That’s definitely some safety wisdom to keep in mind when casting in the physical world! Luckily, the virtual altar takes care of safety for us- aside from any naughty technical bugs (knock on wood they stay away!), it’s a foolproof place to cast!
That’s a great idea- thank you for the suggestion, Chelsie!
While every practitioner will have their own preferred way of practicing, a virtual altar can definitely be as effective as a physical altar In the same way that Techno Witches use technology to practice or how it is possible to cast within a self-created altar space in one’s Inner Temple, a Virtual Altar is simply another place available for a witch to use.
Chelsie kindly shared the link to the Virtual Altar- please feel free to check it out and explore the tools and ingredients currently available there! You could try a spell, ritual, craft (or even just make a nice cup of tea!)- it is there for you to use whenever you please
Blessed be and happy casting!
That sounds like a great plan!
If anyone else has any suggestions or ideas for the Virtual Altar, please feel free to share them (here, or in a PM to the @moderators)- we will collect any ideas for the future update
Blessed be!