2020 Collective Tarot Reading - It's a Long One!

I finally found time to do my reading with this fantastic Wheel. I think we are pretty much on the same page, check it out:

January: Totally agree with you, @megan. Ace of wands says the year will begin full of inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential.
February: Seven of Cups talks about perseverance through a time of struggle.
March: Judgement card is about resurrection and spiritual awakening. Again, just what you said in your reading @megan :open_mouth:
April: Fertiliy, harmony, alignment. The end of hard times (Ten of Cups).
May: Knight of Wands is ready for battle. Talks about inspired action, adventure and impulsiveness. Moving forward just like your May card.
June: Sourness, internal conflict and disgreements (Five of Swords). Here I am seeing a very different face of what you are seeing.
July: Unity, wholeness, and completion (The World). These two months will probably require a deeper analysis.
August: King of Swords when I associate it to your reading speaks of a tyrant, or absolute ruler.
September: The Wheel of Fortune card marks a turning point or it could be a point in which everything makes sense.
October: In this month when you saw loss and crisis, my deck shows the Devil. No escape from it. :imp:
November: I see the same light a the end of the tunnel you see. The Ace of Swords symbolizes breakthrough, success, and clear thinking.
December: Queen of Swords. We matched! So there will indeed be a feminine energy all around! :woman_mage: :clap:

Theme of the Year: My deck says there will be disagreements and competition (5 of Wands). Very similar to your passionate, fiery, full of obstacles 7 of Wands. Sounds like it won’t be an easy year.

Goals: (3 of Wands) Finding progress, expansion, and stability. To be prepared for upcoming challenges, and plan for the future.

Obstacles: Nine of Pentacles symbolizes material wealth, luxury and abundance. When I combine it with yours, I think maybe this is what Barack Obama meant with 'old white men in politics not getting out of the way’. :laughing:

I think it’s going to be a good year but certainly not an easy one! There are lots of room for growth and improvement but only if we can be perseverant! :muscle: