Wicca and Mixed-Race Families?

@tracyS wow what a beautiful place to live!! Hello and thank you for the warm welcome :hugs:… I am curious to know something, me and my husband were talking last night and we are wondering, we are a mixed race family with biracial kids (I am white and he is African American) can my husband study with me and become Wiccan as well?
When he asked the question I felt crazy because I didn’t have the answer to give him… lol


@katherine3 I’m not Wiccan, but I would say yes, Wicca is for everyone. We have lots of wiccan witches in this coven from all over the world, it’s really lovely. I follow Loki, Norse, and that’s welcome to everyone aswell. There’s lots about Wicca on the Spells8 app, and a good course is the Wicca self initiation course on the home page, press start and scroll down, (if you haven’t done it already that is :grin:). Have fun. Blessed be :sparkling_heart:


@katherine3 that would be an absolute yes


Hey there @katherine3 :heart: I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve moved your question to a new post. This helps others see your post and answer your question! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As far as your question, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! Anyone is welcome within Wicca, no matter the color of their skin, their culture, or anything else! In fact, if there’s a faith that rejects someone based on the color of their skin (or anything else, for that matter), I would steer clear of them and their people.

There are some practices that require initiation and are more closely tied to culture and regions, but they are generally not exclusive. I hope that makes sense :sweat_smile: that’s something I don’t have too much experience with as I’m not in a tradition or religion that requires initiation.

I hope that helps!


@MeganB Oh no problem… I couldn’t figure out how to make it a new topic or question lol a I age my technology skills go down the drain!!!
But blessings and great thanks!!


Sorry, I’m so late with this! My bookmark and notification got lost :sweat_smile:

We have a lot of tutorials for using different parts of the forum that might be helpful for you. You can find them here: Forum How-To :speech_balloon: Guides for Using the Forum!

I hope everything is going well for you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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