A Love Letter to Lilith

@tracyS that’s funny! :blush: it made me chuckle and i like that it’s true!


It’s Friday! The day associated with the planet Venus and therefore to some degree with Lilith.

So get your sigils out and send some love to one of the most empowering feminine spirits out there. :black_heart:

She also likes some red wine and dark chocolate. :wink:


Lilith. Love her already. She has reached out to me in the past, but I stick with the fellas :rofl::heartpulse:. Still I feel alot of patience in her as she keeps gently prodding :sparkling_heart:


It’s been a good day, with both wine and chocolate, and sexual pleasure :smile_cat: :hearts:


Today, 24 October, is listed in my calendar as the day Lilith left the Garden of Eden. Celebrations for this often include elements from the Babylonian New Year Festival.

Regardless, I’m going to use this as an excuse to dump some more Lilith information:

A more historical approach:

More sigil related (and connection to Samael):

Lilith and Judaism:


This is a very enlightening post. I also had a Ouija board and we used to do things like have a person lay down on the floor and we will put two fingers underneath the person laying there one at the head one of the feet and two on both sides and we would say this chant and lift them up and it actually worked we actually were able to lift one person up the other person didn’t work so good which I was amazed and shocked. I think I was maybe 10 when that happened.

I want to talk to my daughter about this but I just don’t know when the time is right I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit lately I might drop hints and see what her reaction is try to route like that maybe :thinking:


That’s crazy that it worked! When I started witchcraft, I started with crystals. My younger son absolutely hated it! But it started a conversation about it. I told him he didn’t have to like what I do, but he should know that it’s helping me and makes me feel good and that’s what’s really important. Good luck!


@Satans_Helper Found this lovely video on Lilith. :black_heart:

Given it’s Lilith, there are content warnings: sex, menses, and so on.

It goes very in-depth into her history and portrayals in various locations and cultures, though. Her research is thorough! Then, towards the end, she talks about ways you can work with her. :rose:

She also found this by the owner of Belladonna’s Botanicals.


Lilith mediation


This is beautiful and relaxing, in a “relax into my own power” way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :black_heart:


@CelestiaMoon Love you :kissing_heart:


Love you too dear :kissing_heart: :revolving_hearts:


I was just looking at the definition of Lilith in The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned by Michelle Belanger. (There’s a newer “expanded” version available, but this is from this one: https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Demons-Names-Damned/dp/0738723061)

A demon with a long and colorful history who is currently depicted as the night-demon par excellence. Lilith can be traced back to the mythology of the Babylonians and Sumerians, where she appears most recognizably as the Ardat Lili, a maiden ghost that preys upon men in their sleep. Supposedly, this being died without first tasting the pleasures of sex, and henceforth she yearns for what she could not have. Her amorous embraces were considered fatal, however, and so this night-dwelling being was greatly feared.

Although the Ardat Lili was often thought to haunt the night, Lilith’s connection to night was most likely established by the similarity of her name with that of the Hebrew word for “night,” laileh or layla. Lilith’s name did not originate in Hebrew, however, and so this connection is somewhat misleading. Her name is more properly derived from the Sumerian word lil, meaning “storm.” In this respect, she fits in neatly with traditional Sumerian demonology, where many demons were associated with destructive forces such as storms, earthquakes, and disease.

In her earliest days, Lilith was not a singular being. Rather, the lilin or lilitu were a class of demons believed to haunt the deserts and wastelands. Perhaps because of this, Lilith is often associated with owls and other wild beasts. In Isaiah 34:14 (King James Version), the name Lilith is translated directly as “screech owl.” Her connection with birds may trace back to one of her first appearances in written language. One of the first known references to Lilith in literature appears in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Here, she appears as a demon who inhabits the Huluppa-Tree along with a dragon and something called the Zu-bird. When the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh slays the dragon that has curled up around the foot of the tree, Lilith is said to tear her house down and flee into the wilderness. This ancient passage may very well have established many of Lilith’s traditional associations, from birds to dragons to her abode in the wild spaces of the world.

In later years, Lilith became central to Jewish demonology. In the Talmudic Erebim (18b), it is said that while Adam was under the curse (before the birth of Seth), he sired demons—both shedim and lilin. Lilin is a plural form of Lilith. There is a similar passage in the Nidda (16b). This was during the time immediately following the death of Abel and the banishment of Cain. For one hundred and thirty years, Adam would not lie with his wife, Eve. Lilith came to him instead and bore all manner of demons by his seed. Later rabbinical sources identified her as the first wife of Adam, cast from the Garden because she would not submit completely to his rule. Here, again, she fled into the wilderness, where many traditions say she became the mother of demons after coupling with fallen angels like Lucifer and Samael. Jewish folklore, in works like the Haggadah and the Chronicles of Jerahmeel, often presents her as the consort of these fallen angels.

That’s about half of the entry on her.


