:sacred_flame: WITCH CHALLENGE - Purify & Cleanse

Thank you @misty6 for your process. Mine has been similar, though I did it over a week rather than all at once. I’m not strong enough to do it all in one day anymore.

Challenge Entry

I did the mopping with pine for resilience. Bing Search brought up: “Pine trees symbolize the ability to withstand adversity, retain wisdom through experience, and become a guiding light for others.” I like that.

Mopped widdershins to undo the darkness of winter and the governmental threats; and doessil to bring in joy, abundance, and hope. Since I only have 4 rooms, the whole apartment was cleaned in a lightening shape to bring in positive energy.

I made a health potion of powdered apple cider and ginger. I’m focusing on eating up winter foods so abundance is honored. Add in cinnamon and cranberry for sugar balance and energy. Lemonade to drink, too, for salt balance and a sunny disposition.

Once I sat down to focus on cleansing my external hard drive, I was able to get a good start on it. Yes, I’ve been working on it for quite some time now, but every time I sit down to it feels like I’m starting again because digital information doesn’t take up space the way I’m used to.

Suddenly, I realized part of the reason I haven’t been able to make headway on longhanding and editing. The reason was a logical one, based on experience about 6 or 7 years ago, which may or may not be repeated. After all, rule makers got away with it last time, despite constitutional rights. Might as well be prepared to protect myself until this is over.

The realization sparked interest in an organizing project, most of which is digital, cleansing, and defensive.

I washed winter outfits and put away the ones for the deepest cold weather. Pulled out some color to help me feel better: pink, gold, lilac, and green took the place of black, gray, and navy.

My altar isn’t clean yet. I found an extra set of tealites I didn’t realize I had. That means I get to keep the current setup until the evening of the 5th. Planning on washing and possibly repainting scratches on the candelabrum and putting it in the closet for the summer. From that point on, I’ll use jar candles with my incense each day. I want to use my incense sticks in such a way that I have a more even number of each scent when I start the burning next October instead of having 25 of some scents and 40 of others, like I did this year.

The rest has been a matter of refilling soaps and lotions and pulling out backstock so I have things available when I need them.

This has been a big job, even without all the decluttering I did last year! I’m glad to have it done and to have you all to keep me on track. Thank you for reading all this.


challenge Entry- Purify & cleanse @TheMuslimWitch

I have previously mentioned a cleansing spray I had made but i want to repost here with the end result.

The ingredients are:
-clarysage (instead of sage)
-cedarwood (in place of sandalwood)
-lemongrass (instead of lemon)
-lavender (in place of frankincense)


Wow this is the first time I’ve ever heard of shot gun houses…at first I thought it was a place people get shot but now I see it’s just a small house looks more like a play house to me. :joy: this was super interesting thanks for sharing :rainbow_heart:


Thank you for sharing! You gave me some great ideas!


Everyone has done great with their entries.

CHALLENGE ENTRY: At first I was thinking I hadn’t really done a challenge entry since I didn’t physically get out my broom and clean house. But then I realized that the Brigid’s Flame ritual (from the Writual Planner Imbolc box) that I did has a focus on purification and preparing for the season of growth ahead.

I got settled in my sacred space by my altar desk, to which I had added some crystals and a Brigid’s cross pin. I grounded and centered, lit the candle and said: “Brigid, keeper of the sacred flame, I call upon your light. May this flame illuminate my path, cleanse my spirit and inspire my heart”.
I meditated for a while, setting my intentions for the coming month and then I respectfully closed the ritual.
Later on I did a “Flame Within” tarot spread (from the same subscription box) and took a ritual cleansing bath with my witchy bath salts.
And later still, I spent an hour or so cutting out stickers, along with Amy at Magical Crafting, and setting up my witchy planner for February.


Witch Weekly Challenge for Amethyst:

I thought about doing an egg cleanse, but y’all I don’t have ten dollars for an egg. LOL! So I did the Burn Away the Past Spell. I did it this morning when I celebrated Imbolc, because that seemed like the perfect time to do it.

I burned away my ill health and high blood sugar and let the tea candle burn out. I’m also trying to change up my diet so we’ll see what happens.


Challenge Entry

I did the Burn Away the Past spell :fire: :fire: :fire:

I made a list, once I started writing it became a list , including lack of confidence and fear held over from my abusive ex I felt a burden lift while it burned and enjoyed seeing the paper curl in on itself


Hi @TheMuslimWitch can you remind me what you used? Water and witch hazel? If I don’t have witch hazel what can I use? Anything other than alcohol?


