Who knows watermelon magic?

I’m glad you’re having a fun harvest!! Looks like a perfect opportunity for some Kitchen Magic.

According to Scott Cunningham’s Wicca in the Kitchen:

  • Ancient Egyptians mixed watermelon juice with wine and gave this drink to ill persons who were believed to be possessed by illness-causing demons.

  • In Hawaii, a watermelon is sometimes rolled out of the house through the front door to ease the spirit of a deceased person into the next world.’

  • Watermelon is sacred to the goddess Yemaya in the various manifestations of the Yoruba religion.

Magical uses: Nothing is more refreshing on a hot summer day than ice-cold watermelon. This is a healing fruit. Simply eat with visualization. Like all melons, the scent alone is also healing.

You can mix it in a Hydrating Potion or add it as an extra ingredient in a Florida water recipe.

(Also, mandatory question regarding your nephews: did you get their parent’s permission to share their picture online, since they are minors?).

PS here’s another recipe:

Stay cool!! :watermelon: