A Wonderful Encounter with Lilith

I will try to be brief. I am the survivor of domestic violence. My ex husband owed me back child support. I finally contacted an attorney and took him to court. The night before I bought a red candle and painted Lilith’s glyph, sigil, seal, and name on it. I created the seal and glyph on paper. I placed red roses, dark chocolate, and wine on the alter. While doing this I told her my story. I then knelt down and began to pray. I prayed that my ex would have to pay all back child support plus interest and attorney’ cost. I then opened my heart and poured out all my pain and how my ex never paid for all the damage he had wrought, not just to me, but to my son, his second ex wife and her 4 children, and who knows who else. I never felt like he was punished. I told Her how he only cared about $$ and his reputation, that the only punishment I could inflict was financial. The next day, before the appointment before the magistrate, I said a quick prayer for a positive judgement. During the Zoom meeting I kept praying. I was awarded full back child support plus interest plus “reasonable” court costs, about $72k. My ex will have to remortgage the house, my house that my family made possible. I believe all of this was made possible with the help of Lilith. I did what came “naturally” to me and just made sense. I believe that my pain and desperation that I showed Lilith convinced her to help me. Just wanted to share, thank you for reading all of this. Blessed be!


That’s beautiful the outcome. In daemons I trust. I’m telling you what You deserved what you are owed at the end of the day. I’m happy for you. I hope you and your son can build a wonderful life knowing he’s paying for his actions :heart:

Blessed be :magic_wand:


That is great to hear! I am glad he has to pay.
Sounds like a great prayer!


That is fabulous news! I’m so happy that you got Justice. I love hearing stories like this with a happy ending. I hope you and your son are able to overcome the emotional toll this has taken on you. Much love :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


It sounds like you got the justice you deserved and the result you needed - this is wonderful news, Tracy! I’m so happy for you :blush:

May Lilith continue to smile upon you and help you move forward to happiness. Blessed be! :sparkles: