

Greetings & Salutations!
I am a Baby witch in a Crone’s body :laughing:. Please call me Maggie. I live near Kansas City, MO & have recently found this Path, or it found me.

I believe I’m from a lineage on my dad’s side of the family. No one is left for me to ask questions, but I know dad was psychic and clairvoyant. I have strong intuition, but haven’t begun really doing the work in that area because I have been more consumed with spell work.

I have a bonus daughter that’s been practicing for 17 years. And I’m out of the broom closet with my immediate family, who have been very supportive.

The spell work has been very rewarding and I write most of my own. Interestingly, I have been receiving “signs” after my rituals & I was shocked but delighted! That’s one piece of info I have yet to read about.

Anyway…if you’re still reading this, I know it’s Looooong. But, I appreciate it and look forward to growing and learning from Spells8 as well as getting to know you. I am a solitary and eclectic witch.
:wave: Blessed be :yellow_heart::orange_heart: