A woman in limbo

I happened to listen a clip on YouTube about a young woman trying to make it in a man’s world.
She wanted from an early age to study something that appealed to her, but father said would not pay for her education unless studying medicine( her vocation was religious).
She jumped to cardiology, but was told it’d be incompatible with pregnancy, she’d had to get covered by her colleagues.
Cardiology is a Man’s world!
She’d several miscarriages, to date has 3 young children, married and full-time job.
The nightmare has not started yet.
We, as men, should stop whining about and get on with it!
She’d enjoy running, but after the first baby, begun suffering from rehumathoid arthritis. She’d found about after an appointment with best specialist in Maryland.
She was told to get used to her new life, it was over.
She was on steroids and other medication.
She was constipated and suffering a great deal of pain. Unable to walk upstairs or breastfeeding.
She found a doctor that told her to give up dairy. Changed her diet and a year later, her inflammation is gone.
She’s mostly vegetarian. She skips night meals.
They grow their own vegetables. She’s a very supportive husband.
I have a similar condition. I’ve be dead if I’d try to emulate her.
Why the General Practitioners are not intetested in telling you the truth?
They’d be unemployed!
We have to spin the wheel in society.
Do not allow the doctors to tell you fibs, do your own research. It might take longer than a year, but if a spell helps to improve the quality of your life, so be it.
As shopkeepers would tell you: try before you buy.
Witchcraft using common sense is better than burying your head in the ground.
-Nobody expected the
Spanish Inquisition!.:joy:


I think this is a double-edged sword. Having worked in the healthcare industry myself (not as an MD but I worked closely with those in several different specialties, including neurosurgery and cardiology), I can tell you that most physicians will tell you to try adjusting your diet, getting better quality sleep, etc. What doctors can’t do, and what we as witches shouldn’t do either, is push stuff on other people without substantiated evidence.

A doctor is limited in what they can and can’t tell their patients because, in the case they have to plead their case to a review board (i.e. for medical malpractice, complaints, etc.) they have to have science to back up their decisions. A lot of these things we do for our health don’t have good quality scientific studies behind them. That doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means they haven’t been studied enough for the medical field to be able to suggest them with certainty without fear of hurting someone or losing their license.

I’m someone who might have an autoimmune condition that affects my joints and bones. I’ve had the testing, been told yes I have it and no I don’t. At this point, I’m not seeing a doctor for this possible condition because there’s no point. However, I have taken steps to change my diet and figure out what works for my body. I have cut out most dairy, gluten, and most meats. I eat a mainly plant-based diet and it works for me.

It’s a tricky thing to discuss, too, because the general population, while adept at using Google, doesn’t know how to use Google to do proper research. They don’t know how to tell a good quality source from a bad one. They don’t know what makes a medical study sound or not (and a medical study with no control and less than 20 people is not a sound medical study). They also tend to partake in confirmation bias, which is a beast on its own.

We can’t place all the blame on physicians because most physicians truly care about helping their patients. But most physicians are also stuck between a rock and a hard place. They may want to tell their patients that cutting out dairy and red meat will help them but they can’t necessarily because there’s no study to back it up. Then we also have to look at the majority of people in today’s society wanting a quick-fix and not wanting to do the work to feel better, but that’s an entirely different topic.

If we were to solely rely on eating a whole food diet, cutting out dairy and processed foods, and working magic to keep our health, that may work for some people but as witches and spiritual people, we also need to keep science in mind, too.

Science doesn’t negate magic. They can both work together and one shouldn’t be given up in favor of the other.


I have no intention of starting an argument here.
Thank you for taking the time to read and write back.
I am not trying to generalize here. There good doctors and those who just enter the profession for money and perks, like any other fields.
“There are no bad students, only bad teachers”.
Long hours, not enough training, family commitments!
We all been there. Each profession has its downside.
7 year type 1 diabetic. On that time I had no choice of doctors.
I took what they gave me.
They had me like a ping pong ball!
I had to go to Spain these year to get a different approach to my condition.
My readings have improved greatly.
I feel less stressed now.
Yet, had to change my diet drastically.
I was told by a professional that in 5 year I’d be dead.
It’s easier for some to sit behind the desk looking at the monitor and reading what your colleagues just have written.
This days is all about money, how much the stockholders get.
And people at the bottom of the pyramid get the crumbs.
In 7 years at my surgery never seen same doctor twice. There’s plenty covering absences and trainees.
Would allow someone just got driving licence to drive my car…I don’t think so.
I speak by experience here.
Bad luck or poor professional choice, maybe, but I have had bad experience with dentists. Take them to court when something goes wrong, and it’s very difficult to prove, is a long wait and very stressful.
We going to the dentist because we have no choice.
Unlike this woman, I was eating healthy, went to the gym and follow trainer advice.
I wasn’t told by a doctor, that in order to get on with my career I had to get an abortion or not have children at all.
No family history but the genes hold the answer, it’s like a lottery: one day I get all the numbers and my life changes forever.
And it’s my doing according to those in the knowing!
-Caesar said once: married men are bad soldiers.
-Hustory is written by those with money.
I was told not to trust the internet.
Can you trust books?
Just have to look the truth in the right places.
I enjoy constructive criticism. It gives me time to think, but, talking by experience, is difficult to change my mind about what I know.
She’d made a good point. Look forward to read her book.
I told my doctor’s I am not their average patient, and have to storm the room time and time again, because is like listen to a recorded message over and over.
Maybe one day, an old spinter like me will get lucky finding the right one.:rofl:


Kudos on your recovery after a long journey, @basil :+1:

I wanted to ask you if you have any good books to recommend on eating habits and diets. I’d like to read more.

Even though it’s just anecdotal, I always enjoy reading successful stories of people who change their lifestyle and eventually heal through natural means.


I am reading these at the moment. The Guardian food magazines.
Every Saturday. Great chefs and recipes from all over the world.
My collection is growing.
I have had a large book collection. Recently gave lots a way. They do not sell well. They are my children and to given away was a terrible loss.
After being diagnosed with diabetes, my love for cooking changed.
Began to search on other cultures to see if I could heal myself.
I have one about food combining, another about Candida. Recently I’m reading about intetmitent fasting.
I read once, food is killing us. Without the pancreas we can not live.
There was a long article a while ago about British and French women food habits.
Why French women stay slim?
Because they eat to nurture the soul.
They laugh, talk and drink wine while eating. No room for arguments or large meals.
Feeding is not a chore, is fun, childish, witchy.
A table is a canvas of brushes and paint pots, where painter lays its masterpiece.
My kitchen is Pandora’s box and my hands my wands.
Open the cabinet doors and work the magic. But, I need to be motivated to transmit positive energy to the dish am about to prepare.
I do not believe in tidy kitchens, if you want one, visit a shop.
My kitchen is my playground, cluttered with lots of cauldrons and tools.
Ever seen a painter workshop tidy?
There are not good or bad diets, there are changes we make overtime not to adjust the palate, but to heal ourselves.
The woman I talked about, eats large portions of salads. Very much like a Mediterranean cooking.
Our stomach works like a second brain.
Both are connected. When we’re hungry stomach sends a message to the brain.
Gastric juices move in anticipation to the food about to receive.
We get bloated if feeling nervous or tried something that do not combine.
Let’s listen to our stomachs because it’s where the healing process begins.
But will not happen overnight. This woman through determination, took longer than a year.
I am on a journey, but am a Taurus, will take me longer.
Recently read that Tina Turner had a kidney transplant, she couldn’t eat.
All that money and healthy habits wasted.
Bad genes or a life of torment?
She said that all those years in therapy to heal from the abuse received by Ike, her ex.
And food can become an addiction. I have a great respect for the Devil card when it comes to food.
I am free, I have choices, but really want to change?
Looking to loose weight or live longer?
Just remember that what we see in the mirror is not a real image.
Beauty starts inside out!
Want to pick up your brain on this😃


I’ve listened to this woman reversing arthritis changing diet.
No white flour or grains or pasta. No potatoes. White wine instead of red.
After that, make small changes. What suits me will not work on you.
Small meals rather than three main meals.
When it comes to food there are not rules.
Family meals can be a blessing or a nightmare.
We need balance and support to grow and heal.


Today paper supplement!


Does Food Combining Work? Fact or Fiction.

1 Like

There are lots of ways to apply intetmitent fasting to suit us.
Fasting is not a fad. I had to communicate with my brain and stomach to be in harmony(3 of cups?)
Fasting makes you productive.
Do not look at your external fat, focus on the internal attached to our organs.


Since I was little suffered from bloating and constipation.
In Switzerland, they wanted me opened to find out what was that huge white cloud filling my gut.
Moon in Taurus?, Comfort, security, healthy family.
1964. Did not have any of that. My parents were immigrants, not a good time.
Feeding your moon sign heals your body.
Diabetes and constipation is a bad relation.
We need lots of water and fibra to move our bowels.
Suffering from external piles, went to see my doctor.
She gave me an ointment. I was in agony for a week. Bought a different ointment at the supermarket.
MIRACLE!, pain was gone. I went back to see the doctor and asked why she prescribed me with that one?
She’d reply that the other gave allergy to some people.
I decided to find the cause of my constipation.
Stress and diabetes another bad combination.
Today my piles are happy, I changed my diet greatly. I’d adjusted it to my needs.
Takes time and it’s not easy.


Nuts and seeds are great snacks as are olives.
Instead using oils to lower badcholesterol, munch on walnuts, good marinated olives and pumpkin seeds.
I grind them to mix or spread them on my flat bread.
The stomach willabsorve nutrients efficiently.
Digestion starts in the mouth using saliva.
Kabbalah tell us to masticate 40 times? each mouthful before swallowing down.
We cover our faeces with paper. Any doctor will tell you that there are clues to good digestion or sickness.
If we see food that we recognise, something is not right.


Ever want to find about food?
Talk to a :taurus:.
We eat to live, not live to eat!


Thank you for the links and recommendations! I’ve been seeing intermittent fasting around a lot and I think it’s very interesting. It also seems to have spiritual significance because fasting is one of the Five Pillars of the religion of Islam. I had a friend who did it every year but he was Baha’i.

I personally aim for the Mediterranean diet, as people living in Mediterranean countries have a lower-than-expected rate of heart disease, and it’s delicious too.


Read about the 5 pillars, thanks.


I’ve got a story for you then. We can talk later though.


Well now I have to know…!


I’ll message you then.