I am Just Chris. I am 45, was feeling 25 before the Pandemic and now I’m right around 105… I have had the privilege of bringing five beautiful humans into this world, I have raised seven and a 1/2 or two, I’ve given one back, and I’ve had a surprise or two or three.
I am married to a man that I’ve called friend since I was nine. I grew up lonely in a crowded place, going every other weekend and holidays created an unescapable void of not having a place that I felt I belonged. I have seen “colors and shadows” as long as I can remember, not knowing that it was auras and spirits, and now I cannot help but to continue to say, “colors and shadows”. My earliest memory is before I was two and I have dreamt of wolves for most of this life, one wolf in particular. That wolf was/is (I’m still seeking knowledge about this aspect of me) my driving force, my constant in a childhood of neglect, abuse, and addicts. I am an empath that has learned to ground and protect better than I should some days and not enough many days. I am a multi-specialty registered nurse that has taken better care of others than herself. I am of Irish decent and an eclectic witch, Green, Divination, Traditional, Crystal, Cosmic, a little Kitchen and a lot of Solitary. I am almost certain that I am a lightworker and that I inherited some of my gifts from my father. I have struggled emotionally the past two years and have become more determined to find me. To find my place in this life. To understand the reason for such a struggle and such a traumatic life, to grow stronger in my confidence, and to become what has been in the making for 45 years.