Thank you @misty6 for your process. Mine has been similar, though I did it over a week rather than all at once. I’m not strong enough to do it all in one day anymore.
Challenge Entry
I did the mopping with pine for resilience. Bing Search brought up: “Pine trees symbolize the ability to withstand adversity, retain wisdom through experience, and become a guiding light for others.” I like that.
Mopped widdershins to undo the darkness of winter and the governmental threats; and doessil to bring in joy, abundance, and hope. Since I only have 4 rooms, the whole apartment was cleaned in a lightening shape to bring in positive energy.
I made a health potion of powdered apple cider and ginger. I’m focusing on eating up winter foods so abundance is honored. Add in cinnamon and cranberry for sugar balance and energy. Lemonade to drink, too, for salt balance and a sunny disposition.
Once I sat down to focus on cleansing my external hard drive, I was able to get a good start on it. Yes, I’ve been working on it for quite some time now, but every time I sit down to it feels like I’m starting again because digital information doesn’t take up space the way I’m used to.
Suddenly, I realized part of the reason I haven’t been able to make headway on longhanding and editing. The reason was a logical one, based on experience about 6 or 7 years ago, which may or may not be repeated. After all, rule makers got away with it last time, despite constitutional rights. Might as well be prepared to protect myself until this is over.
The realization sparked interest in an organizing project, most of which is digital, cleansing, and defensive.
I washed winter outfits and put away the ones for the deepest cold weather. Pulled out some color to help me feel better: pink, gold, lilac, and green took the place of black, gray, and navy.
My altar isn’t clean yet. I found an extra set of tealites I didn’t realize I had. That means I get to keep the current setup until the evening of the 5th. Planning on washing and possibly repainting scratches on the candelabrum and putting it in the closet for the summer. From that point on, I’ll use jar candles with my incense each day. I want to use my incense sticks in such a way that I have a more even number of each scent when I start the burning next October instead of having 25 of some scents and 40 of others, like I did this year.
The rest has been a matter of refilling soaps and lotions and pulling out backstock so I have things available when I need them.
This has been a big job, even without all the decluttering I did last year! I’m glad to have it done and to have you all to keep me on track. Thank you for reading all this.