šŸ‘ļøā€šŸ—Ø Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Honing Your Magickal Senses

Challenge entry for Amethyst

This one was a difficult one for me because Iā€™m working on my psychic abilities and not being so head-blind. Mostly I work on opening my third eye when I work with my tarot and divination cards. I think I was empathic as a child and I tuned it out because my school years were a torment starting from kindergarten on up. I had to develop shields to survive and I donā€™t know how I did it so itā€™s difficult letting them down.

Mostly though I focus on my third eye when drawing my cards, imagining it as a purple swirl in front of my head that lands between my eyes on my forehead and then opens into an eye. This seems to be working because Iā€™ve been connecting to my cards more. Iā€™m really pleased.

Iā€™d like to work more on Claircognizance: Psychic knowing or clear knowing personally. Not quite sure how to do it, but that seems to be useful to me. Iā€™m reading a book on intuition so Iā€™m hoping it will help!


Ughā€¦I feel like this challenge is so perfect for me but my brain decided last week that it was going to take a few jumps back. Iā€™m still trying so hopefully Iā€™ll be able to come up with something

If nothing else, Iā€™m loving reading everyoneā€™s entries



After seeing @starborn 's entry using @georgia 's post about them senses 23 Senses, Not 5, i decided to use it as sort of a self evaluation of which senses resonate and which do not.

Touch - my ritual oil on my finger, touching the heads of my statues each morning, the shuffling of my tarot and oracle cards, the smoothness of my palo santo sticks

Taste - the taste of my teas, the cake at the end of a ritual, the wine or beer offerings on my altar

Smell - the smell of the herbs used in my teas, the essential oils in my diffuser, the incense burning on my altar

Sight - the candles burning on my altar, the ash of the incense crumbling, the flowers blooming and dying on my altar, the eyes of my statues looking back at me.

Hearing - crackling coming from candles, Egyptian music in the background, reciting prayers and chants, reading out spells

Space. A feeling of a barrier being broken when people get too close, almost like they have breached my personal circle and have left a gap that allows energy to escape.

Time - my sense of timing isnt always great. What feels like hours half passed when in reality its been 1 hour.

Being watched - when the hairs on my neck stand up or when I catch a glimpse of that shadow over my shoulder

Heat/cold. I can sense the warmth or coldness.of a room.in terms of the mood or atmosphere. I sense when it is time to leave

Danger. I would say that this is probably more linked to.my anxiety and worry of things happening more than a genuine sense of danger.

Rightness/wrongness. This is one that I cannot resonate with really. I dont have experience of just knowing that something should or shouldnt be done.

Future. Again, not one that i can relate to.

Spirits. I get the feeling that someone is beside me.or behind me. I have even felt them ā€œtouchā€ me.

Personality. I can tell from.some.people that they are a genuinely good person. Similarly, i also.get a quicm sense that someone is worth avoiding, without knowing much about them.

Soul - i remember playing on a rope swing as a child (about age 11) I remember it going astray and the swing went around the tree. I fell backwards and it was about a 15ft drop to the ground. But i still remember the feeling of hands on my shoulders and that thrust that pushed me back up to the point I was able to grab back onto the rope. Something much bigger than me as a human being acted that day.

Clairvoyance- i have seen a man at the bottom.of.my bed when i was younger. A photo of my great grandfather (who I never met) bore stiking resemblence. When meditating, I have saw my brother, uncle and even Osiris. In dreams, my grandpa interrupted my dream to say hello - almost like a movie being paused.

Clairaudience- i have heard my brothers voice in that stage between sleep and being awake. I have heard Osiris and Isis durong meditation. I heard my grandpa speak when he paused my dream.

Clairsentience- touch- i suppose this would.match with that sense of an unseen figure touching me as mentioned earlier.

Clairgutience- Flavor- i cannot relate to this

Clairsalience. I occasionally smell.engine oil - my brother was a mechanic

Claircognizance. Sometimes I have passed this off as just coincidence or common sense. Maybe it isnā€™t.

