6pcs Chakra Stones

Does anyone know how to use this? I found it on Shopee and it says it would help with getting inspiration, guidance, knowledge and general decision-making. Plus I think it’s really cute especially the velvet bag, wouldn’t you agree?


Well, you could make a crystal grid. I really don’t want to get into lYing them out on the body because there’s just too much information to learn including safety measures. But you could also meditate with them. They’re beautiful, don’t get me wrong because the last thing I wanna do is discourage someone from using crystals!
So, here’s a link about the use of your chakra stones…


Hmm, good idea. I think it comes with a paper with a pattern or a pentacle on it and you can use it for Lithomancy. What could go wrong if you lay it on the body?


Emotional build up that can, in some people, lead to anxiety and an emotional mess. I’ve seen it first hand and you’ve got to know what to do and think fast. Which way to take the stones off and how to calm that person down quickly. The anxiety may come from past traumas coming up. I mean you’re healing them. Or a spiritual awakening may occur and they just cry and can’t focus.its alot of work actually. Crystals are beautiful but being a crystal healer is at times challenging!! There’s so much to learn. First the science behind it and how crystals work with us.
Anyway I hope that made sense and didn’t discourage you. :sweat_smile:


Wow cool! (Not that messing with people’s emotional and mental state is cool haha) Didn’t know they were that powerful. Not at all! If anything, I wanted to learn more about it. You gave a lot of good information! Thanks! <3


You’re welcome!! If I may suggest a great book about crystal healing, actually anything from Judy Hall. The Crystal Bible is great. Crystal Prescriptions I’d a favorite of mine. Judy was a great crystal healer and left this world behind with a lot of great crystal advice!! Check out any of her books. Also, Llewellyn is great for crystals too!!! I have some of his books and I love them.


I don’t think these are chakra stones, actually. They look cool though. Is there a guidebook telling you what the stones are and what they do?


I’m not entirely sure. The only paper I see in the kit is the one with the pentagram on it. But here’s the link. It’s got instruction on the bottom. :smiley: https://shopee.ph/6PCS-Chakra-Stones-Witch-stones-Engraved-Symbols-Polished-Palm-Stone-Reiki-Crystal-Healing-Natural-Stone-Divination-Witchcraft-i.423889181.8842964778?adsid=0&campaignid=0&position=0


Huh. The symbols are cute but I don’t think they mean anything really. I mean, not with the chakras. And they’re seven chakras, not six so someone is getting left out. If I were you I’d save my money and buy something from a more reputable dealer.


Actually, you have a great point!! They’re not chakra stones.


@christina4 and @Amethyst Thanks you guys! :heart: :heart: :heart: I will take up both your advice and I will surely read the references you recommended.


You’re welcome! Now if you just want to buy them because they’re pretty, go right ahead! LOL!