the truth?
Here’s another idea, if you’re game:
I cast truth spells on myself. People don’t always think of such things. I end up seeing truth around me, whether the liars speak their truth or not. It lets me know what I can work with without forcing others against their will. Sometimes the truth comes to me in unexpected ways or from other directions, so I am able to discern it to be a deeper truth than I would have believed otherwise.
This is attractive to me. I’m very reluctant to cast a spell on anyone for anything.
Try it and see how it feels for you.
Many other spells are focused upon myself, too. I figure the cause/effect/3x3 will affect me anyway, so why not cast upon myself and see what happens. At best, it eliminates the middleman and reduces the time it takes to manifest. At worst, I learn why the answer is no. If I am leery to cast this upon myself, it isn’t worth the expenditure, so why waste the time and energy emoting over it?
I haven’t had to cast a truth spell yet but can say my ex husband was and still is a liar. And I kno when he’s lying and funny thing is I kno when his family is lying as well to. My intuition senses have became stronger then before. And now lately I notice and feel before someone says anything. Even when I was working I caught on to how others were and kept quite knowing how I knew what I knew and I did have an employee try to throw me under the bus cuz they made a mistake and tried to blame me for what they did cuz they knew if they got caught they would get fired right away. Well when the boss asked me about it I told them the truth cuz they also had cameras running all the time and after they talked to me they finally looked at the cameras and the person that blamed me got fired and then after they investigated everyone and found out I spoke truth no one can face and once they found out I speak the truth and I’m not going down for someone’s mistakes they trusted me more then ever and I never had to deal with it again. And the other employees found out don’t even try it and they all left me alone cuz I did a better job then everyone else and found out after I had to quite due to my kids not set for a daycare and no baby sitter not long after I quite they had to hire fast cuz after I quite a lot more employees ended up quitting after they found out I quite. But trust me I have a few truth spells ready just in case I actually need to use them.