Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

Book Title and Author: Gerald Gardner Old Words & the Old Laws by Gerald B. Gardner

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book provided a different angle view of Gardner’s coven.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Conflict is everywhere. There cannot be any life without conflict.

An interesting quote from the book: “The High Priestess chooses the God or the Priest of the Coven because God has surrendered his power already before her through five fold kisses.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: Book of Shadows by Gerald B. Gardner

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book is a cookbook of Gardner’s magical work.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Last time this book helped me to stop spreading covid in the UK. This time this book gave a new vision about west self-initiation and how it differs from east self-initiation.

An interesting quote from the book: “The only circle that matters is the one drawn before every ceremony either with a duly consecrated magic sword or Atheme.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book described a historical relation between magical and non-magical people, the birth of religion, and the misuse of laws.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is the best book I read in my life. Every witch must read this book to know more about historical relations, laws, religion, magic & so on. I love this book.

An interesting quote from the book: “In Pre-Aryan era, magic started spreading through England to Europe to Madditrian to India.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes-Yes-Yes!


Book Title and Author: Witchcraft Today By Gerald B. Gardner

Status? : Still Reading


Book Title and Author: High Magic’s Aid by Gerald B. Gardner

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 08/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book applied magical rituals in a storylike manner.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a nice storybook magical application.

An interesting quote from the book: “Sometimes we have to break the laws of the universe for our protection spell and rituals”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: When, Why … if? By Robin Wood

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: This book is about the ethics of magic and Wicca. I hope to learn more about those and figure out what my personal beliefs are.**

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a great book for people just starting out their path, or for young people being taught who want to know why they shouldn’t cast that love spell. There are exercises at the end of each chapter that makes you stop and think. Being ethical isn’t an easy path all the time, you’ve got to be mindful of what you believe, be open-minded, and look at people with a heart full of love. This really was an easy read. I liked it!**

An interesting quote from the book: “Everything that you do, or don’t do, has consequences that ripple through the world like a pebble dropped into a pond, and you are responsible for them!”

And: “In order for you to become an ethical being, you need to make these decisions and determinations yourself. No one else can do it for you. If you allow someone else to make your ethical decisions, you are giving away your own personal power, and you are not behaving ethically at all. You are behaving obediently.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes!


Book Title and Author: The Witch’s Path by Thorn Mooney

Status? : Still Reading

So far I’m enjoying this book. It’s given me a lot to think about even as a witch who’s been at it for a while. I’m still reading, though, so I don’t want to give my full thoughts just yet!


Book Title and Author: The Morrigan: Meeting the Great Queen by: Morgan Daimler

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I have been itching to learn more about Celtic Paganism, Irish Paganism, & specifically the Morrigan.

My personal thoughts/opinions: I loved the book It was easy to read & understand in a way that the reader can put the 3 sisters together as the 1 Morrigan & understand the stand alone Morrigan is also valid.

An interesting quote from the book: "Among Reconstructionists it is disrespectful to say you work with a deity, because however you view the Gods they are not usually seen as our partners in projects. Patrons, perhaps, or guides, but not partners as another person would be to work with us. It’s an interesting bit of semantics between the two approaches to paganism. In neopaganism the phrase is used commonly and doesn’t seem to even register with most people, while in Reconstructionist faiths you don’t tend to see it used and when it is it ban become the focus of the discussion as people debate the accuracy or blasphemy of it. Many neopagans tend to see the entire concept and nature of deity in a way that lends itself to the idea of Gods helping us for no reason except that we ask for the help, while recons tend to see our relationship to deity based on reciprocity & balance. "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes

The above is 1 quote, the rest of the book is written through the writer’s lens & offering others to form their own opinion of the information given. There are stories about the Morrigan & the sisters & other deities she is involved with


Book Title and Author: Herb Magic by Patti Wigington

*Status? : Still Reading

My overall rating of the book : 6/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I’m really into herbs and plants. Not just magical properties but medicinal properties. This book is a “dictionary” of basic plants to use in this purpose. There is a list of spells as well.

My personal thoughts/opinions:
It has ended up becoming more of a reference type book. I can go back and forth looking up different plants I want to work with. It is only a few of the more basic plants, not for the more advanced person working with herbs. I’ll definitely be keeping this in my kindle library.

An interesting quote from the book:
“There’s something powerful about inhaling the soft aroma of fresh herbs—it’s an ethereal sensory experience that’s reminiscent of an earlier time.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes, it does have good information that is clear and straight to the point.


Book Title and Author: Native American Herbalism Encyclopedia by Shania Williams

Status? : Still Reading, I haven’t even opened it yet :see_no_evil:

My overall rating of the book : ???/10

I wasn’t able to start reading this. I am looking forward to reading it as I love Native American traditions. I’ll probably not enter it for a few months so I can read something more entertaining through the winter months.


Many thanks to @Susurrus, @Rowan, @Christina4, @Princess_Tara, @Amethyst, @MeganB, and @NoName for your reviews! :partying_face:

I’m really excited to dig into them and hear your thoughts about each of your books! The forum had quite a boost of Halloween and Sabbat activity, so I’m afraid I’m a bit behind- but I’ll have some time later this week to give each of these reviews the attention they deserve! Looking forward to it! :star_struck: :books:


Please let me know how you like the book because I’m into this type of stuff!! Last month, I did a review on Native American crystal healing.


I’ve already got my book for the next round ready:
Witchcraft Therapy by Mandi Em


I already started reading my next book :bookmark:, The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick & Might. Then I don’t know what I am reading after that, I feel like this is going to be another 2 book Book Club :grinning:


Wow, @Rowan and @Susurrus you two are true book lovers! :books: :grin: I hope you enjoy Witchcraft Therapy (using witchcraft as therapy on yourself or others? Sounds really interesting! :star_struck:) and The Morrigan (that’s a perfect book for you, Siofra!) :heart:

Blessed reading!


Book Title and Author: The Morrigan Celtic Goddess of Magick & Might by: Courtney Weber

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9 /10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I have been learning about the Morrigan because I feel a strong pull towards Her. & the more I learn the more I feel connected to Her.

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a good 2nd book to learn about who Morrigan was & her sisters. How to Honor Her & interpretations that leave you to draw your own conclusions based on the information & research that has been done & understanding the time period.

An interesting quote from the book: "The Morrigan may not solve the issues or defend us from trouble, but the Morrigan may show us the path to defending or rescuing ourselves. "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author: The Witch at the Forest’s Edge by Christine Grace

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

My personal thoughts/opinions: The Witch at the Forest’s Edge was written, at first, as teaching material for the Forest’s Edge tradition co-founded by the author, Christine Grace. This book relates back to my own practice because it is animistic and spirit-centered. The book leaves plenty of theological wiggle room and approaches deity and spirit in a non-dogmatic way.

I very much appreciated the way the book was written and laid out. The author makes it clear from the beginning that while this book is based on her tradition, it will not be for everyone and that’s okay. There were some very interesting parts in this book that I will be going back and reading again. One part in particular I appreciated was the idea of spiritual ancestors. This is the connection we have as magical people to the magical people that have come before us. In everything we do, we are connected with them. One way I see this is through crochet. I am connected to my grandmother who crocheted, but also to her ancestors that crocheted and any other fiber artist around the world. We are connected through our common interests and skills.

This is applied throughout witchcraft, too. Do you practice divination and tarot? You have spiritual ancestors through diviners and tarot readers of the past. The same is said for everything else! It really opened my eyes to just how connected everything is in that respect.

There was another interesting section on hedgeriding, also called Spirit Flight. This is something I am really, really interested in but have never been able to accomplish. With the guidance in this book, I am now more confident in my ability to get it done. It just takes practice!

An interesting quote from the book

What does it mean that magic workers are outsiders? It positions us nicely in the liminal space between the nucleus of mass culture and the realms beyond. We’ve always straddled this line between being admired and needed and feared and disowned. The language of witch places our magic even more firmly at the margins – even among magic workers that term stands out. With that word, we reclaim the power of doing magical work that is not socially sanctioned by dominant powers. Chapter 11: The Practical Use of Magical Theory; Page 158

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes


Book Title and Author:

Pagan Portals: Raven Goddess, Going Deeper with the Morrigan by: Morgan Daimler

Status? Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10 /10 :star2:

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I have been learning about the Morrigan because I feel a strong pull towards Her. I have recently realized, that the pull is stronger when I need strength for something. I kind of wonder if it’s related to all of the losses I have had since July. :thinking:

My personal thoughts/opinions: This is a great book to learn more about who the Morrigan was & her relation to being a Triple Moon Goddess, Maiden Mother Crone, Waxing, Full, Waning & Her sisters. The additional & more thorough interpretations that leave you to draw your own conclusions based on the information & some great research that has been done. Plus understanding the time period & then bringing Her to a modern context.

An interesting quote from the book: "The Morrigan stands before us & says: Who rules your life? Dare to be your own sovereign, dare to rule over your own flesh, dare to be in control of your own self. "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes absolutely :100:


You’re amazing, @Susurrus- I wish I could read like you! :blush: Great job and I’m so glad that you enjoyed Pagan Portals! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope the great streak of books continues and your next book is just as enjoyable for you :heart:


I really like the Pagan Portals series. I actually just recommended Pagan Portals to my family member that is just starting out!