🕑 Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up!

Good morning again everyone! Yay a Catch Up! I have done my entry in the main forum

Born Under Waning Crescent Moon - Challenge Entry

I am doing the :compass: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE- Celestial Exploration! & then going forward any catch ups that I do will be a multiple of that badge! How exciting! :partying_face:

(I don’t know why collecting badges is a thing, but it’s fun for me. So many options if I ever decide to change mine :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

I will have to go through the list again & see if there is another that I would like to revisit this week. I really enjoy these for learning new things & practicing what I already know. It’s been quite the journey since last July!


I’ve decided to do the Holiday Cheer and the Books, Tomes, and Tales challenges.

I wasn’t sure what to do for the Holiday Cheer, but then I thought of the Yule Cat. The tale was a reminder for me to be grateful for all the clothes my parents got me for Christmas. As a child, I would pretend to like them and then quickly move on to the presents from Santa, which were almost always toys. Now, as an adult, I welcome getting a new pair of jeans or socks. Because toys won’t keep you warm throughout the winter.

With this in mind, I’m thinking of blessing my wardrobe. So that during the holiday season, with all the pressure from retailers to buy, I won’t be greedy and always remember to be grateful for the things that I have and for the gifts others are able to give me.

For the Books, Tomes, and Tales, I’m looking on books about dragons. A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan details how dragons could have existed in our world. It’s 352 pages, so it might take me awhile to read. Then again, it’s about dragons, so it might not take that long. :laughing:

There is also a book called Dracopedia by William O’Connor, which teaches readers about 85 dragons from around the world.


YAY!! Now to decide which one?


Dragon magic it is then!


Oakey Dokey Artichokey… I have decided on the two challenges that I would like to try. I am going to try Moon Magick - Moon Witch and The Veil Between Worlds - Witch of the Veil

I have made my decision based upon some cards that seem to keep popping up for me when I am practicing.

I am going to try two things that were shared by some of our amazing fellow coven members: The Mirror Gazing Technique that was shared by @Moonshadow and for the Full Moon Eclipse night, The Full Moon Release that was shared by @SilverBear.

I am going to try and communicate with my deceased Dad (He passed when I was 8) and/or my Granddad who practically raised me with my Nan when Dad died as mum had to go back to work. I could really do with their support and guidance to help me keep moving forward in my path of healing from my horrible narcissistic and toxic ex. I need to let go of all of the negativity that surrounds my ex. Give myself the best chance at a happy ending. So that’s the plan.


The Spell-ing Bee

My Cobalt Bell spell for healing

**There is no need for Phase of moon

Time doesn’t matter, neither morning or evening nor even at noon

Thou will be heard, with as much love as thou sends

Ask now thy boon for a person to mend.

Cast thou a circle of protection

Light ye a candle as white as new snow

With the power of all colors, to show.

My intent is to heal, one who is sick.

With Thy Devine will, that one, Thou shalt pick
I light ___ ___ incense and enjoy the smell

And with a pure heart, I cast this spell.

No wand is needed, only a Cobalt Bell.

Sweetly singing to the cosmos with its knell
To my beloved Mother I call.

And to God Consort, the Guardian of all

A greater love there has never been

In thy joy, bless _________, and help them mend.
No greater gift from Thou is life.

Blessed by Thou, though the world is in strife.

Grant us all peace as ________is made well

In utmost gratitude, I again ring my Cobalt Bell.
I put out my candle and let the incense burn down.

As this has been spoken and now written down

I bow to my Gods and kiss my Cobalt bell

So it will be with sickness to quell

As above, so below.

As I have spoken, So it shall be.

Garnet, Blessed by Dragons.
PS: My old English is rusty, any grammatical errors are strictly mine. :upside_down_face:

I inherited my Cobalt Bell from my husbands Aunt, *
**Josephine Beverly when she passed. *
Thanks Aunt Jo, we still miss you. :broken_heart:


Yay, this is so fun! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Is is SO fun. It reminds me of Girl Scouts (although I was only a Brownie).


So I chose Peering Into Past Lives as my first–

I took the Past Life Regression Test and my Lesson from my past life is to learn to be more grounded. I could definitely see this! Especially after taking an Enneagram test and learning my personality is a strong 6 ( The Loyalist).
I struggle a lot with making changes and also letting me be me. I focus a LOT on how others would perceive me. This is honestly a thing that runs very deep for me as it rules my life in many ways. I can barely stand being out in public because I always feel as though I’m being watched and being judged behind silent laughter. I don’t wear the things I like, because other people don’t wear them ( my favorite outfit is my black crop top with the sun and moon on it, and a pair of Alladin-style yoga pants. It looks great and it’s SO comfy) add in the sprinkles of perfectionism be it in my test scores (I beat myself up over any score less than 90%) or in my art (one layer of shading not working right? Better delete the whole DeviantArt account because it’s trash! – I’m not joking. I actually did this over the summer.)

This challenge has now piqued my interest into exploring my past lives further, to learn more about why I am the way I am :slight_smile: I enjoyed this one!

My next entry will be for the Holistic Magick: A Witch’s Apothecary!


@Velle great entry! Thank you for sharing with us.

I can relate & do more than a few of the same things that you do. (Also, a work in progress.) Over the last year & a few months, I have worked on some pretty difficult things & I am having some great results. I am very happy with myself overall! I’ve come a long way. :hugs: I think as time moves forward & you progress, things will start making more sense & understanding how to be authentically you will happen as you learn more & can work on things how you feel comfortable. :two_hearts:


I am soo excited about this one! And I’m so glad we get to do two! I will definitely be doing the crystal healer challenge and the tarot reader one!! Yay! Happy Wednesday, all! :heart: :sparkles: :purple_heart:


Yay! I only need the aura reader one and I’ll be good to go! Not to figure out how to do that. LOL!


@Garnet ~ Oh, I love this so much!! You rock! :grin: :heart: :sparkles:


The Aura Challenge was a good 1 too! I just had Cosmic Exploration to do & now I’ve done them all at least once! I agree it’s very exciting to complete them. :two_hearts:


Can you do that?


I’m very excited but scared because I couldn’t think of anything to do with this challenge in the first place. I guess I’m going to try to see my own aura. I just hope I’ve not got clashing polka dots in it or something confusing!


Challenge Entry 1 of 2 for: The Veil between Worlds - Witch of the Veil:

I only just remembered that I did this…

Date: Saturday 13th November 2021:

My brand new crystal pendulums and boards arrived last week and I was playing with them, getting to know them, talking to them, bonding with them, you know the usual.

I don’t know where it came from but I had an idea:

Communicating with the Spirits of the Dead with a Pendulum and Board:

Then I decided to try a little pendulum work with my dark pendulum board and Black Tourmaline pendulum in an attempt to have some simple communication. I don’t feel comfortable using an Ouija board.

(I have 2, 1 dark board and 1 light board. I use a Black Tourmaline pendulum on my dark board and a Smokey Quartz pendulum on my light board) - I dunno I just figured some pendulum work you need to ask some much more darker things and at other times your questions are much lighter. - Maybe that’s an idea for future shadow work for later? Sorry got completely off topic there.

I made myself a circle of protection using alternating pieces of Black Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz for protection, grounding and to banish any negativity.

Anywho, this is what I did…

I placed photos of my late Dad and Granddad on my altar and lit a purple candle for each of them.

I spent some time in quiet meditation just simply trying to envision communicating with them, trying to remember their voices, what would they say to me?

When I felt ready I began to use my pendulum and board:

I asked:

Are there any spirits present here with me? Answer: Yes
Are they good spirits? Answer: Yes
How many spirits are there here with me? - Is there one spirit? Answer: No
Are there two spirits? Answer: No
Are there 3 spirits? Answer: Yes
Is one spirit my Dad? Answer: Yes
Is one spirit my Granddad? Answer: Yes
Is one spirit my sister? Answer: No - my mum and dad lost her when she was 3 months old before I was born
Is the other spirit another family member? Answer: Yes
Do these spirits watch over me? Answer: Yes
Do they know that I miss them? Answer: Yes
Do they know what has happened between me and him? Answer: Yes
Do they think that I am going to feel this way forever? Answer: No
Are they here to help me? Answer: Yes

Now I have to admit as I still am very much a baby witch I completely freaked myself out. So I stopped it there. Not freaked out at having spirits present - just at myself - I was surprised at my own abilities (not to toot my own horn) but I have never seen my pendulum behave the way that it did like that before. It was almost looking like it was vibrating or pulsing but it was answering my questions like normal but it was shaking like leaf. My hand was completely still and relaxed. Maybe I had formed a real connection with it? I dunno I almost felt like I was in some sort of a trance. Maybe I was transferring energy into my pendulum? I was completely exhausted and drained afterwards but I felt safe in the knowledge that they were there with me. It is something that I am going to keep working at.


Your aura will be beautiful, just like you!


@Garnet hello. Can I do what? I missed something lol


can you do more than one challenge at a time?