I’m an avid nature lover. I’ve always been interested in energy and the “Woo woo” side of life. I’ve a background in Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Tantra and Shamanism. I rediscovered Paganism this year and realised it’s who I’ve always been really. After my initiation ritual it was like the nature spirits, the Horned one and Mother Moon had been waiting for me. Since then I’ve had such lovely times in the countryside where I live reconnecting with them all. They’ve become the family I never had. So I’m happy to be here, reconnecting with my true self and learning and growing every day. Things I love: Fusion belly dance, Drumming, Ceremony, Nature, plant whispering and animals. I’m currently studying past life regression and spirit release so I can release the inner Woo woo into my career to. I’m pretty excited about that.