Has a discussion been started on this topic yet (Disney channel series)? I’ve been away from the forum for a while but I couldn’t find one!
I don’t think there has.
I haven’t seen one. Is this a good series? I have been curious about it
I don’t think so, but if there was it was likely either in the comments of another thread or from a long while back. Feel free to share about it here!
I’m enjoying it. It’s very witchy It helps if you watch the Marvel Wandavision series (especially) and the Marvel Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie (2022) so you understand the origin of some of the plot points, but not strictly necessary. Good cast: Kathryn Hahn, Aubrey Plaza, Patti Lupone, etc.
I am going to start watching it when i have some free time ! It looks good!
If I had Disney I would but I dont
I haven’t been able to get my Disney+ to work for the longest time. I think it’s probably because we’re on the same plan (the subscription is through our phone plan) as my parents but we live in different states if I can get it to work then I’ll have to watch it with my daughter!
Video clip. This song has been in my head all day https://youtu.be/xmd6S_EmsyA?si=_A_Y82-U6WIKba37
Very catchy tune! Definitely starting this series!
Wish I could watch it