Witchy Book Reviews! Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions I ~ XXV

I have not had a chance to read more of Dark Goddess or start Spiral Dance so I have no reviews this go-round.


Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick)
Part of: Llewellyn’s Practical Magick (11 books)
At the time of this review the price was $18 for the ebook and $9 for a good used hard copy.
Publisher: Llewelyn Publications. Published 2010. Pages 692.
Status: Finished – but I know I’ll revert to it in the future.
Overall Rating: 10/10
Recommendation: Recommended for all Witches, Magi, alternative practitioners, and the curious.

“Wicca is based on a teaching of love for all life. Keep this in mind; in fact, make it your ideal.” (pg. 25)

So many aspects of Wiccan practice are beautifully elucidated, such as that early peoples “lived hand-in-hand with nature through necessity. They were a part of nature, not separate from it. An animal was a brother or a sister…” (pg. 54) Is it a wonder then, that at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, that people would seek religions that emphasize equality and the worship of both the masculine and feminine (pg. 71). Even the Wiccan priesthood is expected to be equal to every other participant, with the only exception of leading for a pre-determined period (pgs 182+). “Participation is important” is a phrase repeated often to emphasize the importance of the individual to every witch action – be they a coven member or a solitary practitioner. This concept of oneness and equality is further underscored by Buckland when he explains the Wiccan belief of death and reincarnation, handfasting and parting, and the birth rite ceremony.

“Do not see a thing working…see it finished.” (pg. 563)

As one would expect, the book is replete with spells, incantations, recipes, charts, etc. But the reader may be surprised at the sheer quantity of the above! The pages come alive with lists of herbs, stones, numerous useful spells, altar settings, and rituals. One can just imagine that, at the time of publication when access to the internet didn’t exist, this book must have been a true treasure. Now, even with all the immediate-access information we have at our fingertips, I would say that it is a must for all witches, magi, alternative healers, and those seeking solace in goddess and god wisdom pathways. Buckland does an incredible job of providing valuable insight and practical knowledge for both full covens and the solitary practitioner.

“An’ it harm none, do what thou wilt.”


Book Title and Author: The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 10/10

**How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:**It was not only highly entertaining but woke me up to the huge variety of cultures that practice the Craft in some way or another.

**My personal thoughts/opinions:**What a fabulous read! The author’s use of words is absolutely delicious! And the premise is delightful. Witches rising amidst the suffragette period in Salem. Just wonderful. And she includes the magic of men as well. So very diverse and all-inclusive of race, gender, and identity.

An interesting quote from the book: " “They come in odd forms and unlikely languages - Spanish prayers and Creole songs and Choctaw stories, star-patterns and dances and drum-beats - and not all of them are easily translated to ink and paper. Bella begins to believe that the Library of Avalon was only ever a sliver of witchcraft in the first place. She begins to believe that the words and ways are whichever ones a woman has, and that a witch is merely a woman who needs more than she has.”

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Absolutely!


That is deliciously profound.
Too often, recently, if one doesn’t loudly disagree (aka create a zero-sum game) on everything, silent contemplation is taken for agreement.


I couldn’t put it down! Every chance I had I was reading it. What a tale! What a fabulous work of fiction! I love fiction that is so good it draws me in and the writer’s world become real for me! :+1:t4: :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I actually ended up reading The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri, which is often placed in a similar category to Clark’s series (to the point that the authors have joked about whether each entry’s cover matches the others). Anyway, I found it much easier to make time for reading when it was an audiobook.

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book : 9/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Thinking about how loneliness, kindness, and love work into the way our magick develops.

My personal thoughts/opinions: The Jasmine Throne was an intense, heartbreaking book, but extremely well written and bringing us characters that need far more representation in the Fantasy genre.
There’s magick, politics, queer rep, and family drama, all set against the background of a country that doesn’t realize it’s nearly tipping into war, and a magical disease where plants take over people’s bodies.
A great read for those of us obsessed with our gardens!

An interesting quote from the book:
Sacred wood. She watched as Gautam held the shard close to the rot-struck branch, as the lesion on the branch paled, the redness fading. The stench of it eased a little, and Priya breathed gratefully. “There,” he said. “Now you know it is fresh. You’ll get plenty of use from it.” “Thank you. That was a useful demonstration.” She tried not to let her impatience show. What did he want—awe? Tears of gratitude? She had no time for any of it. “You should still burn the branch. If you touch it by mistake…” “I know how to handle the rot. I send men into the forest every day,” he said dismissively. “And what do you do? Sweep floors? I don’t need your advice.” He thrust the shard of sacred wood out to her. “Take this. And leave.” She bit her tongue and held out her hand, the long end of her sari drawn over her palm. She rewrapped the sliver of wood up carefully, once, twice, tightening the fabric, tying it off with a neat knot. Gautam watched her. “Whoever you’re buying this for, the rot is still going to kill them,” he said, when she was done. “This branch will die even if I wrap it in a whole shell of sacred wood. It will just die slower. My professional opinion for you, at no extra cost.” He threw the cloth back over the infected branch with one careless flick of his fingers. “So don’t come back here and waste your money again. I’ll show you out.” He shepherded her to the door. She pushed through the beaded curtain, greedily inhaling the clean air, untainted by the smell of decay. At the edge of the veranda there was a shrine alcove carved into the wall. Inside it were three idols sculpted from plain wood, with lustrous black eyes and hair of vines. Before them were three tiny clay lamps lit with cloth wicks set in pools of oil. Sacred numbers. She remembered how perfectly she’d once been able to fit her whole body into that alcove. She’d slept in it one night, curled up tight. She’d been as small as the orphan boy, once. “Do you still let beggars shelter on your veranda when it rains?” Priya asked, turning to look at Gautam where he stood, barring the entryway. “Beggars are bad for business,” he said. “And the ones I see these days don’t have brothers I owe favors to. Are you leaving or not?” Just the threat of pain can break someone. She briefly met Gautam’s eyes. Something impatient and malicious lurked there. A knife, used right, never has to draw blood. But ah, Priya didn’t have it in her to even threaten this old bully. She stepped back. What a big void there was, between the knowledge within her and the person she appeared to be, bowing her head in respect to a petty man who still saw her as a street beggar who’d risen too far, and hated her for it. “Thank you, Gautam,” she said. “I’ll try not to trouble you again.”

Suri, Tasha. The Jasmine Throne: 1 (The Burning Kingdoms) (pp. 16-17). Orbit. Kindle Edition.

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes!

(I still hope to read The Faithless in the next couple of weeks, before October slips away from me.)


It sounds like it’s been a really great read so far! When you’ve got a great book there’s no need to rush- take your time and enjoy! I hope you continue to enjoy it, Siofra :blush::open_book:

I agree that it’s a pretty important distinction between animals in nature and spirit animals! Although it sounds like the book had some really interesting wisdom about spirit guides and the meaning of many different animals- 200 is a lot! It sounds like it’ll be a great reference book going forward :star_struck:

Thanks for sharing your review, Amethyst! :heart:

No worries and no rush, Amaris! It is so busy now, especially with the upcoming Sabbat. The books will be there for you when you’re ready! I hope you enjoy them both when you jump in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

10/10- I’m so happy you enjoyed the book so much, Wysteria! :partying_face: :two_hearts: You know it’s a great read when you feel you’ll continue to use it as reference in the future. Thank you so much for sharing the quotes and for your thoughtful review! :blush:

It sounds like an amazing book- especially from what you’ve said about how inclusive the author is! Reading your thoughts here I could definitely see myself enjoying this one- it’s got culture, adventure, magick, and all the things that make a great story (imo!). Thank you so much for your review! :heart:

I agree, and it’s shame that it happens like that! There are definitely times when one should stand up for themselves, but I completely agree that some issues require careful contemplation- when it comes to the most important things, the more respectful thought and care put in, the better for everyone involved :pray::blush:

This one has a gorgeous cover too- perhaps they hired the same designer or cover artist! :grinning: Goodness, the messages of this book are really profound- it sounds like it encouraged a lot of reflection and thought. It takes a really powerful book to call out emotions that reflect ourselves and our situations- this sounds like a really great read (and hooray for the representation! :raised_hands:) Thank you so much for your review of The Jasmine Throne and I hope you enjoy your read of The Faithless too! :books::blush:


Oh it was very thoughtful and engaging! The artists for the covers are not the same (Jasmine Throne was http://www.micahepsteinart.com/ while The Unbroken is by https://www.tommyarnoldart.com/) but they have, in the SFF genre, been grouped as the Sapphic Trifecta along with She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (which has a typography-focused cover but it’s still that saffron gold). I have to read the last one, still, and then the Oleander Sword is out so I can continue with that series if I can get in a better habit of making time to read!


So many exciting books! :heart_eyes: And that’s so cool that they have a theme going with the covers (even if it was unintentional!)- it seems to help encourage fans of one book/series into checking out the others :books::blush:

I know the feeling of too many enticing books but never enough time to read :laughing: :+1: I hope you’ll find some extra reading time and that you enjoy your books, @gardenstone! :sparkles:


READER REVIEW @jan_TheGreenWitch

Irish Country Cures - copyright 1994
by Patrick Logan

Irish Country Cures is a book about folk medicine in Ireland, and distinguishes itself from ‘official medicine’ in that today as big as one quarter (1/4) of the medical practice in Ireland is done by people who are not on the Medical Register - are not ‘qualified’ doctors with degrees. As medicine has advanced folk medicine has declined therefore the author hopes that in writing this book that some will take a renewed interest in folk medicine and continue to record the practices before they are forgotten. He has ensured he took practices from every part of Ireland for the documentation in this book.

This book aligns itself with many western and global studies where the placebo effect, along with the ability to reassure a patient is often a cure unto itself. In addition, many folk cures are indeed less toxic and better suited to the cure of day to day illnesses. This book posits that

“almost all physical illnesses — over 80% of them — will get better no matter what treatment is given….with over one third (1/3) of the people who seek medical advice cannot be found to have any physical cause for their complaints.”

The book does not imply nor does the author believe that these patients are dishonest, but but that they may be either tired, over-worried, or in need of telling all their worries to a sympathetic listener who can help out by offering common-sense advice, and medicine of some kind coupled with a few days’ rest.

Two remedies as example:

Hospital superstitions:
- relatives should accompany a patient upon admission to hospital
- unlucky for patient to go home from hospital on a Saturday
- wheel patient into operating room head first only (in coffins, feet go first)
- red and white flowers must never be put in a vase together for hospital patient or if this is done one of the patients will die (red means bleeding and white represents anemia)
- two black crows need to be chased away if they appear perched together at a hospital balcony as they forebode a death.

An Fiolun
-fiolun means harm or injury
- means enlarged and often suppurating glands which occurred in some cases of plague
- or possibly some form of chronic ulcer
- the patient needs to be completely buried in the earth - no harm will come to patient since the patient will only be buried entirely only for a moment;
- the disease is a pagan magic where the disease is transferred to the earth; the earth is a great healer and purifier;
- this is a transference cure.

I only recommend this book if you want to read all about Ireland and historical folk and magickal cures in history and some have survived in to today’s time. It’s interesting and many could be used in conjunction with typical medicinal cures.


That is a beautiful intention that I wholeheartedly support- I’m so grateful to the authors who put in the time, effort, and care to help preserve and pass on traditions so that future generations can enjoy and learn from them too! :raised_hands: :heart:

This makes me think immediately of @Susurrus and @MeganB among others in the forum (apologies I can’t tag everyone!)- there are quite a few folks around here who enjoy reading about Irish traditions!

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on Irish Country Cures, @jan_TheGreenWitch! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I already added it to my TBR list based on this review :rofl:


Hahaha nice! :grin: :+1: It does sound like something you would enjoy- happy reading! :books::sparkles:


Well, this is right up my alley! Ooo… love new book recommendations for Ireland & Celtic Culture or both!

I thought the same thing! I know there are others aside from the lovely @MeganB & I but it was definitely one of my first thoughts.

Ooo… samesies! That list is forever growing… much like my deck list :rofl:


It’s a very quick read @Susurrus - and interesting!


Ooo… maybe I can get the paperback route with this one… I honestly love paperback over e-reading… I don’t know something about holding the book, pages turning, bookmarks… it just feels better. :revolving_hearts:


I just finished reading - How to Become a Witch by Amber K & Azrael Arynn K.

Review - This book dives into a little bit of everything. It goes over the History of Witches along with how to set up your altar. I wish they put some of the topics at the beginning like how to handle questions and being quiet about your choice to be a witch. It does go over being a solitary witch which I found interesting. It definitely made me feel comfortable about my choice.

Blessed Be!


I’ve seen this book around in a few different places and have thought about getting it to review. :open_book: The cover itself is enough to make me pick it up and read it! I’m glad you found it helpful :blush: and thank you for posting your review!


…the transition from the worship of Diana to that of the Madonna was made comparatively simple.

Is This Book Applicable to Your Practice? I would sincerely recommend that anyone starting along the path of Wicca (any form) or Traditional Witchcraft read this little book. It is an exceptionally quick read, only about 77 pages, but those pages are loaded with information. There are numerous chants and spells from centuries ago, each thoroughly explained, albeit somewhat archaic.

Synopsis This book was designed to be a compilation of spells used for working with Diana, her brother Lucifer and their associate/daughter Herodias or Aradia. This book describes how Aradia was born through vignettes, came down to earth, established witchcraft amongst the populace, then returned to heaven. Each chapter reveals interesting, or to me at least, tidbits of information that keep the reader engaged. For example, pg 52 describes why the ancient Egyptians dedicated the onion to the moon-goddess Isis, & considered it to be almost a deity itself. Hence, the peeling onion corresponded to the waning moon.

Maybe the most provocative concept in the book is the most easily understood. It’s almost circular logic but is logical nonetheless. It states that the general populace was more wretched and miserable when they learned that they had certain rights, as before this, they were more accepting of their treatment. Once they learned that they had the right to rebel, they did so en masse. “The result of it al was a vast development of rebels, outcasts, and all the discontented, who adopted witchcraft or sorcery for a religion, and wizards as their priests…in this Gospel of Witches we have a trustworthy outline at least of the doctrine and rites observed at these meetings. They adored forbidden deities and practised forbidden deeds, inspired as much by rebellion against Society as by their own passions” (pg 60-1).
This next quote is heavily supported by orthodox research now, but at the time this book was translated, roughly 1899, it must have been quite shocking. “That is to say, purely diabolical witchcraft did not find general acceptance till the end of the fifteenth century, when it was, one may almost say, invented in Rome to supply means wherewith to destroy the threatening heresy of Germany” (Pg 60).
Key Points With so many lush and exciting witchcraft books available, I found this one to be a dry read. But I have to admit that it was fascinating and a worthwhile read. I would highly recommend it for any one practicing Italian witchcraft, or Worshippers of Diana.


Have to love a quick but worthwhile read- from what you’ve said, it sounds like Leland packed the pages with information! I’m particularly interested in the ancient spells and chants- they must be very cool to see :star_struck:

I’m familiar with Diana/Artemis the Moon and Huntress Deity, but not Diana in association with Lucifer- is this perhaps the same deity, or am I getting confused with a different Diana? (apologies if so!)

I’m really glad that you enjoyed it, @Wysteria_Norn- thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights about Aradia: Gospel of the Witches :books::sparkles::blush: