A bit about me…Lady Cassie

Greetings Ladies and Gentleman, I am your Lady Cassie for short and I am a witch of three. I have remained hidden until now as I just completed a part of my Ascension and still have far more to remember. I am now on a quest to continue doing just that in the safest way possible. A helpful Witch I am and forever learning I will always be. Ways of old I know and ways of new to grow forever moving forward is the way to go and as each Wicca should be!!!
Platonically Love and Light :heart_decoration:


My apologies to all Ladies and Gentleman, please pardon me for not formally announcing my location as you read and see. I am currently in Jacksonville, Florida.


Merry meet @Lady_Cassie and welcome!

My name is Kat, and I’ve been practicing the craft for over 30 years. My practice is rooted in a blend of nature magick, green magick, and elements of hedgecraft. I work closely with the natural world, drawing inspiration from plant spirits, animal spirits, and liminal spaces. My interests include herbalism, gardening, and divinatory practices like tarot, throwing bones, and Lenormand.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :deer:


Thank you kindly for your greetings. I’ve been practicing for 39 years. This May will be 40 years. I’m very excited to be here and will enjoy exploring and sharing and leaning new perspectives and experiences from each of you!!!


Welcome @Lady_Cassie!

I’m looking forward to learning from you! Feel free to jump into any conversation that interests you.

My name is Georgia. I’m in New Mexico.

The gusty wind is asking me to make wishes as though it were March, but I haven’t drawn a ship to come in for a long time. No fair wishing for more wishes? I don’t know where to begin… and I’ve been at this a while!

Hope your spells are going better than mine at the moment! Yet my reluctance means my dreams and wishes have all come true, so far, so here’s to wishing yours do, too!

Platonically :rainbow_heart:


Wishing of wishes as the wind blows when all have been answered is a bit of greed and should not be had. My wind is strong as the breeze blows and the bow strengthens and grows taller and tighter with each breeze blown. Be grateful and spread these blessings!!! Thank you kindly for sharing and sending these wishes my way, as well may the wind give a gentle push in the light for a bit of platonic delight. Have a joyful year March will be here soon no need to worry I’m sure things will arise that need such a touch.
Platonic love and light,
:dash: :heart_decoration: :dizzy:


Love the rhythm. Love the rhyme.
Love the meter. It’s wisdom time!


Welcome @Lady_Cassie!
Mwrry meet! I am so glad you are here. I am Celine, I am an eclectic witch from Portland Oregon. I work with Hades, Persephone, Baba yaga, Bridgit, Medicine Buddha, Tara in all incarnates, Avalokitesvara, Ganesha, Shiva and Kali Maha.
I took my buddhist vows in 2012 and my buddhist name is Janchup Pelozum. Meaning gathering enlightement. I have an almost daily chanting practice and meditation practice. I have been practicing magic since 2012. But practiced divination staring at 12.
I am also big learner and lover to gain more insight snd grow! I am so glad you found us!


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England Loki is my patron deity I practice Nordic Traditional and Runic Witchcraft. Lovely to meet you. :green_heart:


Welcome @Lady_Cassie ! I’m from Minnesota. I’ve been practicing many aspects of the craft for 35+ years. I currently work with chaos magick, voodoo and divination.


Hi, @Lady_Cassie! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s nice to meet you! It’s always fun to meet new witches and learn from them and with them!

If you have any questions or anything, just ask and someone will pop up to give you a hand. I look forward to getting to know you!


Hello and welcome @Lady_Cassie I’m Amanda from Oklahoma We’re so excited you have joined us


Hello @Lady_Cassie,

Welcome to the forum! I’m Bry, one of the moderators and an Eclectic Witch. Thank you for sharing your introduction, it’s very nice to meet you. Make yourself at home here!

Blessed be :sparkles:


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @Lady_Cassie

It’s nice to meet you, Lady Cassie! I’m Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. Welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


@ Lady_Cassie Welcome to the family of witches and wizards!
I am Airam from beautiful Greece and I am glad to have you with us
whatever you need, don’t hesitate to ask
in the forum there are wise people who deal with various magical paths
have a nice stay!