:spirit_element: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - The Fifth Element: Spirit

This challenge is my favorite one since I love doing sprit magic

This is my entry

I love chatting with my mom doing spirit magic I feel when she assist me when casting I just lit the white candle using her picture on my altar or using her dream alter.


Love all your pictures you used for symbolism, I printed out this picture of Om once and made a candle so I could connect to the symbolism. I like the hermit card because its a reminder that I need to harness the light when I am out in the world and share my knowledge and wisdom. I am one to isolate sometimes but I recharge.
I got on this website cause @starborn mentioned her life path number

This is my life path interesting enough it’s linked to the hermit
People born with a Life Path 7 are eternal students of the universe. They are introspective individuals with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and they enjoy looking into the inner workings of things. Someone with this Life Path is a true thinker who lets their mind lead the way. Pretty much from the moment of birth, they are able to skillfully combine the exacting side of their brain with their divine intuitive side to learn about, process, and make sense of life itself.

The 7 Life Path in Numerology is smart in a knowledgeable way, yet wise in a spiritual way. People with this Life Path number enjoy gaining book smarts, but they are also more connected to their higher self than most and have great access to this inner wisdom. While they are spiritual creatures, though, Life Path 7 people don’t tend to be the religious type. Strict doctrines that don’t make room for new information are a turn-off to these inquisitive folk.

Similar to The Hermit in a Tarot deck, people born with a Life Path number 7 often go it alone. They like the freedom of not having to explain themselves and enjoy the control and possibility of solitude. Their social circle tends to be a small one made up of people with like-minded interests. They may come across to the world as a bit awkward in groups or when meeting new people. Romantically, people with this Life Path may find it hard to connect on an emotional level with others. They love the part of getting to know someone, asking questions and exchanging answers, but often lack the interest or ability to build a heartfelt bond.

Professions that require research and problem-solving skills are a perfect fit for those with a Life Path 7. If given a quiet space to think and work, they’ll dive deeper than anyone into a problem and come out with the most valuable and viable solution. Their analytical powers are off the charts and these skills make them an asset to any project or team.


Also walking with the Goddess is in the tarot and this is the divine feminine energy and power!She is in nature and is a warrior Queen!
Queen of Earth the pentacles Nature is connecting to the divine
Queen of Air the Swords
Queen of Fire :fire: Eternal Flame :fire:
Queen of Water :sweat_drops:
Emulating the Nature Spirits
The Masculine Energy
The Feminine Energy
Energy is another word for Spirit in my eyes!
Mother Earth, and for me Hecate takes dominion over The Sea land in sky. She is the primordial Goddess and Guardian and gatekeeper! I see her as our Dark Mother Anima Mundi world soul. Like the animal kingdom, plant kingdom mineral kingdom ect.
@Artemisia on my vacation I kept seeing dead birds and I know that people say it is a bad omen… How can I get that out of my consciousness? I did a cleansing when I got home it really breaks my heart to see them like that.
Jerry Garcia Friend of the Devil
One of my fav songs!! Love Jerry Garcia


Hello morgan and thank you for asking for me I seen Crows at my aunties house and they actually came to eat food from my uncle. He laid the food down and he said every day they come and eat. They actually are really smart and clever and intelligent. They can read our minds, I felt as though I had a conversation with them. They observe there territory and pay attention very well. I have actually had owned a couple birds one was a parakeet blue and the bird seemed to dance around my room “LIKE A FREE BIRD” cause I hated to lock him up so we became really good friends. He use to look at himself in the mirror and talk to himself and I think he thought it was his girlfriend. My cat scratched his eye and well then later the cat attacked him and he broke his leg. Nothing fazed him for looking so fragile he lived for many years with one eye and one leg. I also had a cockatiel and her name was Pearl me and my boys got him at a pet store. He would go on my shoulder and I could put him on my finger and he went up and down my body. So I would say I have been a bird lover for a long time. I love the animal kingdom. I actually have a bird app that I would not mind sharing with you. For me I find feathers all the time on my nature walks with my dog RA. I made a really neat looking turkey feather ornament and is adorned in front of my door.
I found a white feather and not sure what kind of feather it is but from the looks of it it may be a Egret. I have a hawk feather, once I found it exploring in nature. I also have the beautiful Peacock feathers and many more.
Bird Recorder, Bird Identifier
I go outside in the morning and listen to the birds they sing me songs. Blue Jays, Marsh Wren
When I see dead birds its a reminder life is short and I must not take it for granite!
I hear owls even sometimes in the morning I just listen and am aware of my surroundings.


I’ll get to this challenge when i can. I’ve been busy lately. Sorry! ;w;


Ah okay so for me it’s My father and Lord Mr. Satan. Ave Satanas :trident::trident::trident: I will definitely be doing mine on Satan. :bowing_woman::trident:


No need to explain or apologize. Not everyone has time to do them every week. Don’t worry. Noone is making tally marks. Except you :laughing:


Challenge Entry
A simple entry this time as I am all over the place with work and the festival preparations :melting_face:

Crystals you can use during meditation to help you work with Spirit

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz can help you to clear the path of communication with Spirit. Bridging the gap between ourselves and the Spirit realm can be difficult, but it is necessary for any type of Spirit work to take place. When you’re trying to connect with your Spirit Guides or Angels, Clear Quartzcan be used to amplify your energy to create a strong connection.


One of the most well-known Third Eye Chakra crystals, Amethyst embodies Spirit in the physical realm. Where Clear Quartz gives a voice to Spirit, Amethyst represents its mind. Opening up the Third Eye allows our true intuitive powers to come to the surface. Amethyst helps you to delve deep into discovering your Spirituality, opening the mind to new ideas and practices.


Celestite is the crystal of Angels. Celestite is a crystal that has a gentle, pure, and loving vibrational energy that envelopes you with peace and tranquility. Blue is the color of all things divine and heavenly, and Celestite crystals range anywhere from the most beautiful shades of light sky blue to mysterious shades of deep ocean blue. This crystal is associated with the Third Eye, Crown, and Throat chakras, making it a really helpful crystal to use while communicating with Spirit and Angels. Celestite brings you awareness of your surroundings, including the angels that may be present to help guard and guide you on your way.


Labradorite is a crystal of self-discovery and psychic ability. It helps you to see the magic hidden within yourself. This crystal will help you to develop your psychic abilities, especially those related to communication such as clairvoyance, divination, and accessing the Akashic Records. Labradorite is associated with the Universe and is motivating of those who use it to seek knowledge, raise their vibration and pursue thinking on a higher level. Labradorite has a highly tuned vibration that helps those who use its energy to move freely between the physical and Spirit realms.

Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz is a crystal of balance, strength, and stability. Smokey Quartz is used universally as a stone of protection because of its ability to absorb and neutralize negative energies. Any time we are working with Spirit, we open ourselves up to receiving energy of all kinds. You may not always be receiving the energy that you were seeking, so you must be hyper vigilante in protecting yourself.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuliis the crystal of wisdom, honor, royalty, gods and Spirit itself. Its powerful healing energy was once reserved only for priests and royalty - a symbol of their power and connection to the gods. In Ancient civilizations such as Egypt, it was often worn by priests for its ability to attract Spirit and light energy. Ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli extensively to decorate the tombs of their Pharaohs as it is known to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical realms. Lapis Lazuli activates the Third Eye Chakra and unlocks the Throat Chakra, allowing communication to flow freely with Spirit and connecting you to your Spirit guides and Angels. Lapis Lazuli is also able to aid you in developing your intuitive abilities.


Hematite is a crystal known for its intense grounding energy as well as its ability to cleanse the Root Chakra. This is a crystal of intense detoxification and will release any toxic emotions you may have been holding on to. Toxic emotions can result in blockages of multiple Chakras and feelings of disconnection.
Disconnection between your body, mind, and soul hinders your ability to connect with Spirit. Disconnection can also make it difficult for you to feel secure in your path, and you may begin to feel helpless or lost. Hematite is able to absorb negative energy and wards off feelings of stress with its calming vibrations. Once your chakras have been unblocked, and your energy cleansed, you can begin to reconnect with Spirit.

Dandurite is one of the most powerful gemstones for meditation, as it is one of the most highly vibrational and positively charged crystals. It will enable you to access knowledge in the angel realm and higher dimensions and receive clearer communication from your higher self.
In meditation, the Danburite is great for grounding. Its gentle earth energy provides a strong connection and clear communication with your spirit guides and lets them send you the precise guidance you need in life.
n the realm of crystal healing and metaphysical practices, Petalite is often referred to as the “Stone of Intent” or “Stone of the Angels” due to its high vibration levels. It is believed to be a powerful tool for manifesting intentions into reality, requiring the user’s hard work and perseverance. Healers and spiritual practitioners value Petalite for its protective qualities against negative energies, harmful spells, and psychic attacks. It is thought to clear obstructions to the flow of positive energies, thereby allowing the individual’s inner light to shine more brightly.

Petalite is also renowned for its ability to establish a profound connection with cosmic consciousness and enhance psychic abilities. It is said to promote communication with spiritual entities, including guardian angels, spirit guides, and totem animals, and is believed to facilitate astral projection and clairvoyance. The stone’s high vibrational energy is credited with aiding meditation, offering a pathway to deep spiritual exploration and enlightenment.