In hindsight, I should have posted this “Gain Occult Knowledge and Magickal Powers with Lilith” ritual here, but here’s a link to it:

It does call for an offering to Lilith. These are my personal (alphabetical) lists, compiled from all the sources I could find:

Incense (or Oil)

  • Amber
  • Camphor
  • Cinnamon
  • Dragon’s Blood
  • Frankincense
  • Golden Copal
  • Jasmine
  • Lotus
  • Myrrh
  • Olibanum
  • Patchouli
  • Saffron
  • Sandalwood


  • Aquamarine
  • Aventurine
  • Chrysolite
  • Citrine
  • Diamond
  • Fire Opal
  • Garnet
  • Jet
  • Moonstone
  • Obsidian
  • Onyx
  • Red Quartz
  • Ruby
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Topaz

Botanicals and Other Natural Items

  • Almond
  • Amaranth
  • Beetroot
  • Blood

  • Chrysanthemum
  • Gourd
  • Hazel
  • Hemlock
  • Hibiscus
  • Juniper
  • Lime
  • Lotus
  • Mistletoe
  • Moonwort
  • Mugwort
  • Nettle
  • Nightshade
  • Pomegranates
  • Pumpkin
  • Red Flowers
  • Roses
  • Rosemary
  • Weeping Willow


  • Black
  • Dark Grey
  • Dark Pink
  • Gold
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Silver

Miscellaneous Items

  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa
  • Lace
  • Red Lipstick
  • Red Wine

The above ritual seems to have disappeared, so I’m posting it again here:

Lilith, known as the first woman, is thought by some to have ascended to mystical prominence by embracing the sacred name of God, which bestowed upon her extraordinary abilities. These powers, including flight, the insight into the human heart, and the capability to alter destinies with her mere presence, solidify her status as the Goddess of the left-hand path and the sovereign of magick.


  • Position Lilith’s image centrally on the altar. Flank it with a red and black candle. Position the incense in front of the image, allowing the smoke to create a mystical veil.
  • Keep the offering beside you initially. It will be formally presented to Lilith at the ritual’s conclusion.
  • Ensure that the prayer is readily accessible.
  • Attain a state of calm and confidence. Deep, measured breaths will help in focusing your mind and spirit. Confirm your commitment to this path before commencing.

The Ritual

  • Ignite the incense and candles, setting the stage for the ritual.
  • Reflect deeply on your aspiration for occult knowledge or magickal prowess.
  • Invoke Lilith with the following:

Lilith, I invoke and revere you, seeking your dark wisdom.
Lilith, illuminate my sanctuary with your enigmatic black light.
Lilith, kindle within me a synthesis of carnal excitement and intellectual dominance.
Lilith, the Great Mother, sister, and lover, bestow upon me the chalice of esoteric knowledge.
Lilith, inebriated with your essence, I grasp your majestic power.
Lilith, in the timeless void, you dissipate my fears and unveil the arcane truths.
Lilith, unleash your formidable legions to vanquish my foes.
Lilith, initiate me into the mysteries of magick under your protective cloak.
Lilith, envelop me in your cosmic embrace amidst the spiralling celestial horizon.

  • Pause to feel Lilith’s presence.
  • Petition Lilith with your request:

Oh, Dark Goddess, Mother of the Night, Lilith, hear my plea.
Lilith, guide me this very night and impart your magickal wisdom and power.
The same enlightenment you attained by invoking the divine at the dawn of existence.
Lilith, assist me in traversing the realms, to witness both the celestial splendors above and the darkness below.
Open the gates of perception to me.
Be present with me, Great Lilith.
Dark Goddess, accept my humble offerings.
So mote it be!

  • Contemplate your desire for knowledge or magickal ability and its transformative impact.
  • Gaze through the incense smoke at Lilith’s image, visualising her energy flowing through you. Embrace this connection fearlessly.
  • Present the offering before Lilith’s image.
  • Conclude by bidding farewell and expressing gratitude to Lilith. No formal words are required.

This marks the completion of the ritual.

You may continue to communicate with Lilith mentally if you wish. While a single performance of this ritual is typically sufficient, repeated sessions are harmless if you feel compelled to do so.

The following day, ideally, return the offering to nature. This gesture helps in grounding the ritual and maintaining a connection with the natural world.

Approach this ritual with respect, intention, and an open heart, ready to receive the wisdom and power of Lilith.


There are so many things I’ve bookmarked and wonder if I’ll get back to them all! :crazy_face::laughing:


I know, right?? I feel like I already do so much. But for every thing I do, it’s like I add 5 to the “to do” list. :joy:


It’s Friday night, which means it’s Lilith night here! :black_moon_lilith:

I’m going harder than usual with the candles (4) while relaxing in a bath of rose petals, bath salts, and some of my Lilith ritual oil. :black_heart:

And if course, my black cat companion, Raven, is lying on the floor nearby. :smile_cat:


This was my audio of choice. I hadn’t listened to this one before but it was lovely. And the chanting ended right before the smallest candle went out.


Thanks for sharing these.