:ghost_cat: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Spirit Animals

I wasn’t sure what direction to take this challenge in because I don’t really have a connection to any spirits right now, let alone many animals. So, I went to Ecosia (my search engine) and typed in quizzes for finding your animal spirit. Here is a collection of my results :joy:

Quiz # 1 (https://www.spiritanimal.info/spirit-animal-quiz/)

Quiz # 2 (What's your spirit animal? Take the quiz!)

Quiz # 3 (Quiz: What Is My Spirit Animal?)

Quiz # 4 (https://fauna-protect.com/en-us/pages/test-animal-totem)

Quiz # 5 (:paw_prints: What is Your Spirit Animal? Take the Quiz!)

There are a few birds in there but I am actually freaked out by birds… :joy: I’m not sure which of the descriptions fit me best nor which animal I’m more connected to. It was a fun little exercise, though!