A Spell to Burn Away Obstacles 🔥

Thank you @BryWisteria because I will be needing this today!! I’m stuck in the middle of a hundred obstacles. 🤦I feel crippled. But what else could I use in place for a directive token??


Sorry to hear you’ve got some obstacles in your way, Christina4, I hope this spell can help you! :blush:

Is there an object you have that could symbolize the obstacles you are facing? If you are having financial problems, for example, a coin or empty purse could represent that :moneybag: . Being unable to find housing/wanting a new home could be portrayed by a piece of wood from a house, the written address of a dream house, or a drawn picture of a home :house_with_garden:.

Hopefully that helped give you some ideas! Good luck and blessed spellwork :sparkles:


Oh ok duh :roll_eyes: thank you so much for clarifying that up!!! I’m going ahead with the spell now!


You’re welcome- happy if I could help! Good luck with the spell- let me know how it goes for you! :sparkles::blush:


I definitely will :relaxed:


@BryWisteria I did it but there was one little problem. I wasn’t sure when to add the fire herb (I used ginger) but I just did it in the beginning. It’s not like I couldn’t figure out something that works. Thanks again!!!


Beautiful, Christina! :blush::candle: You did it perfectly! Yes, everything should be all set up (including the herb/spice) at the beginning, apologies for any confusion!

Great job and I wish you all the best with your spellwork- may your obstacles burn away, leaving the road ahead clear for you! Blessed be :heart:


Thank you! It started to work out.


Glad to hear it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just found this post and it was the perfect spell for the day. I used combined it with a good old intention setting and burning of my bayleaf to overcome some negative habits, and move forward with healthier intentions. After I was done I took my bayleaf remnants and the herb/resin mix and made a fire focused candle for reinforcement meditation when my intention needs some attention. As always this is a lovely group of people with amazing ideas. Thank you.


Beautiful spellwork, Becca- your candle burns so brightly! :candle::blush: And I love those candle holders too, are those amethyst crystals? Stunning :purple_heart:

I’m glad you found the spell helpful and I think following up the ritual with a reinforcement meditation is a really great idea. May any negative habits you focused on in the spell turn to ashes and fade to the wind- many blessings to you, Becca! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :fire:


Beautiful spell and the alters pictured are amazing


@BryWisteria yes ma’am, the left candle holder is amethyst, the right is quartz. Both amethyst and quartz have always been central to my practice. My current altar incarnation tries to be more intentional about consumption, waste and their impact on the lives of others. So these two combined with simple white tea light cups that I refill always make an appearance lately.

So far just seeing the candle tin on my counter has been a pretty powerful reminder, but it’s early days. I am sure at some point we will have to have a meditation session to prevent slipping back into comfortable, though not ideal habits.


@Carmen3 Thank you very much, Carmen- that is very kind of you! Blessed be! :heart:

@Litha The candleholders were beautiful before, but now I see them in a whole new light- you put an amazing amount of thought and care into your altar, Becca, it is truly impressive! :clap::heart_eyes: I wish you all the best with your continued spellwork and future meditation sessions- many blessings to you! :candle::purple_heart::white_heart: