A thousand boy kisses

Oh they are so lovely :heart_eyes: Now i know what you are talking about :woman_facepalming: :laughing: I was thinking chains not cranes. But nice to pull out and decorate maybe for one of the Sabbats :blush:


Agreed- that’s a great idea! :grinning:

And I bet other origami forms could be used too, although there’s something about the cranes that lets them stack really well. I don’t know if origami cats or other animals would work quite so neatly, although that would be fun if it was someone’s spirit or guardian animal. Chains of their symbol would truly make an impressive altar decoration! :sparkles:

Anyways, forgive me for rambling haha- how is your crafting going so far? I hope you’re having fun with the kiss hearts! :heart::blush:


That’s a great idea… I would have rabbits or cats on mine but my spirit animal is a wolf :blush:


Yes i have finished it finally! yay!!! It took time and patience but i did it… I actually added a instax picture you know the little ones that print out, and stuck it in the inside of the glass with a few other meaningful things then after organising all 1000 heart in 10 little pink mesh bags (in 100’s to locate the hearts easier), i then went and sealed the lid with a pink wax seal for some detail (it has a cat on it so cute)… Hope he will like it, but at least to me it will as i love giving more than getting…
Oh talking about getting, my husband very unexpectedly brought me an early valentines day gift!!! I am so excited as we went into Pandora to get another clip for my bracelet i got for valentines day last year since one got hooked on something and the heart gen fell out, and i was just browsing and went i saw me looking at the red heart ring, necklace and earring set, he said “why don’t go go ahead and buy it”, and i thought he was joking as he has this strange sense of humor where he will tell you to do something but as a joke and when you go to do it he will say joking :woman_facepalming:, but he was dead serious and they are so stunning as it matches my bracelet i got last year (I actually brought that for myself last year as husband didn’t realise it was valentines day :woman_facepalming: :neutral_face: :joy:
Anyways i wont ramble on, here it is:

And here is the bracket from last year… sorry for the quality I took the picture to show my mum the red heart clip as she had seen the bracelet…


It’s gorgeous! I love it!


Thank you sweets… :heart: I wish you a happy Valentine’s day in advance whether that be with a special someone or even better self-love :people_hugging: :heart: :blush:


Aww :heart: Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours as well!


Hooray! Congrats, @TheMuslimWitch :partying_face: It sounds like it was a lot of hard work, but also very fun work. I’m glad it brought you happiness to make- those are really the best gifts of all! :blush:

And the jewelry is beautiful- may it bring your joy whenever you wear it :sparkles:

Wishing you a very happy and blessed Valentine’s Day! :rose::blush:


Thank you :people_hugging: :heart: :blush: May all your Valentine wishes come true :blush:


Thank you so much- same to you! :heart::hugs::sparkles:


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