Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

Book Title and Author: Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 8/10 - tons of great information but it is a tad overwhelming for a beginner.

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Iā€™ve been wanting to expand my exploration into astrology beyond my basic understanding of the 12 western signs. This book is divided into three parts: a review of the principles of aspect interpretations, including a discussion of all the planets; a ā€œplanetary cookbookā€ that gives information about various planetary aspects; and a discussion of the angles and planetary aspects with them.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Overall I thought this was an excellent book, but not a beginners book, more of an early intermediate level. The section giving a recap of the planets does a great job of reminding you what each planet represents and the energy they bring. Throughout the book there is a heavy emphasis on using the houses and signs to fully interpret the aspects between planets but it is assumed that the reader knows the qualities of these and not much detail to these areas.

The book does do a great job of talking about how each aspect is created and their meanings - how the energies of the planets in aspect would interact, whether the aspect is considered a hard (difficult) or soft (easy) aspect. It also gives a discussion about weighing the aspects and reiterates many times that it is important to interpret a particular aspect in terms of the entire chart, i.e., you cannot look at one aspect in isolation as they are all really influencing each other.

What I found particularly interesting was how eerily accurate the descriptions of the aspects are! I have 10 aspects in my chart between planets: 6 conjunctions, and 4 sextiles. Iā€™ll discuss a few below.

An interesting quote from the book: I donā€™t have a direct quote but more of some interesting facts regarding some of my aspects that spook me (bold and italic).

  • :astrology_sun: Sun ā˜Œ :astrology_mercury: Mercury: identify more strongly with the rational mind; identifies with their thoughts, ideas, and with what they actually say; ā€œI am what I say, I am what I thinkā€ philosophy. Knowledge is important. May come from large families (I have 3 siblings, which is fairly large for todayā€™s US standards). Curious about everything, anxious to know and keen to learn. Chatty, expressive (i.e., talk with their hands), and inquisitive
  • :astrology_moon: Moon āš¹ :astrology_neptune: Neptune: sensitive to everything and quite capable of taking everyoneā€™s emotions and feelings on board - psychic sponge; sensitivity to suffering of any kind; challenge is to do something about this suffering. Often say they donā€™t daydream or fantasize but it can be found that the individual fantasizes so automatically and so easily that they are not aware of it.
  • :astrology_venus: Venus ā˜Œ :astrology_saturn: Saturn: strong issues with self-validation, especially with respect to oneā€™s beauty and femininity (if female). History of childhood with little affection, more to the point of no affection from the father-figure. Mother may have been more loving but there were strings attached. Demonstration of affection becomes a big deal. Almost expect rejection - constantly listening for clues that may indicate otherā€™s love has waned; needs constant proof of affection; ā€œIā€™m Sorryā€ is their phrase
  • :astrology_jupiter: Jupiter ā˜Œ :astrology_saturn: Saturn: Prudent, careful, and capable; wise in adapting means to ends. Commonly educated in a strict moralistic/religious code (fire and brimstone kind) that conveyed as a threat. Craves real meaning in life (both personal and religious) - finding this meaning can be a major life quest. Whatever the faith, it needs to be clearly defined with distinct rites and rituals. Doesnā€™t like doubt - journey is about finding out what they believe for themselves.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes, once you have an understanding of the planets, houses, and signs.


@MeganB I hope itā€™s turning out to be a fun read for you, Megan! :blush: Happy reading! :books:

@AileyGrey Hooray that it was such a fun read for you, Ailey! And I can imagine that you enjoyed the science side of things too. The quote about salt ā†’ salarium ā†’ salary is very interesting! Salt sure was important throughout history :salt: :moneybag: Thanks so much for sharing and Iā€™m happy you enjoyed Ocean Magick :grinning:

@Amethyst It sounds like they were off to a great start and there was still lots to explore- you know youā€™ve got something good when you get to the last page and instantly want more to read! :smile: :+1: Iā€™m glad you found a great resource and got some new exercise to help you enhance your energy work. Congrats to you, Amethyst, and thanks for sharing your thoughts about Magical Energy Manipulation :raised_hands:

@August_Wandering Congrats on your three books- you were on a roll this month, August! :partying_face: It sounds like Sorgitzak was exactly what you were hoping for- and how cool about the origin story for witches! It sounds like she has lots of interesting ideas and what a bonus that it lead you to your ancestors in the Craft :heart:

I wonder what language the spellwork was based on in Elfhame- or perhaps it was the authorā€™s own language? :thinking: Regardless, itā€™s how it works in practice that is what really matters, and it sounds like it was great for your Litha work! :sunflower:

Welsh Witchcraft looks really cool- look at that cover! :heart_eyes: Wishing you all the best with your Welsh language studies too- good luck and have fun with it! :two_hearts:

Thanks so much for sharing your insightful reviews, August!

@Amaris_Bane I appreciate your note about the amount of info being overwhelming for beginners- when it comes to the deeper aspects of astrology I often get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of what it is out there :joy: It does sound like a great resource for more intermediate astrologers and Iā€™m glad you enjoyed your read! It sounds like the book has lots of guidance for applying astrology in helpful ways- a real treasure! :sparkles: Thanks so much for sharing, Amaris!


Book Title and Author:

The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This is not a spellbook or magickal resource- itā€™s actually a fantasy book! But while I didnā€™t learn any spells, the book was about sea witches and reprecussions of dealing dark magick with the seas.

It gave me a very interesting new perspective on ocean and sea magick (and blood magick too)- especially some of the potential risks of dealing with such a vast entity.

My personal thoughts/opinions: I loved it :blush: It got a bit dark at times, but the writing was very poetic and beautiful. This one goes in the inspiration pile- not only for my magickal practice, but for my journaling and writing as well :writing_hand: :open_book:

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes- if you like sea witches, dark ocean magick, blood magick, pondering potential spellwork reprecussions on nature, and an interesting LGBT+ romance, this will likely be a good read for you :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :closed_book: :grin:


Thanks, love! Youā€™re right, itā€™s always a good book when youā€™re wanting more!


Welsh Witchcraft is REALLY cool! On dw iā€™n dysgu Cymraeg! What a great language!!! But now itā€™s sparked a desire in me to visit Cymru myself.

And I donā€™t know what language the author of Elfhame is using. Languages are a hobby for me in general, but I cannot find anything that even resembles the words she usesā€¦so I doubt Iā€™ll use them again. I like to know exactly what it is Iā€™m saying when I cast. Iā€™m guessing we all do though! :joy:


That is so cool! :heart_eyes: Iā€™ve found it takes a mind that is open, creative, and very clever to pick up new languages :sparkles: Iā€™ve tried a few myself, but most have faded away- if you donā€™t use it, you lose it! they said and they were very right lol :sweat_smile:

Thatā€™s a really great point! It reminds me of a discussion in the forum from a while back about languages and casting here: Does it matter what language I cast in?. Casting in different languages opens up lots of new possibilities, but yes- knowing and feeling what you are saying will always be the heart of spellwork in my opinion! :grinning:

Iā€™m wishing you all the best with your Welsh studies, August- and I hope youā€™re able to Cymru someday! :heart::blush:


@BryWisteria Donā€™t mind meā€¦ just adding this one to the TBR pile! Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it! I know you were excited to read it!


Hahaha youā€™re very right- I was thrilled about this one, and it didnā€™t disappoint! :grinning: If you decide to give it a read someday, Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts about it! :blush::books:

Blessed reading, Ailey! :two_hearts:


You know I read all the things, Bry! I just started the Mistborn series at the urging of a librarian friend and it has me totally sucked in. I may pick Dark Tides up after this one!


All the Meme
Meme from KnowYourMeme



@BryWisteria and @AileyGrey (and anyone else that loves fiction with a magic twist) another fiction book about magic that I just finished and loved was The Raven Spell by Luanne G. Smith. It is the first book of A Conspiracy of Magic series, with The Raven Song coming out 11/11/22 - and already pre-ordered by me, lol.

It is a quick read but I loved it. It discusses how even within the magic world there are outcasts because their natural powers are different or scary because people donā€™t understand them. Highly recommend it!

The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack is another really good fiction book. It tells the story of how tarot was created and the mysterious link to the main character who is drawn to the missing ā€œfirstā€ deck.


They both sound amazing! I just started reading the Mistborn series, which isnā€™t really witchy, but definitely magic and so good!


I love that series!! I need to pick it up again. Its one of the few Iā€™ll re-read.


Ohhhhh!!! :heart_eyes: Donā€™t mind me just forever adding to my endless to-read list :joy: They both look amazing, but thereā€™s something about The Fortune Teller that really calls to me- the mystery of tarot is such a great theme for a book! :raised_hands: :tarot_card: Thanks for the recommendation, @Amaris_Bane! :heart:

Iā€™m reading Mindfulness this month, but when I finish I think Iā€™ll jump to witchy fiction again because I got a copy of The Mermaid, The Witch, and The Sea - because pirates and mermaids and more sea magick!?! I couldnā€™t resist :laughing:

Ahhhh so many fun books out there! :blush::books::sparkles:


You had me at pirates!! Along it to my to-read list as well. :rofl:


Oooh! Pirates, I see we have circled round again!


@Amaris_Bane Hooray! :partying_face: :heart:

@AileyGrey Omg youā€™re RIGHT! :rofl: We truly have gone full circle now :recycle: :joy: :pirate_flag:


I understand completely. Astrology can be extremely overwhelming. Itā€™s taken me years to understand what I do of it, and that still seems like just a drop in the bucket.

And then I was introduced to sidereal astrology, sometimes referred to as Eastern astrology like that used by the Hindus. And then came again the overwhelm. Iā€™m not even the same sun sign in sidereal astrology!

I hope you donā€™t let the overwhelm stop you from continuing to learn all you can about astrology. Itā€™s a long and winding road, but so far Iā€™ve found it to be most helpful in helping find my way on my path as a witch. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: :+1:


Oh, Iā€™m not letting it stop me! Iā€™m just going to have to revisit it when I have more knowledge under my belt. I have very basic knowledge of astrology as Iā€™ve just begun learning. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve always been interested in but never really took an active step to learn about. The last few months my cards and various signs have been pointing to be trying something new, outside my comfort zone so Iā€™m taking the plunge. I know it will be a long process but I enjoy learning.


Honestly, I couldnt get passed the first few pages & abandoned the book to start reading Hands of Light by: Barbara Brennan.

Hands of Light is a good book once you have the basics of the main 7 Chakras. This goes much more in depth & has some great exercises & meditations. There are also questions at the end of each chapter to review what it was about each time. I found that helpful because I have cognitive impairments.

It was written from her experoences point of view & scientists that have done research in the area of energy healing. It made me realize that some things that have been revealed much more intensely & some that hadnā€™t been used due to blockages, that I am highly emapthic in multiple ways & have been since I was younger but either thought it happened to everyone or didnā€™t know what it was I just did it. There are 2 other books by the same author in almost a trilogy regarding healing.