:drinking_horn: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Nordic Traditions and Magick

Challenge Entry - Nordic Traditions and Magick

This isn’t a pantheon I’ve worked with before and don’t know the lore very well so this challenge would be working outside my wheelhouse.

I decided to combine a current personal quest and this challenge using things I already know and am comfortable working with - Runes, Tarot and Meditation.

The first thing I did was to create:

Runic transformation ritual

  • I chose the runes Dagaz (representing dawn, transformation, and clarity) and Eihwaz (representing endurance, resilience, transformation, and connection between life and death).
  • I cleansed my space with palo santo and meditated for a few minutes to ground myself.
  • Then I invoked the Norse gods, tracing the rune patterns in my mind and asking for help releasing old pattern and embracing new possibilities.

Tarot Spread inspired by the Norns

The Norns are the Norse goddesses of fate. From the brief research I looked into some sources say they are associated with past, present and future while others maintain they are only associated with fate and destiny.

(Arthur Rackham illustration)

I chose to do a three-card spread and to use the past/present/future aspect.

  1. Urd (Past) - What past influences need to be acknowledged or released?
  2. Verdandi (Present) - What current changes are happening and how should they be approached?
  3. Skuld (Future) - What future opportunities or challenges will arise from embracing change?

I chose my The Raven’s Dream tarot deck as it seemed the most appropriate one for this task.

And as always my lack of confidence in reading tarot publically prevails and I won’t be sharing my interpretation.

Yggdrasil Meditation for Embracing Change

source- wikipedia

Yggdrasil, the World Tree, connects all realms and represents the interconnectedness of life and cycles of change.

I have included the meditation along with some images I created for it

Yggdrasil Meditation for Embracing Change

Close your eyes and begin to visualize roots growing from your feet, reaching deep into the earth and connecting you to Midgard, the realm of humans. Feel the stability and grounding energy of these roots as they intertwine with the roots of Yggdrasil, the immense World Tree. Picture yourself standing at the base of this ancient tree, feeling its powerful presence. The bark is rough and strong under your touch, and you can sense the pulsating life energy within it.

(AI Generated)

Imagine descending into the roots of Yggdrasil. The air becomes cooler and more earthy as you move downward, finding yourself in a cavernous space where the Norns—Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld—reside. These wise beings weave the threads of fate beside a well of shimmering water. Approach Urd, who holds the threads of the past. Her presence is ancient and wise. Ask her to reveal past influences that still affect you, visualizing these influences as threads of light or shadow. Thank Urd for her wisdom.

Next, move to Verdandi, who weaves the threads of the present. Her energy is vibrant and dynamic. Ask her to show you the changes happening now, seeing these changes as bright, moving threads. Thank Verdandi for her insights. Finally, approach Skuld, who holds the threads of the future. Her aura is mysterious and full of potential. Ask her what future transformations await you, visualizing these as glowing, potential-filled threads. Thank Skuld for her guidance.

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Visualize yourself moving upwards through the trunk of Yggdrasil. The bark is sturdy and supportive, and the light changes as you ascend, filtering through the leaves. Reach a broad, strong branch representing Midgard. Stand on this branch, looking out over the vast expanse of the world. Reflect on your current life and the changes you are experiencing. Feel the branch supporting you as you navigate these transformations.

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Continue climbing, feeling the air becoming lighter and more ethereal. The leaves rustle softly, whispering ancient secrets. Ascend to the high branches where Asgard, the realm of the gods, resides. The atmosphere here is filled with a golden light. Imagine meeting Odin, the All-Father, sitting by a wise old oak. He looks at you with deep, knowing eyes. Ask Odin for guidance on how to embrace and navigate your current changes. Listen to his advice, which might come as words, images, or feelings. Feel his wisdom infusing your being, offering you strength and clarity.

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Gently guide yourself back down through the branches, past the trunk, and finally to the roots. The journey downward is smooth, and you carry with you the wisdom and insights gained. Reconnect with the roots of Yggdrasil, feeling the grounding energy once again. Collect any final insights and messages from the journey. Thank the spirits and deities for their guidance.

Reaffirm your connection with Midgard, feeling the earth’s stability beneath you. Take a few deep breaths, slowly bringing yourself back to full awareness.

and last but not least I created a

Bind Rune for Accepting Change

I chose Dagaz, Eihwaz, and Raido (journey) and created a combined symbol that I will hand-drawn and laminate to carry with me.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 13-00-59 Rune Overlay Display