:sun: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Solstice Festivities of Light

@chaitea43 It’s really lovely! :heart: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :full_moon: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

@Karma Everything looks absolutely beautiful- and what a lovely candle spell ritual! :candle: Also, banada bread is always a win in my book- I am sure your mother was grateful for the tasty treat :heart::bread: :banana:

No worries at all! After a challenge closes, the discussion remains open over the weekend for continued conversation and late entries- as long as the thread isn’t locked (you’ll see a little padlock :lock: next to the title and no new posts can be added) you are free and welcome to chat away! :blush:

Having said that, something special is happening this week- every 10 challenges there is “Catch-Up Challenge”, where all challenges that had been closed are open again. And that’s happening this week!

Your entry here @Karma (and actually looking back @chaitea43 and @carrie4 as well- @Alarm, I know you already shared a lovely Solstice entry in the new challenge!) although late for last week’s challenge, could actually be counted towards the current Catch-Up Challenge (here is a link to the new challenge if you’d like to check it out: The Hundredth Challenge :100:)

If you would like, please let me know and I will be happy to count these entries- you will receive the badge prize as well as a shout-out when the current challenge closes! :partying_face:

(And apologies if any of that was confusing- I know it is a lot of information all at once! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!)