šŸ¾ What is Your Spirit Animal? Take the Quiz!


Yep, you guessed it! :grinning:

You know it, my friend! :heart: :grinning:


@BrightBear Yay! :hugs: :bear: :sparkling_heart:


Iā€™ve always felt an affinity to wolves, and I have a large dog that I share my home with. I just took a spirit animal quiz I found on line and it matched the affinity to wolves. But I also am fascinated with crows and ravens, their intelligence and cunningness in particularā€“in fact, I carry peanuts in my truck and will feed them when they are nearby when I park. I was researching their behavior, and found they have a harmonious relationship with wolves; they act as sentinels at a wolf kill alerting the wolves to approaching danger, and benefiting by sharing some of the scraps from the kill. Is it possible to have two spirit animals?

Off topic (sorry): My drive to work during the last new moon was on a foggy, damp, magical day. First as I drove, a squirrel crossed my path, then I turned to a side road to avoid traffic; rounding a bend, a crow stood on the street, and hopped up to a stop sign as I went by. I rounded another bend and a rooster stood square in front of me. I drove around it and begin remembering commutes I use to make over the passes between western Washington and Central Washington. I remembered a close call rounding a bend, one snowy evening and coming on to a full grown buck Elk standing on the yellow divider. I passed so close I could see the whites of his eyes. Thankfully the Elk stood ground (unlike deer). As I was ruminating on all this, I rounded another bend on my current commute, and and crossing in front of me was another beautiful buck Elk. It did not feel coincidental that Iā€™d been daydreaming of the past and it repeated itself on my present drive. It truly felt a magical morning.


@korvo What a magical experience. :sparkling_heart:


I think itā€™s very possible to have more than one animal spirit helping during a lifetime! I believe that animal spirits can either be for life - one with us as we move through the different lessons we learn - and any other animal spirit can show up when we need them.


It sounds like they were watching you on your way, perhaps even clearing the path for you- what an amazing experience! A magickal morning indeed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I second what Megan said- I also think itā€™s possible to have two (or more!) spirit animals or spirit guides in other forms. In the same way that some choose to honor multiple deities, the aspects of each may call out to different parts of our selves or hold different meanings as we pass through various stages of our journeys.

Whether they are spirit guides or otherwise, it sounds like you have connections with many types of wonderful creatures and critters, Korvo! :wolf: :deer: :raven: :sparkles:


That is exactly how I felt.


Yay, another fun quiz!!! Thank you :heart: I ended up with avian for my spirit animal. Iā€™m s bit wiffle waffley about what my spirit animal is actually. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a solid sign or perhaps Iā€™m not paying enough attention or even ignoring the signs. :thinking: Growing up I used to think it was a wolf, but after working them for the past 15 years, I love them but they are not my kindred spirits :laughing:

This is one of those paths Iā€™ve yet to fully explore. But I have up say I find feathers all the time. Iā€™m fact, there might be a few in my suitcase from my vacation :eye_roll:


Your Spirit Animal is anā€¦ AVIAN :eagle:

With the open skies as their domain, members of the bird family have a freedom that few other creatures can enjoy. While trained domestic birds can adapt to live peacefully alongside humans, wild birds are masters of their own destinies :feather:

Like your avian spirit animal, you crave your own freedom. You thrive when you have control of yourself and your situation. Thereā€™s a part of you that craves the open road and clear sky- you have a natural desire to learn, explore, and become a better version of yourself :parrot:

Associated primarily with the Air Element (although some birds such as the fantastical Phoenix, are associated with Fire), avians have a connection to many of the most popular deities, including Hekate, Odin, Horus, and Zeus.

You can count on your avian spirit animal to lend you their strength during spells for cutting free from negative influences, working with the Air Element, and making wishes come true.


First, ā€œwiffle waffleyā€ is an excellent phrase that I might just have to adopt into my vocabulary :joy: :+1:

Second, and itā€™s just a thought, but perhaps itā€™s the adaptable, fluid, and ever-changing nature of your bond with many wonderful creatures that lends itself to having an avian spirit animal? As creatures of the air element, they are unbound, free-spirited, and can cover a lot of distance- opening up many possibilities and having room for many bonds over stretches of time. Just something that came to mind when thinking of you and your animal friends and interactions! :paw_prints: :feather: :heart: :blush:

And a fellow avian! I think it suits you too, @stavroula! :eagle: :air_element: :feather: :blush:

Thank you for giving the quiz a try! :two_hearts:


I decided to take this quiz again out of curiosity. I took it last a few months ago, in June, and got Reptilian. Honestly, that didnā€™t surprise me. :snake: Iā€™m a huge snake person lol and thatā€™s just how it is!

But with something coming up soon in our lives, and something changing, I decided to take the test again. And you know what, I got this one which doesnā€™t surprise me now, either! Itā€™s so interesting how our answers change over time, changing who or what we relate to.


Different signs for different turns, different guides for different points in lifeā€™s journey- it does make sense! :blush:

Whenever I catch sight of a deer, like when weā€™re out searching for mushrooms in the woods or on a hike, it feels like time freezes- everything comes to a stop and hones into just that moment and place. Each and every breath feels so intense- and then the deer jumps away and time starts again. Itā€™s like a reset, the end of one thing and start of something new. I hope that the energy of the cervidae help you to reset and begin the wonderful next phase of your journey! :deer: :heart:

Iā€™m wishing you all the best as you work through the big and exciting changes coming up!


Thatā€™s exactly how I feel, too! When we lived in Oregon before, we used to get deer coming to our property all the time!



Thank you for the well-wishes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really appreciate it!


I did my quiz again and came up with my same kitty. I Love that lynx :sweat_smile:



I think it fits!


So beautiful! :heart_eyes: :deer:

Iā€™m sure they love you too! :cat: :two_hearts:

(Watch out, goat! Youā€™ve got competition for Shadeweaverā€™s attention! :goat: :joy:)

Yay! Thank you for taking the quiz, Sivonnah! :dolphin: :sparkles: :blush:


Me too.

I felt the wolf in me for a very long time, always knew I have a connection to dogs and wolves :wolf:


Thatā€™s awesome, Eva! It looks like you have joined the pack :wolf: :dog: Awwoooo! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for taking the quiz!


Awwooooo!! :wolf:


Another pup. :grin: yeay