Empathy - i am an empathetic person and show care and concern for others, howerver, I would not call myself an empath.

Energy i know when it is going to rain. I say that to the kids in my class ans they ask how i knowā€¦i say i can smell it. This might actually link to the clairsalience. As mentioned I can also feel the enrfy of a room and know when it is time to make an exit. There is also that tingle, almost shudder, when choosing a tarot or oracle card when my had hovers over a particular card.

Completing this let me see that perhaps i have more than 5 senses at work in my life (although not all 23). I found this a really worthwhile task.

Blessed be



Oh, I really am enjoying this format. :smile: Itā€™s nice to see what you experience or think about each of them.

As much as I was too tired when I did mine, I found the same.

Thanks, @georgia! :black_heart:


:grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation: :grey_exclamation: :exclamation:

Itā€™s time for a friendly reminder:

:exclamation: This challenge will soon close :exclamation:

If you would like to participate and havenā€™t done so already, please post about your challenge experience(s) by the deadline:

ā†’ Tuesday, Nov 21st at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time)

If you havenā€™t already shared an entry but would like to join in, this is your friendly reminder that you still have a bit of time left to do so!

Blessed Be! :eye_in_speech_bubble: :sparkles:


I did not include these as senses because I consider them abilities. Talents and skills use our abilities, and can be developed with practice. These may not be things we were born with, but which have been developed via creative survival experience or curiosity.

There are so many talents and skills that I thought Iā€™d leave them for another time. It, also, might be a good challenge if @BryWisteria is interested. A lot of people donā€™t like to brag about their abilities, but answering a challenge about them might invite others to explore talents they never accepted or maybe never knew they hadā€¦ and give further ideas for future challenges.

Iā€™m sure my list of such skills is incomplete. Each person will have their favorites, their specialties, which individualizes their purpose in life and their experiences.


I agree. :smile: All I meant was that itā€™s supported by the use of the senses already talked about, so I made it relevant that way. Although Iā€™m not sure which senses support it for me, exactly. Perhaps the energy one could be one of them, especially for those who feel a sensation when theyā€™re hovering over the ā€œrightā€ card. I donā€™t really get a physical sensation, though. :thinking: Itā€™s more that ā€œknowingā€ one listed, I guess.

Thatā€™s how using your list helped me talk about senses, so Iā€™m sure it would be great for at least some others with abilities, too! Including me. :smile: :black_heart:


I like how people are using this challenge to get to know themselves better! Great job everyone! I know it is difficult, since we are putting our focus on something we use so much that we take it for granted. I hope that even after this challenge is closed, we can continue the work of getting to know our own senses and abilities better every day.

Blessings Be


Eeekkkā€¦ I have to get on this today. @georgia I like it too & was heading in the same or similar direction going through your post on the 23 Senses.

I have the same thought pattern around senses, abilities, & skills. They can work with each other develop or further your abilities skills :hugs:

Iā€™m excited to look at it & go through them. My intuition & empath/HSP things is continually a work in progress as things come up for me that I am working on. Learning that some were either responses to a past experience, my own, as well as someone else then needing to be able to separate & almost figure out where it was coming from & how to manage themā€¦ was quite the initial adventure. Now sometimes remembering to do so & figuring out the bes techniques that work for me is an ever evolving set of learning. As I work through things & life happens, different techniques work better than others & sometimes need to be edited or switched up.

Enough on that :laughing: I still have to write up my challenge entry :rofl:


You can do it! :black_heart:


Good point. They keep us on our toes so we donā€™t focus on one to the detriment of others or use up the one tool so it breaks down or doesnā€™t work anymore.


Challenge entry:

Iā€™d say that the senses I tend to pick up are claircognizance for as far as reading people itā€™s a feeling or sensing energy.

I have some others that I feel may come back in time which are clairaudience or scent. Phantom smells.
Also clairaudience is coming to me more recently. Iā€™m pretty sure that hearing voices telepathically falls in this category.

Also some touch I believe as well too. I feel things touch me. Even When I meditate it always feels like something is touching me when I start to get deep. I want to scratch that itch so bad. I read donā€™t scratch it or you give into your bratty conscious mind. Gotta ignore it to get deep but I usually canā€™t ignore it. .


Challenge Entry

Iā€™ve recently taken an interest in exploring The Sixth Sense further, as itā€™s an area I havenā€™t deeply explored in my practice yet, despite finding it intriguing. Last weekā€™s Group Ritual seemed to align with this interest, particularly as I engaged in a meditation aimed at opening my third eye. Iā€™m particularly keen on delving into dream work moving forward. During my exploration of the Sixth Sense, hereā€™s what Iā€™ve discovered so far:

Exploring the Extraordinary: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Sixth Sense :star2:

The human experience is a tapestry of sensations, perceptions, and emotions. We often rely on our five primary sensesā€”sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touchā€”to navigate the world around us. Yet, beyond these well-known avenues of perception, there exists a realm of extraordinary senses that captivate our imaginationā€”the enigmatic realm of the sixth sense. :brain::sparkles:

The Quest for Understanding

The concept of the sixth sense has fascinated humanity for centuries, shrouded in mystique and intrigue. It transcends the tangible, offering a glimpse into the intangible and the unexplained. While the traditional five senses are widely acknowledged and understood, the sixth sense delves into the uncharted territory of extrasensory perception (ESP), intuition, and awareness beyond the physical realm. :milky_way::crystal_ball:

Unraveling the Layers of Perception

Intuition: The Silent Guide :thinking::star2:

Intuition, often referred to as a gut feeling or instinct, is perhaps the most recognized aspect of the sixth sense. Itā€™s that inexplicable sensation that guides us, sometimes against logic or reason, nudging us toward a decision or warning us of impending danger. Whether in everyday life or critical moments, intuition serves as an inner compass, steering us in directions our conscious mind might not comprehend. :compass::thought_balloon:

Extrasensory Perception: Beyond the Ordinary :star2::mag:

ESP encompasses a range of abilities that seem to defy conventional explanation. Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychometry are among the phenomena attributed to the sixth sense. People claiming these abilities perceive information or events beyond the scope of the standard senses, often sparking debates between skeptics and believers. :eye_in_speech_bubble::crystal_ball:

Sensing Energy: Tuning into the Unseen :globe_with_meridians::cyclone:

Some suggest that the sixth sense involves an awareness of energies that elude conventional detection. For instance, empaths claim an acute sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others, while practitioners of alternative medicine explore the notion of auras and energy fields surrounding living beings. :rainbow::sparkles:

Nurturing the Sixth Sense

Can the sixth sense be honed or developed? While science grapples with validating these phenomena, individuals explore practices like meditation, mindfulness, and energy work to heighten their intuitive faculties. Cultivating an open mind, embracing mindfulness techniques, and fostering self-awareness are often cited as pathways toward tapping into this mysterious dimension of perception. :woman_in_lotus_position::seedling:

Navigating Skepticism and Belief

The exploration of the sixth sense inevitably invites skepticism. The absence of concrete scientific evidence challenges its legitimacy in the eyes of many. Yet, personal experiences and anecdotal evidence continue to fuel the belief in these extraordinary senses, prompting ongoing investigations and studies to unravel their mysteries. :thinking::microscope:

Embracing the Unseen

While the sixth sense remains a tantalizing enigma, its presence in our lives cannot be denied. Whether through subtle intuitive nudges or inexplicable experiences, it adds layers of depth and wonder to our understanding of human perception and consciousness. :star2::milky_way:

In a world brimming with undiscovered mysteries, the sixth sense beckons us to embrace the unknown, encouraging us to look beyond the tangible and explore the boundless realms of human potential and perception. :rocket::mag:


The sixth senseā€”be it intuition, extrasensory perception, or an awareness of energiesā€”continues to captivate the human psyche, inviting us on an endless journey of exploration and contemplation. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of human perception, perhaps the true essence of the sixth sense lies not just in its elusive nature but in the profound sense of wonder and curiosity it instills within us. :exploding_head::star2:

In the pursuit of understanding the sixth sense, we may discover not only the mysteries of the unseen but also the limitless potential of the human mind and spirit. :dizzy::thought_balloon:

What are your thoughts on the sixth sense? Have you experienced moments that transcend the conventional senses, nudging you toward a belief in something beyond? Share your thoughts; letā€™s unravel this intriguing phenomenon together! :speech_balloon::globe_with_meridians:


Challenge Entry

I would say I have intuition and I can sense energies as I often get feelings of good or bad things that are about to happen. I usually sit and meditate and have some dragons blood burning and light a candle and listen to music which is of a Celtic feel and I sometimes have visions of colours and itā€™s usually from the colours I sense whither itā€™s a good one or a bad feeling and to prepare myself. Just the other day I had a feeling my mother in law was about to pass as I got a sore head and felt nausea coming. Within hours sadly she passed. So I decided to light a candle and pray for her and asked Hecate to protect her. I managed to say everything I wanted to say before she left this world and have written a poem which will be placed beside her. She is no longer in pain and I feel she is now at peace. Here is my poem which came to me during meditation.

Here I stand beside you, alone not I

Your body in an eternal sleep

I shall not cry, nor shall I weep.

As we share the wonderful memories

We thank you for your guidance

We thank you for always being there

We love you and will always care.

Lost we may be, but here we stand

Loving you for giving us a helping hand.

Though the rain may fall

The sun may shine

I will not weep

I will not mourn

Close your eyes my friend

you are now free

No more pain

Only love and light, will remain

I feel now at peace as I know she is now no longer suffering. Sad it may be but she will never be forgotten. The feeling of relief has washed over me and I can now begin to heal. )0(


I am sorry for your loss @kirsty4 That was a beautiful poem, written in her honor. Thank you for sharing.


-Challenge Entry-

Hey there, Iā€™m new to challenges (this is my first one) so Iā€™m not quite sure if Iā€™m doing this right; Iā€™m honestly just winging it right now.

But for me, I have been working on my Clairaudience lately. So I tend to isolate myself in my room, light some incense, and just listen for whatever may come. Sometimes itā€™s just ringing in my right ear, other times I swear I hear voices; but I canā€™t quite make out the words.
Iā€™ve started journaling my thoughts and experiences and have found a ā€œslightā€ pattern. For example: If I get a high pitched ringing in my right ear, I feel like I hear a conversation going on in the far distance on my left side.

If anyone has some knowledge in this realm, please feel free to reply and guide me or give tips/tricks.

Thank you!!
:blue_heart: B


Donā€™t worry. You did it perfectly. :black_heart:


Thank you so much!


@kirsty4 that was beautiful :people_hugging:

@B.Dane you did a great job as @starborn said, I will have to look into working on Clair-Audience, as itā€™s something Iā€™ve always just had, whether or not I realized it or paid attention. For me usually for any of them, I have to be in a routine the involves grounding & having a clear mind so to speak as well managing other things as well as my own protections from interference from others or situations or energy.

Normally, when Iā€™m on the other side of dealing with things that have come upā€¦ its a natural part of my day.

  • I use intentional clearing breaths
  • calming music
  • meditations - including progressive muscle relaxation, guided, & music usually with something in at least 1 of my hands
  • walking barefoot or working with my hands in the dirt/soil/sand (yard, beach, nature)
  • sitting & taking in or noticing my surroundings outside with breathwork

Different things like those. There are others but at the moment, those are what immediately come to mind.

I did get to posting my entry finally & it took longer than intendedā€¦ so if I repeat myself, my apologiesā€¦ Iā€™m a bit tired this evening :laughing: If you make it through its entirety, thank you :blush:

ā†’ Weekly Witchy Challenge Honing Senses - Challenge Entry


I have a clear

I just know thereā€™s a clear understanding and I canā€™t really tell you what it is because itā€™s super personal but I am using my senses.
This is going to to be a interesting one