I walked into my home office this morning, also where my altar is, and saw a beautiful sunny good morning message from Athena.
I have felt connected to Athena ever since I started on my path. Every once in a while, I just get this sense that she is right next to me or behind me guiding, supporting, listening. I wouldn’t normally say that out loud, but I feel it so strongly, I don’t have a choice but to believe it.
About a month ago, I was having a really, really crappy day at work, one of the most stressful I’ve ever had. I decided to leave the office early and stop at the local grocery store where I pick up bulk herbs. I was browsing, wasting time, trying to keep my mind occupied. I was looking at an end cap of clearance items when I heard
something drop behind me. I turned around and saw this yellow owl candle on the floor. My coat must have snagged it, but I know there was another reason. Obviously, I purchased it that day. the right ear had gotten a little dented, but that was just another remind that we all face challenges.
After the grocery store, I headed to Walmart, still distracting myself. Four times I turned down either the wrong aisle or had to use a different aisle because the one I wanted to get to was blocked. Each time I turned down the aisle, I saw something with an owl on it. A kitchen towel, a clock, a stuffed animal, a kid’s toy.
I was having a really difficult day. However, I knew without a doubt that I had someone looking out for me. I was reminded that dau that I am a strong, intelligent, and capable woman. Whatever is happening at work right now is just another challenge that I must overcome. This time, I won’t be walking through it alone.
I just had to share. Seeing this sign this morning made my entire day better!