Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

I wasn’t able to finish my book for this review but I am almost finished just another chapter to go and I will post it in the “X - (Aug 27-Sept24)” post!


I can’t believe I forgot to post my review. I wrote it, I just didn’t post it. D’oh!

Here we go!

Book Title and Author: The Wild Wood Tarot Wherein Wisdom Resides by Mark Ryan and John Mathews. Art by Wil Worthington.

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 8/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book goes with the new tarot deck I bought and I was hoping it would clear up some confusion about the cards.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a good book to learn the tarot by, as long as you keep in mind that some cards are different. Many of the Major Arcana are different and the card replacing Justice in in the place of the card replacing Strength. Five of Cups is Ecstasy rather than Despair. Things like that. It doesn’t explain why, either, which is a bit disappointing.

An interesting quote from the book: “Everywhere in the early literature of the West, the forests are thronged with curious mythological creatures: The leaf-clad Wildman, seen as more animal than human during the Middle Ages: the Green Man and Green Woman, the oldest known images of the interaction between humanity and nature; the Woodwose, a troll-like being of great strength and fierceness who guards the deepest layers of the forest; and of course, the legion of faery beings, monsters and powerful creatures that also dwell there. Many of these you will encounter in the Wildwood Tarot.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes. Especially if you’re into tarot cards that are shamanistic based.


I’m in the same boat, @Missa- it’s a busy time of year! I hope you continue to enjoy your book, looking forward to reading your review when you’ve finished! :blush:

Very interesting, @Amethyst- I would have thought that the guide book would explain why the switches were made, but I guess that remains part of the mystery of the deck! That aside, it sounds like the book had lots of interesting details about folklore and mythology- thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I hope you continue to enjoy the Wildwood Tarot deck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :flower_playing_cards:


There’s another book I have, working with the Wildwood Tarot, that I’m going to read after a bit of a break. I’m hoping to find my answers there.


That’s amazing that a tarot deck has so much content built around it! :star_struck: I hope the second book has the answers you are looking for, @Amethyst. Whenever you get around to giving it a read, I hope you enjoy it! :open_book: :deer:


Thank you, my dear! I’ll be reading it next month.


I’ll have to join in next time. I can’t to read everybody’s reviews! :relaxed::revolving_hearts:


Book Title and Author: What Is Religion by Swami Vivekananda

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: How we can connect better with the power of the universe for doing magic effectively.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This book clearly expressed some basic concepts like what is religion. We profess many religions like Paganism, Hindu religion, Buddhism, but we never thought what is the mechanism of development of all these religions. Religion means realization or realizing yourself through the different paths of different religions.

An interesting quote from the book: “Jnana Yoga is to become this jivan-mukta means living-free”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: Witchcraft by Malcolm Gaskil

Status? : Still Reading


Book Title and Author: How to Live with God by Swami Chetanananda

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: The 5 Yogas are the basis of developing your magical power by realizing cosmic consciousness through cosmic energy. These 5 meditations help you to remove chakra blockage.

My personal thoughts/opinions: How to learn and develop our magical power, how to use that power well, and what the universe wants from a magical person.

An interesting quote from the book: “Nothing is irrational”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author:
History of Paganism by the makers of ‘All about History’

Status? :
Still Reading


Book Title and Author: Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlin

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: The book assisted me in understanding the basics of Wicca and Witchcraft

My personal thoughts/opinions: Lovely layout and a nice book if you are not a heavy reader. Easy to understand.

An interesting quote from the book: “Blessed be”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: The Journey of Self-Discovery by Swami Prabhupada

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Self-realization is the key to magical practice. Realize your power through Hath Yoga/Physical exercise, Karma Yoga/Work, Bhakti Yoga/Devotion, Jnana Yoga/Knowledge, Raja Yoga/ Use of Magical power, Nothingness/The real truth of the universe.

My personal thoughts/opinions: I realized what is nothingness. I was thinking that I must try to save the world because I cannot see my England being destroyed by nature like planet Minerva. After reading this book, I realized that England is in me. No matter from which part of this material world my body belongs, but my soul belongs to my England through my practice of magic life. I am no more dissatisfied or upset with my life because my soul is energy, energy is immortal, England is the source of my energy, England is my soul and England is immortal through my soul. The material world is not mine, but my soul and its source of energy is mine for which I am unique at my magical practice.

An interesting quote from the book: “In Kali-Yoga marriages will be made for mutual liking and when that mutual liking will go, then conflict will transform to divorce and dissatisfaction”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: Wicca book of spells by Lisa Chamberlin

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 8/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: The book gave me some great beginner spells to start with

My personal thoughts/opinions: A easy light reading book with great spells for a witch who is just starting off in their journey

An interesting quote from the book: “Never seeking to harm anyone or anything”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: A little book of Palmistry by Nikki Van De Car

Status? : Still Reading


@Princess_Tara i am glafd to know there is another book worm like me out there :blush: :heartpulse:


Yes @TheMuslimWitch

I read a total of 24 books throughout the month and these 3 of them were magic-related. At least one book in each day I need. @anneshakargupta


Wow good on you! i am sure i would have my head in the books every waking moment but unfortunately my four lovely little ones don’t give much time for personal space or a little me time so sometimes say up into the late hours when all are in bed to fit in that needed me time…


Can’t wait for Oct 1! I’ve missed the Book Club!


So have I! Don’t feel bad, there’s always another one! :relaxed::two_hearts: