What are everyone's plans for the new year?

Hey guys!

Just checking in with you to see if you have anything fun planned for the new year celebration.

I don’t normally celebrate, but I’m not sure if my daughter is going to want to. I know I won’t be staying up until midnight because I’ve got a livestream to do tomorrow.

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I will be closing my old journal by writing down all the things I’m leaving behind from this year, things that happened, etc. I’ve read it’s a good exercise to give closure to past events.

During the day, cleaning and cleansing the house with palo santo as I usually do. Later I will write down wishes for the new year and burn them in a pillar candle that I plan to burn through the year. :candle:

Tomorrow (the 1st of January) a Tarot reading for the year to come!

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Honestly I have nothing planned haha. Don’t know if I will stay up till midnight. Im actually working on New Year’s Day just to make some extra money.

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@Francisco I need to do a tarot spread for the new year as well. Maybe I’ll share my results with you guys here when I do it! I have a spread I created specifically for looking ahead at the new year.

@Missa Nothing wrong with not doing anything. I ended up having a few drinks with my boyfriend, popping some firecrackers with my daughter, and I got in bed by 10:30 lol

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