šŸŽ‡ Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Spell Swap Meet

Iā€™m not sure if this is admissible in this category, but Iā€™ve been reading the BOS of ā€œSandgroanā€ online. His BOS is free for personal non-commercial use.
It is phrased in a delightful rendition of old English. Myth, Fantasy, or dream, itā€™s a joy to read.
Iā€™m only uploading one page and posting the address to find the rest.



Does anyone remember who posted this?

Star Goddess

Star Goddess, I ask that you illuminate this Dragon statue

and fill it with your power, so it may ever watch over this

place that is so sacred to me.

Holy Mother

In you we live, move and have our life.

From all things you emerge, and unto you all things return.

I found it while going through a bunch of papers I saved and want to give you full credit in my BOS, its a lovely piece.
It was hand written.
Found out who wrote this. It was our own Colin. Havenā€™t heard from you in a while, you still out there?


Thank you dear Garnet! That was beautiful :heart:


Was it yours C4


This spell comes from ā€˜ The Little Book of Moon Magicā€™ by Sarah Bartlett

The book was a gift for my birthday from my amazing mum.

ā€˜Wish for Just a Little More Moneyā€™

You will need: Your journal and a pen.

For this wish, during the Waxing Moon period, you need to write down exactly how much money you would like.

1. In your journal, write: ā€˜Dear Moon, please bring me (x amount of money) by the next New Moon. Thank you for your support and help.ā€™

2. Repeat your wish four times to align to each of the main lunar phases.

As long as you truly believe in receiving this (realistic) amount, you will.

I followed the instructions sort of. Only difference was I decided to complete my 1st journal entry on the Full Moon night of October 31st in 2020. I asked for $500.00 to help pay a bill.

Anyways I ended up winning $7.10 on a lotto ticket a couple of days after that.

On the 2nd of November 2020 I won just over $340.00 on a bet that I made on our biggest national horse race, ā€œThe Melbourne Cupā€. I only bet once a year itā€™s a little tradition that I have with the girls at work and I usually do terribly and donā€™t win a thing.

But did I complete the ritual and finish the last 3 journal entries? No I got lazy.

This was last year before I was fully committed to the craft. I was just dabbling back then and I didnā€™t fully have a concept of the dedication and respect required. So Iā€™m sure if I had of not been such a lazy bones and committed to my wish fully and completed the last 3 journal entries and perhaps started during the Waxing Moon phase as it said I may have gotten exactly what I asked for. I did make sure to record my gratitude in my journal. I didnā€™t mind that I didnā€™t get exactly what I wished for. Every little bit helps. The bill was paid and I was a happy little camper.


This spell comes from ā€˜ The Little Book of Moon Magicā€™ by Sarah Bartlett

The book was a gift for my birthday from my amazing mum.

Last night as part of my month of ā€œhitting the connection that I feel towards my narcissistic and toxic ex with every single thing I can find, I need him out of my headā€ repertoire I decided to try the:

ā€˜Complete Emotional Healing Charmā€™

During the Waxing Moon phase, use this general elemental charm for cleansing your emotional field and restoring good feelings, especially about yourself.

You will need:

  • x3 white candles (to represent Fire and Air energy)
  • x3 pieces of onyx (to remove dark feelings)
  • x3 rosebuds (to promote happy emotions )
  • a small ceramic dish filled with springwater (to represent Earth and Water energy)
  • At your altar or sacred table take up each of the candles in turn and say: ā€˜I charge this candle to invite positive emotions into my life.ā€™
  • Place the candles in a row on a table and light them.
  • Now take up each piece of Onyx in turn and say: ā€˜I charge this crystal to remove all negative emotion form me.ā€™
  • Place the crystals in front of the candles.
  • Take up each rosebud in turn and say: ā€˜I charge this rosebud to bring me joy.ā€™
  • Place the rosebuds in front of the crystals.
  • Now place the bowl of water in front of the sacred enchantment and place the rosebuds and crystals into the bowl. Blow out the candles when youā€™ve had a few minutes to focus on your feelings.
  • Leave the enchantment in place until the Full Moon, and you will be bestowed with emotional healing.

Maybe thought that someone else in the coven may need a little bit of complete emotional healing just like me.


Well, @Rowan used my favorite spell already so I went with my second favorite, this one:

Itā€™s nice and calming when Iā€™m anxious about doing something or going out.


OH, I forgot about this one! I have these purple candles & I knew they were for a spell, so I put them aside until I printed the spellā€¦ wellā€¦ now I guess I should print the spell since originally the candles had been put asideā€¦ a while ago. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thank you @Amethyst!


Since our situation needs a little higher intervention, Iā€™ve actually done a couple spells! Last night I made the Good Luck and Prosperity Spell Jar, and tonight I made the Wealth Sachet. I had to substitute a couple ingredients because I havenā€™t been able to make a run by my local apothecary or witchy supply store, so Iā€™m crossing my fingers that I did it correctly :heart:

I love making spell jars. Iā€™ve made one for Self-Love, one for tranquility in the home-- and Iā€™m not sure if it is a thing? But Iā€™ve made one for deity work as well. I filled it with things that correspond to that deity-- at the time, my brain was like ā€œthis should make that work better!ā€ but-- (Iā€™m really great a second guessing myself?) I donā€™t know if even does :skull:


Youā€™re welcome, sweetie!


I wrote this at a very difficult time in my life but it gave me comfort.

Releasing the departed.

This isnā€™t a spell as much as my intent to let go.

Light candles, in the color of white, one for each loss.

Light a blue candle to help release anger.

Burn dragonā€™s blood incense for healing & protection.

I cry out my grief to the Wind & my tears fall into the Sea.

ā€œ They wonā€™t return. They are gone.ā€ The Wind sighs & Sea reminds me.

I know they are & I am so angry.

ā€œ Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.ā€ The Earth quotes gentlyā€.

It wasnā€™t fair, I wasnā€™t ready.ā€

ā€œ Itā€™s done, move on.ā€ The crackling Fire snaps .

Yet still my heart is breaks.

ā€œ Grief is for the living, the dead are free.ā€ My Spirit reminds me quietly.

How, can I heal?

By letting goā€¦

Prayer to release the departed.

Beloved Goddess hold them,

Accept them, into your care.

But Grant me peace or make me stone.

They are all gone, I donā€™t want to be alone

I look for comfort, perhaps thatā€™s why Iā€™m here.

What if my longing wonā€™t disappear?

Is my soul so corrupt? Or is that survivors guilt.

I feel so empty, my brain is whirling like a crazy quilt.

Oh my Lady, Forgive my weakness

I am stronger than this,

I always get by. You know I do.

Bless my loved ones. I release them to you

With a kiss and a bow. And gratitude too.

As I have spoken. So let it be.


This prayer was inspiredā€¦
Blessing for she who waits and the unborn

Bless this mother, dry her tears

An easy delivery & no more fears

For the mother, I say Blessed be,

Keep this babe healthy & safe for me.

Make him strong that he may live long

To learn, to live and do no wrong.

Make him tall and straight, clear seeing

With a gentle heart, a righteous being.

With all the power in my soul

Keep these two strong and whole.

As I have spoken, so it shall be.

Blessed be

Garnet, Blessed by Dragons



@Garnet that is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you donā€™t mind if I light a candle a recite this for my Dad?


Iā€™m so glad you enjoy the Daily Wiccan Prayer, @Mark01! And the PDF is a very generous gift to everyone, thank you so much for sharing! :heart:

Thank you for Sandgroanā€™s BoS- I hadnā€™t heard of it before, @Garnet! And Iā€™m glad you were able to track down @colinā€™s spell :sparkles: The Release Spell you wrote is stunning- you have such a powerful way with words! :clap:

Always love learning new money and fortune spells- although I know they tend to not always work out as planned :sweat_smile: Iā€™m glad it worked at least partially for you! Thank you for sharing both the money spell and the lovely healing charm as well, @jessica72! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ohhh the anxiety spell! Thatā€™s another great one, @Amethyst- thanks for sharing it! :purple_heart:

Congrats on your spellwork, @Velle- it sounds like you have been busy! Spell Jars are quite popular here, so please feel free to share any updates or news you have with them! Iā€™d be very interested in learning what you added to your deity work jar too. Thanks for sharing! :blush:


Youā€™re welcome xxx


My fevourite ritual is from Spells8. This one on ā€œHow to remove curse: 4 waysā€ :wink:

These really helped me a lot. Thanks Spells8.


This is a challenge of sharing. Anything I publish is free with my blessings.


Thank you xxx I just wanted to be polite and ask first as it was something of your own that was so personal. But I really do appreciate you sharing this one.


Woohoo! Thatā€™s my spell I created for one of our challengesā€¦ before I found my witchy name!
Iā€™m glad you use/like it!


My goodness, it has been too long since I have partaken in a challenge. Itā€™s been too long since I have really posted, period. I sure have missed this community of fantastic creators/influencers/motivators!

This spell is one of my first that I had ever whipped up on my own. I had just been asked if I was interested in a job and wanted to schedule an interviewā€¦ I believe this was in 2019 and it was for taking dogs on/off leash adventures. It was actually fun for the most part!
And so, my main intention for this spell was to essentially nail the job interview and lock down a job. Iā€™m happy to share that after I had put this out into the ether, I did great and the job was mine!..
and then Covid-19 ruined it a few months later. :-1:t3: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I took my sweeeeeeeeeeet time on this. I wanted my correspondences to be 100% in-line with my intention and desired outcome.
As for the written parts, I would like to say I wrote them myself but I know that is not my strongest suite so I may have taken parts from something I found onlineā€¦ for now I will say that credit may go out to someone else out there!


Iā€™m down to answer any questions that may pop up so feel free to reach out!


@Garnet that was beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us.