What I'm supposed to do

Combat it,counter it…flip it…I get it now… I’m so overwhelmed with… I always knew that I was suppose to do something with all this negativity and …bad stuff I have always been so sensitive to. I was feeling it for a reason. I use to think that it had something to do with me . That I was why…shit was happening.
It’s like a light has went off. I know how cliche that sounds.
I’m picking up on all this negativity. And catching all these things and getting all this flooding of…info, because I’m suppose to help. Due to my… traumatic infant and childhood, I am perceiving it differently. Where as I perceive something as really harmful and bad as being something against me .(Hense preventing me from seeing the "other side)…it could actually be something being harmed and/or being hurt, by something…not harmful to me. What’s more is…I KNOW…I CAN HELP!!!
Because I’m able to relate, I can pick up on…things. And I can see, know and feel…what that person needs. It’s like a doctor looks at a patient with a knife sticking out of his arm…that doc can say…"dude got stabled in the arm, no major damage, here what needs to be done. Yet I can do that on an emotional level. A FEELING level.
This messed up perception, this messed up way I think…

I Should have never doubted the Gods and Goddesses.
I’ve always been able to stand on the out side and look in. Always have been able to, in more than a generalized way, understand and connect with…life forms. In a way that is…odd(?) Its like… Ya hear… So and so, hit yo and yo because…? A part of me…can almost understand what would drive so and so to hit yo and yo. Another part of me…goes beyond that. I sense…THE EMOTION that made to and to hit yo and yo. Now a lot of times this sense is vague, and let me tell you I thank the Gods and Goddess for that.

My journey has been long. My journey has been hard won. I’m not sure if what I’m asking is clear. To those that it calls to…they will know.
Am I to transmute…do I feel them…help them to see a more…simple way? Meaning…
I have two bosses…one male the other female and yes they are a couple of 13 years. Not just by the things the one has said to me about the others…but I can feel the shifting and…IDK…going ons of the energy around them…I know what one needs from the other…because of the way they…hurt, feel uncomfortable, …I cant articulate SO MUCH OF THIS. What I do know is that things such as…words, deeds, whys and what fors,…flood me…and I know that I’ve got something that I’m suppose to convey. I’m getting info that is not meant for me but for…“them” .
I… realized today…the reason for why I was made. I am to help one to see the other. That simple. Not just with…romantic couples, but with couples built from family dynamics. I gotta feel one to be able to relate it to the other.
I’ve felt so many things…so many times…that…sometimes made me…cringe and become physically sick…then there have been times when I hav felt things that… I simply have no words for…all of which I knew on some level was not my own.
I am so sorry for the rambling nature of this…
I have found myself here. And here is where I stand. Here is where I feel my foots grow. Here is where I shall know. 333 So mote it be.


I can feel you… you’re an empath, a wounded healer, a shaman. Your channel is so wide and you feel so much and it’s often painfully much. There’s just so much hurt and suffering in the world, and people instinctively pay it back and forward. Your instinct is to soothe and heal, to show a better and more conscious way. And you can absolutely do it, but our capacity here in the human experience is limited… and we need to be in a grounded and centered state to help. We need to fill our own cup first, with inner peace and experiences of joy and beauty. Just like a surgeon can’t operate with a trembling hand or a distracted mind. Self love is good, inner child work is good too. This empath masterpost might have some useful things, and the articles on Lonerwolf have also been helpful. Breathe. Feel, without a need to get involved, without judging things as good or bad, just letting it all flow. There’s time to meet all the things you’re meant to, with love and consciousness. You’re with friends and soul sisters and brothers here. :pink_heart:


@CelestiaMoon has you covered with taking care of yourself first, I think. Put the mask on yourself before you help others with theirs, as they say on flights.

No two journeys are the same, so as for the specifics of yours, that’s something you will have to discover yourself. And the discovery is always part of the journey, too. None of us can tell you what you’re meant to do next; that’s up to you.

And it sounds like you’re already figuring it out yourself, too. Just keep at it. We’re cheering for you. :partying_face: :black_heart:


Something I’m reminded of here… we’re all responsible of our own healing journey, and ours alone. It can be really freeing, meditating on it and letting it sink in. Of course we can try our best to be helpful and friendly, but it’s up to each of us to take the steps or not. If they don’t, or we don’t… there’s no need for guilt or shame, it just isn’t time yet. :pink_heart:


I get what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. I also am an empath. Mine gets so strong at times when I’m in public that I get severe migraines. I get physically ill. I actually had to charm a necklace I always wear to keep the “sounds” in my head quiet.

Definitely take care of you before helping anyone else.

I’m so happy you have discovered you and welcome to the world of empath! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Have you tried wearing a scarf, sounds crazy but head covering can act as a shield. I also found this cleansing ritual for empaths.
A Crows Feather Cleansing Ritual


Take care :green_heart:


@Mystique I also have this problem. Would you be comfortable sharing your information on you charm, how to make one, and how to keep it working?


No problem @amanda6 ! I used a necklace that I wear everyday. I lit a white candle, ran it throughout the smoke. Held it in my hands, envisioned a white light around it and said “the charm on this chain has been cleansed for protection. The glowing light around this charm, will serve as a protection from outside thoughts and feelings. Only thoughts or feelings from others allowed through will be ones I want to allow in. So mote it be.”


@Mystique thank you so much! :heart:


Anytime! I hope it resonated with you :purple_heart: