Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

Same here, my friend- there’s just something about names and dates that have a tough time sticking in my brain :sweat_smile: It’s a miracle I got through A Song of Ice and Fire haha

But I’m glad it was a worthwhile read despite the focus on history- I’m really glad you enjoyed it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Book Title and Author: Wicca by Harmony Nice

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 7/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: It was a good refresher to test if i had forgotten any basic knowledge

My personal thoughts/opinions: I think this is a good book for anyone who has just discovered they are a witch and want to learn more. It was for me slightly repetitive as many new witchcraft and Wicca books i have read have similar knowledge. Overall i am happy i had the opportunity to read the book my favourite YouTuber wrote, and to test whether or not i had forgotten any of my initial learnings as a newbie witch since last year.

An interesting quote from the book: " There are so many misconceptions about the wand * cough * Harry Potter * Cough. "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Hahaha it sounds like the book was written in a fun and playful way- sometimes that makes it easier to pay attention to and learn from! :grinning:

I’m glad you enjoyed the book and the magickal recap it offered for you. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about Wicca, Khadija! :books::two_hearts:


Sure no problem, and yes she has got a nice modern way of talking which keeps readers amused wanting to read more. Her YouTube videos are also this way too… :blush:


This collection of book reviews is from sessions I ~ XV of the Spells8 Book Club.

After reading all the reviews- do you have a witchy book in mind? Join the current session of Book Club in the Activities Category! :books::grinning:

Book Title and Author: The Jar Spell Compendium by Phoebe Anderson

Status? : Finished/Stopped Reading

My overall rating of the book : 3/10 (the cover was pretty)

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Spell Jars are something I am interested in discovering a bit more about.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Sadly, this book was as many others out there and just another publication of the facts and information already published 50,000 times. I lost interest quickly once I realized this.

An interesting quote from the book: There really wasn’t one.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes / No, Maybe… To someone just starting out I might suggest it, but honestly there wasn’t anything significant about this book. :neutral_face:


I’ve fallen prey to the pretty cover thing plenty of times :sweat_smile: Sometimes I think the majority of the production budget (be it a game, book, etc) is spent on designing the cover haha.

Sorry to hear that The Jar Spell Compenium wasn’t the right match for you, Rowan- I hope you can find another, better and more advanced Spell Jar book :open_book: :jar: :sparkles:

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts about it! :heart:


I think this is my favorite part of the review :joy: so something I would say :rofl: OMG I can’t stop giggling. Not enough coffee yet… :coffee:


So i have just finished this morning The Psychic Witch By Mat Auryn i had put off for ages and i loved every bit of it. I love all the exercises and that all the information just clicked for me. I will be sure to see what else he has written. If anyone wants a book that has everything this is the book! :blush: Happy reading everyone! :books: :open_book:


Enjoy your reading, Nikita! :books::sparkles:

Congrats on finishing your book, @TheMuslimWitch! :partying_face: It sounds like it was a great read for you- that’s the best feeling when it all clicks into place and resonates strongly with your practice :heart:

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on The Psychic Witch! :raised_hands:


Sure anytime No worries… :blush: So far its my favourite witchy book


@Nikita-mikaelson how was the book? I am currently reading the same one… Did you like it? :blush:


Book Title and Author: Practicing the Presence of the Goddess: Everyday Rituals to Transform Your World by Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D.

Status?: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I wanted to find more ways of honoring the Goddess in my life.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a great book, with some really lovely rituals, mostly for solitaries but you could work them for a group. I was really fascinated by the idea of Found Goddesses, Goddesses that you basically make up and name yourself. For instance, in the book, they made up a Goddess of gentle rain and named Her Mere. It was an interesting look at the idea of Gods.

An interesting quote from the book: "But please don’t fall in to the metaphysical trap of thinking that everything that happens to you happens because you drew it to you so you could pay a karmic debt or learn a karmic lesson (whatever that means). Behind this kind of poisonous thinking lurks a more pernicious line of thought, which goes something like this: if I drew all this to me, that means I must be really powerful and am somehow in control of the universe, but I must not be good enough to draw good stuff to me, so I punish myself by drawing bad stuff into my consciousness and life. Phooey. Remember that you are not the center of the universe. Use common sense when you recognize your lessons. Practice that good ol ‘attitude of gratitude.’”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: The Witch’s Wand: The Craft, Lore, and Magick of Wands and Staffs by Alferian Gwydion MacLir.

Status?: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I’ve got a beautiful wand and I wanted to learn just what I could do with it.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a great book if you want to learn more about wands, their history, and their making. The author has another book on making wands, if I was crafty and able I’d give it a go! It was a very interesting read! I enjoyed it.

An interesting quote from the book: “When you give another person a wand you make a deep gesture and create a permanent bond between you and the recipient.” and “A general purpose wand should not have too many influences flowing through it. However, the amount of symbolism you include is entirely according to your own taste and style. If it works for you, that is all that matters.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book title: Hekate by courtney weber

Status: finished

Book rating: 10/10

How dose this book relate to my magical practice: as i work with hekate i like to learn all i can about her the book hekate along with explaining hekates diverse connections and areas she rules over along with ways to worship her, it also includes some rituals and spells.

My personal thoughts: I honestly enjoyed the book even tho its not as structured as other books but with a goddess as old of hekate whos orgins are not entirely known it’s completely understandable.

An intresting line from the book: as its more of an information book i dont actually have a line.

Would i recommend this book: I would 100 % recommend this book to those who with to learn about hekate.

Book title: kali by elizabeth u harding

Status: finished

My overall rating of the book: 4/10

How dose this book relate to my magical practice: as i work with kali in a way of worshiping her i like to learn all i can about her.

My personal thoughts: the book is good and brings you actually into its world its just a bit slow moving if you ask me.

An interesting line from the book: I didn’t find a real interesting line.

Would i recommend this book: as it is a good stepping stone into understanding kali i would but id also say its not the easiest read out there. Its slow in its progress and i think as theres a lot of big words it should only be read by experienced readers not beginers.


The idea of Found Goddesses is really appealing to me too- I feel like it kind of ties into animism, or the belief that there are spirits in things all around us. There could be so many Goddesses out there, waiting to be found! It’s a happy thought :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

From the quote you shared, the author sounds so motherly, like she genuinely loves the subject and cares for all those studying it. I think I may have to add this one to my to-read list! :grinning: :+1:

This sounds like a perfect book for you, Amethyst- I hope you were able to find plenty of ideas for putting that gorgeous wand of yours to use! :magic_wand:

Congrats on finishing two books this session, I’m so glad they were both such great reads for you! :blush::two_hearts:

I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed your book about Hekate, Nikita- it sounds like the book went pretty deep and had some very helpful info about Her for your practice :key::sparkles:

This one sounds like a very immersive read- sorry it’s a bit slow right now, but hopefully it will pick up as you get further into it :+1: May it continue to be an interesting and helpful book for your studies on Kali!

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on your two books, Nikita! :raised_hands: :books:


[quote=“TheTravelWitch_Bry, post:1, topic:21843”]
Book Title and Author:
Hekate: Goddess of Witches By Courtney Weber
Status? : Finished / Still Reading
Still Reading
My overall rating of the book : ???/10
How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:
It relates very close to my practice as i am currently working with Hekate and want to be able to understand and connect to her better.
My personal thoughts/opinions:
Very good book and shares personal experiences of the author who greatly loves Hekate
An interesting quote from the book: " "
“Just as life and death have but a thin line between them, so too do love and hate, rage and elation, desire and repulsion; all are two sides of the same face”.
All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes / No
Yes, Yes, Yes!


I think you’d enjoy it! There are many different rituals in it and everything!


Book Title and Author: Rebel Witch by Kelly-Ann Maddox

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: It doesn’t, really :sweat_smile: This is the book that was voted on for my Patreon book club so I read it for that. I’d say the only thing it really has in common with my own practice is the eclecticism.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Overall, the book is solid. It takes a good approach to eclectic witchcraft in a way that makes sense and is culturally sensitive. It talks a lot about chaos magick which is one of Kelly-Ann’s main focuses. One of the things I loved about this book is how it was written. If you’ve never heard Kelly-Ann speak then you might not understand some of the words and things that she uses. She writes exactly how she speaks and I love it. One thing I didn’t like from the book was the way the sabbats on the Wheel of the Year are explained. The Celtic Fire Festivals have cultural context and significance even to this day in those areas that these festivals come from. Rather than explaining the importance of a sabbat such as Imbolg, it is watered down to be about welcoming Spring and the fresh air (that’s a paraphrase). I think explaining the cultural context of those sabbats in particular would have been very helpful.

An interesting quote from the book: “But you can find your own way of doing it, dollface. Your craft, your rules – or lack thereof.” ← This quote really whos how Kelly-Ann views her practice and the way she teaches in her book.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes → I recommend this book for any new witch just starting out. I’m not sure if anyone that has been around witchcraft for a while would get anything new from this book but it’s always worth a shot, you know?

I still haven’t finished the other book, Empty Cauldrons :sweat_smile:


8/10 isn’t bad at all- it sounds like it was pretty good read for you, Khadija! :blush: And ohhhh wow, that is a very powerful quote about the balance between things. It really put it all into a new, interesting perspective.

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the book! :heart:

You’ve sold me, Amethyst- it’s been added to my (embarrassingly long) to-read list! :smile: :+1: :two_hearts:

Wow, it sounds like the book overs a lot of ground- everything from chaos magick to the Sabbats! And haha that quote- does she refer to the reader as “dollface”? It sounds like it is written in a very personal and unique way :blush:

Thanks for the note about who the book is best geared towards- I’m starting to think that more intermediate/advanced books are tricky to find! And thanks so much for your review! :heart: