A Dark Month Ritual

As we enter the darker phase of the wheel, it is a time of quiet and slow reflection. We can look back over the year and see where we’ve been, the good and the bad.

December is a time for Yule, but it is also the month that Lokeans dedicate to the Norse God of Chaos. This often troublesome deity :rofl: (I say that with love :green_heart: ) is wonderful with the darker time of the year and has inspired a ritual if you wish to channel his energy. This ritual can be done anytime between November through to February.

The ritual helps to unbind yourself from any energy and memories that you’ve collected throughout the past year that you no longer want to carry. It uses the symbol of the spiral.

This symbol means many things to different traditions but for this ritual it represents the cycle of life that we take inwards to find our true-self, face our darkness and come out stronger and wiser.

So why Loki? Because of his time bound in a dark cave, having to face himself only to come out, stronger and maybe wiser :laughing: (just messing beasty, don’t throw pie in my face :rofl:).

For this ritual you’ll need:

2 pieces of rope.
Black eyeliner or charcoal to draw the spiral.
A bowl of water.
A candle if there’s no wind otherwise a lantern.
This is best done at midnight or after.

Sit or stand, whatever feels right (I sat)
Draw the spiral on the palms of both your hands.
Wrap the rope gently around each wrist.
Place your bowl infront of you.

If you use circles in your practice then open one, otherwise it’s not necessary.

Light your candle or lantern and place it by the bowl.
Invoke Loki by drawing in the air the rune:


3 times infront of your face. (We are using the rune’s fire and transformative energy, to light up the darkness inside of ourselves so we can shed what we don’t want to hold onto)

Say out loud:

I invite you, Loki, into my space tonight. Please help me to search deep within for what I no longer want to carry into next year. Give me the courage to see it, feel it and let it go.

Now sit and close your eyes and let Loki guide you inside your cave.
(You can bring your hands together like in the video connecting the spirals if you like)
As you let go of whatever you want, unbind yourself from the ropes and drop them to the ground.
Then take the bowl of water and pour this over the ropes cleansing away all the negative energy.
Blow out the candle/lantern.
Thank Loki.
Close your circle if you’ve used one.
If you want to give an offering (he’s cool with a thanks) he likes alcohol, nice coffee and chocolate :laughing:. You can place this offering on your usual altar, or safely burn it if you have a cauldron or fire-pit.

Dispose of the rope anyway you feel moved.

Feel free to modify this ritual, you’re invoking the god of chaos, if he moves you to make changes go with your intuition. :green_heart:

This ritual was inspired by a beautiful musician Vigundr and here’s the video which you can play in the background. The song is in honour to Loki.

Skoll :beers:


Thank you for sharing this @tracyS ! I love working with Loki. He is always eager to help when I reach out to him. I have bookmarked this so I can add it to my grimoire and use it in a week or so.

Always love your shares! Much love my sister :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Aww thankyou, lovely :green_heart: I’m glad you like it. Enjoy it when the two of you get together again :partying_face::beers:


Lovely ritual :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Feeling I might give it a try… good reason to get some exquisite dark chocolate :wink: How did I never think of ritually binding and unbinding myself? :thinking: I should have plenty of supplies :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but I’m not disposing of them! :rofl:


Aww thankyou. :sparkling_heart:

I won’t ask why. :rofl::rofl::rofl::partying_face:


Great message about embracing the darker season and I love the spiral ritual for Loki!

Wishing you and your delightfully chaotic deity a very blessed dark time of the year, @tracyS :black_heart: :blush: :sparkles:


Aww thankyou :green_heart:


This is beautiful—a perfect blend of reflection and chaos, just like Loki himself. I like the inclusion of the rune and fire energy to light up those shadowy corners inside us. Loki really doesn’t let us hide from ourselves, does he? :black_heart:

Skál fyrir Loki fyrir að innblása þetta, og þakka þér fyrir að deila því! :drinking_horn:



I had some fun with this ritual tonight, drew the spirals on my hands and invited Loki into my space, used handcuffs instead of rope, somehow it felt right… :laughing: I saw a fire, dancing, heard some drums, realized I was about to drool on myself and snapped out of it, then started to laugh hysterically… :joy: Thanks Loki, I needed that. I think he’s saying that I should leave my seriousness in 2024 :stuck_out_tongue:


This is fabulous :laughing: Looking forward to 2025 :partying_face:


Thank you for this Tracy. I have had a crazy year, but with every bad thing that happened, it turned into something good. My daughter is sober, I have a job that I love, and my granddaughter who was born 20 weeks early is healthy and doing great. It has been quite a year, and I will wecome 2025 with open arms!


Aww I’m happy that good came from the bad, and your family is doing well. Here’s to 2025. :partying_face::sparkling_heart:


Yay! That’s worth celebrating! :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Yes ma’am it is!


I think I got contact :rofl: I was making some apple pie with my father, he was mixing the dough with electric mixer, which suddenly started doing weird things. I had a look at it and got some dough on me, and out of nowhere there was a spider happily nomming on the splashed dough on me :laughing: :spider: I let the spider enjoy its feast and then moved it elsewhere. When we poured the dough out on a baking plate, there was a spoon in it :woman_facepalming: The electric mixer unfortunately is history :headstone: Maybe I need more of an offering to Loki than a single piece of chocolate for the next time I’m contacting him! :rofl:


I laughed out loud. I’m so sorry for the mixer. :rofl: That’s too funny. He probably wants some apple pie. :green_heart::beers:


Thank you for sharing :heart: :beer:


My pleasure lovely :sparkling_heart:


Bookmarked thankyou