Hey, everyone! Blessed Be! I am Kajsa. I live in Pennsylvania. However, I’m originally from Florida with the alligators and everglades. I was born into the Christian church, but traveled to additional forms of spirituality very early on in my childhood. Intuitively, I knew there was more than what I was being told. My spirituality is mainly self taught/spirit guided. I’d say for about 35 years or so. I would say that I’m very eclectic! LOL! Most people would agree with that statement! I’m a Pisces and have always been very intune with the otherworldly. I love learning, discussion, listening, amd teaching. I utilize many of the tools that the Creator has given us to manefest our desires, encourage our developement, and maintain our spiritual connection…prayer, herbs, oils, stones, incense, chanting, elements, astronomy, astrology, meditation, etc. I have been following and using Spells8 for quite a long time and have decided it was time to optimize what was offered here with the membership option. I look forward to talking with you all and I’m very excited to be here! Blessed Be!