As it’s Samhain, the season of the dead, spirits, ghouls and ghosts, how about inviting a few demons along.
So often we think of demons as fallen angels, dark beings or exclusive entities worked only with those ceremonial magicians of Demonolatry. However, I’d like to try to offer a fresh view of these beasties ready to invite maybe one or two to a midnight supper tonight.
First Demons are happy to accept the following:
1 Everything in the Universe is interconnected.
2 They are teachers/guides.
3 They like to be invited to join you rather than summoned.
4 We as witches create our own reality, with or without them.
5 We are responsible for what we do.
6 The Demon is the guide that leads you to your Divine nature.
7 Belief, religion and opinions are unique to you. So you can practice any belief systems and still work with demons.
8 Demons advocate self-empowerment and spiritual growth to lead you ultimately to have a relationship with the Creator/Universe or Whole.
9 They aren’t evil, and would very much like to become a friend, if you’re open to inviting them for tea and cake.
10 They really don’t have time to possess you, it’s a big planet and we’re not the only one on it.
So, would you like to invite one tonight for Samhain. You can invite many and if you look at the following posts they are a big family.
Demonolatry (Demon/Daemon) Master Post
However I’ve listed 3 that love this time of year with a simple ritual to invite them.
Rite to Eurynomous, Baalberith and Babael
This is a celebration of death, dying and the dead. Here’s the Ancestors Ritual.
You will need:
Incense sage or similar
A Black candle for prayer
Paper and pen
A chalice with water mixed with a pinch of salt.
On your paper draw the sigils for all or one of the above demons. The sigils are here;
On your Ancestors Altar, place the chalice of salt water, the prayer candle and the incense. Place the paper sigils on the altar. Now light the incense and candle. Invite the three demons of death. (Or one if you don’t fancy all 3).
Now say the enn (the words under their name) to invite them.
Ayer secore on ca Eurynomous
Avage secore on ca Baalberith
Alan secore on ca Babael
As you sit infront of the altar, focus on the sigils, you may feel a warm, comforting presence come over you. When you’re ready say a prayer for those who’ve died, honouring those who came before us and the Demons that rule over death and change. Allow any memories to flow through your mind freely.
When you’ve finished, blow out the candle and give thanks to the Demons.
The sigils can be burned as an offering later. (Practice fire safety)
Happy Halloween