

I’ve never been sure of what I consider important enough to put in an “about me” section that others would want to read :woman_shrugging:t4: , lol.

In my home, I have my SO and our daughter, Felicity. The Queen and King of the house would be the feline’s Nermal :black_cat: and Savage :smirk_cat:.

I’ve been on my path for 2 years now and I consider myself Eclectic. It started with researching alternative healing methods and then helping my friend learn more about her family and her ancestors which come from a long lineage of healers and practitioners. It’s been an adventure ever since. Crystals were my calling for awhile and now I am finding myself diving into the Elements, which connect with my being in so many ways.

I live up North :mountain_snow: in Anchorage, Alaska :wolf: :deer: :sheep: :otter: :bear: :owl: :eagle: :fallen_leaf: :leaves:, born and raised. I have tons of family all over the country and across seas. As far as I know, I am of Irish :ireland:, Italian :it:, and German :de: descent. All of which I hope to learn more about throughout my life.