Challenge Entry
Purify and Cleanse

So I am brand new into my spiritual journey, but I did some cleansing and purifying this past week.
I cleaned the house, finishing yesterday, all while imagining I was getting rid of any negativities in my home. I also saged/smudged(?) the house and some items I got (jars, candles).

I know it isn’t much, but I enjoyed cleansing my space!


For the last month, I have been getting rid of things that I don’t use. The other day, I came across a shadow box that I had purchased from a thrift store about 6 months ago. I was going to put it in the donate pile, but then an idea came to me on how I could put it to use. When I got home from work this morning, I did my little project, not even thinking that I could use it for my challenge entry until I was sitting here at work tonight.

Challenge Entry

I have crystals in every room of my house and have been thinking about ways that I could clean and charge several at the same time. When I came across the shadow box it gave me an idea. I cleaned the shadow box with sage and filled it with selenite sand. I put my crystals in it to clean and charge them.


Awe Jayne i love Magical Crafting planning sessions. I was at that one too.


It doesn’t have to be much. The biggest part of it is the enjoyment. You did wonderfully!

I’ve been helping a former neighbor. The job is a big one. At the moment, we are out of ideas and rather frustrated. Imagine how good it will feel to be done with this one! I’m glad we are having good weather for it because I’ve been sitting outside in the sunshine as part of the work; and I admit, I need the sunshine this time of year.

Brilliant idea! Perfect use for a closet find.


Thanks Georgia! I will be able to cleanse and charge my crystal jewelry all at the same time!


It doesn’t have to be much. The biggest part of it is the enjoyment. You did wonderfully!

thank you so much! :heart:


@misty6 I wan’t at the Live, I watched it on the reply the following morning. I bet you were the person who mentioned that she had an online community that had self-care Bingo cards and were very competitive about getting them completed! I actually used my Spells 8 Bingo card in my planner, lol.


Yes thats me. @jayne I enjoy using the bingo cards too in my planner. Definitely a great reminder to take care of me. I tend to put myself last. But coming here to be accountable and share with everyone gets me out of that


One week to go!

Happy February and Blessed Februalia - thank you so much to all those who have shared their cleansing wisdom, spellwork, ideas, and more with the coven! :sparkles:

For those still pondering what to share, no fear - plenty of time remains on the challenge clock. There is one more week until this challenge closes.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about how you cleanse and purify in your practice.

Blessed be! :sacred_flame:


I think I’m going to create some cleansing simmer pot kits for myself and my friends :thinking: now I just need to dehydrate my lemons and oranges :laughing:


Hi i used witches hazel but for a non-alcoholic base, i would say try baking soda or vinegar (you could you 25 essential oil drops into the baking soda and mix with some water and for vinegar one part vinegar to four parts water). the other ingredients were:

-clarysage (instead of sage)
-cedarwood (in place of sandalwood)
-lemongrass (instead of lemon)
-lavender (in place of frankincense)

You could use the actual ingredients which i have listed in the brackets if you have them otherwise substitutes are good too :blush:


Challenge Entry - Purify & Cleanse

I decided, no I guess I needed to do a purification bath. I found a Rejunientating Bath Salts with purification by water spell from Benebell Wen. It’s part of a larger ritual that I am planning to start on the full moon but absolutely needed this sooner.


  • 1 cup of Epsom Salts
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 10 drops of sandalwood essential oil
  • 10 drops of clary sage (the recipe called for bergamont but I didn’t have it)
  • 10 drops of frankincense essential oil

I combined all the ingredients and with the tip of my wand in the mix, I recited:

“I call upon the one Divinity, the Holy Spirit with many names, to consecrate these salts and whosoever bathes in these salts shall be cleansed and purified, pain and aches leaving the body and sed into the water, troubles, and discomforts leaving the mind and spirit, shed into the water, and the spirit sanctified. By the powers vested in me, it is so ordered.”

I filled the bath and while I lit a white pillar candle recited:

“I call upon the one Divinity, the Holy Spirit with many names, to consecrate these salts and whosoever bathes in these salts shall be cleansed and purified, pain and aches leaving the body and shed into the water, troubles, and discomforts leaving the mind and spirit, shed into the water, drained away when I drain the bath, and the spirit sanctified. By the powers vested in me, it is so ordered.”

Then added the mix and spent 30 minutes relaxing and meditating.

Note from the author:

This is a potent concentration of essential oils. It’s powerful for healing, but those with hypersensitive skin could find the concentration to be irritating. Know yourself, know your skin and reduce the drops of essential oil if you anticipate that the concentration will be too strong for you.