Spirit: 7 Crystals for Connecting with Spirit – Muse + Moonstone
Petalite Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained


Thanks for the reminder. I have this page in my BOS. I tried to find the link to it on Spells8 by searching and also checking the sitemap but I can not find it!


hugs Thank you my dear sister~! I love you lots~! :heartpulse: :pink_heart: :heartpulse:
My s/o and I just got done with spring cleaning the house so now I can relax and work on my challenge entry~! And that’s true, I like keeping track of the challenges, they’re fun and I learn a lot from them~! :black_cat: :heartpulse: :dizzy:


Here you go :heart:

Crystal Grids PDFs, How and Why They Work – Spells8


Thanks Megan! I wanted everyone to have the opportunity to download it.


No problem! I’m happy to help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



I’m just saying you don’t owe anyone an explanation on when u post. I’m glad you are enjoying it here :heart::heart::heart:


Challenge Entry
Spirit: The Fifth Element Spirit (also known as ether) is not an element per se, but is often listed as the fifth point of the pentacle. It is even more difficult to define in relation to air. Spirit is the binding link between the four quarters of creation and therefore the source of magic. Spirit dwells within and without, around, above and below all things. While we can have tangible experience of earth, air, fire, and water directly with our senses, spirit is vague and dependent on both the witch’s faith and our spiritual senses. In spells and rituals, the spirit is involved when the spellcaster chooses to call upon a divine form to bless and activate its spell. Alternatively, it can come into the equation if multiple fairies are invoked and they need to be able to work together. Spirit provides the medium in which each and every element coexists harmoniously.
Βασικά Στοιχεία της Μαγείας | Ξόρκια Ταρωτώ Μαντικές Τέχνες (taroto.gr)


Challenge Entry :black_cat: :heartpulse:
For this challenge, I did a deep meditation ritual that opened up my Heart and my Spirit to communicate with Bastet. I feel an even deeper connection with Her after doing this ritual with Her.

I prepared my special teacup with milk as an offering for Bastet, gathered the crystals and my Shiva eye shell that I use during deep meditation, a sprig of lavender, and placed them in front of Her statue. I then had this song play —

— to help awaken my Spirit and ease my transition into a trance-like state after I said the following prayer:

“Oh Bastet, goddess of cats, of fertile women, of children…
Hear me out. Hear my will to connect with You,
truly, deeply, completely.
I am open and ready. I am here to let Your fecund energy embrace me.
I am open and ready. I am here to let Your strength and Your caring and wild energy be with me.
Give me prosperity, fertility, more awareness about my own life, my own femininity, my real energy.
So be it!

As I entered the trance, my Heart and Spirit was wide open, which I gave to Her in complete love and complete trust in Her. Soon I was given a vision of Her, and we communicated for a good while. I cannot share what it was we talked about since it is very personal, but I will say it was an emotionally and spiritually healing experience for me. She is here to guide me on my path and to help me heal and become a better version of myself. She loves me, and I love Her. Dua Bastet! :heartpulse: :pink_heart: :heartpulse: :pink_heart: :heartpulse:


I appreciate you so much, bestie~! That actually eases my mind. I’m happy to be here, too. I genuinely feel like you’re all my family and I feel happy and safe to be myself with you guys~! :heartpulse: :pink_heart: :heartpulse:


Challenge Entry

I have noticed that when I don’t feel safe, I have considerable difficulty connecting with Spirit. I do my best to hang on, hoping it would be the last connection to break and the first to reattach, but that isn’t always the case. Still, I continue talking my heart out, even when I can’t feel anything or anyone there to listen. The Creator and all our deities are still listening, still omnipresent, still caring, no mater what we feel.

I’ve come to define (for myself) such times as “Spiritual illness,” a temporary thing which can be healed and grown through. I may not be able to recreate the connections, but I believe (sometimes without proof) there really is someone out there who can and will when the time is appropriate.

Patience is the hard part.

And I’m always messing things up, no matter how hard I try to be “good.” It’s nice to believe that the Creator I care for isn’t judgemental. Let me learn and try again- because I want to. If I didn’t want to learn, that would be a different matter.


Challenge entry

Despite feeling unwell, I decided to keep things simple for this challenge. After gathering some of my purple stones, I did this meditation last night: Meditating With Amethyst: Harmonizing Mind and Spirit – Spells8

I used the large raw stone positioned on the right as the stone I would meditate with. As I settled into the meditation, I focused on achieving relaxation and promoting healing.

I found myself enveloped in a peaceful quiet, with only the soft glimmer of moonlight lighting the room. I felt a serene sense of calm, too.

I delved deep and became acutely aware of the energy resonating in my upper chakras. There was an unmistakable buzzing sensation at the crown of my head and in the area of my third eye as if the energy in these regions was particularly heightened. I felt connected to both myself and the universe.

While working directly with crystals isn’t my usual practice, I found this to be a peaceful and easy opportunity to explore their potential for healing and relaxation.


Beautiful! I love your altar :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: It’s fabulous that this created a deeper bond for you. After all that cleaning of the house this was the perfect meditation for you I think. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thank you~! :pink_heart: :heartpulse: :pink_heart: