Altar questions?

Merry Meet!!!
I have had the same altar set up that I was taught by my previous coven aka Priestess Grams-Grams (yes blood grandma) However for the last week I have had a pull to change it completely which tonight is the New Moon, I completed it new statues, new made pentagram etc.
Which I also have completed and consecrated and blessed my new athame.
So, my questions I guess would be:

  1. how often would you recommended I blessing my new layout altar?
    2.And does anyone else get this pull?

I feel that every time you use it, bless before using, that way you know all negativity is gone before using it.

As far as changing it. Some people change it regularly, some for sabbats. I have pretty much the same set up always until I do a spell then I arrange it for that spell. When my spell is complete, I put it back how it was.

Others may have a different opinion than me.


Usually, I feel a comfort of having something stable (pun intended) in my life when I leave my altar set up the same way over long periods. Then something happens and everything changes. I do feel the pull once in a while. Sometimes the altar changes without my conscious choice. Once in a while, I will add an item found by chance or synchronicity and see how well it works for me.

At the moment, I have a bit of a mess: charging new crafts. However, the pun above is because of the main theme in my altar: unicorns! :sparkling_heart:

The mess at the south end is a hair dollie with a besom and a toothpick wand- being charged as a taglock of protection. So far, she’s working surprisingly well!

The bag contains a new oracle card set I just finished making, described in the card challenge.

I agree with @Mystique about charging every time the altar is used. My tendency is to lay off use during the summer because of the heat, give myself and my tools a break, and start again refreshed in fall. It is getting cooler in my neck of the desert, but I still don’t feel the pull to light candles or incense yet. I did collect both for seasonal use, saved in the tin shown below the altar. I use the tin to house the rest of the altar when moving or through the summer, so I use up as much as I can before putting it all away. The replaceables can be bought new anywhere I find myself, but the main parts of my altar are the irreplaceable tools I prefer to keep as long as possible.


For me I have two altars, one inside and one in the garden. The garden one is a plant pot, some stones and a pile of sticks I use to make different runes, depending on what I’m chatting to the gods about. :partying_face:

My indoor one, I change ad-hoc when Loki requests it. I don’t charge it, I cleanse it with incense daily. It’s not a place I do any magic, so there isn’t an athame or any tools, it’s just my icon to Loki, some candles, and incense. It used to be elaborate but I’ve simplified it right down. It’s where Loki and I sit for a morning coffee and chat. :beers: That’s it. Most of my rituals are done outside, at that altar, under a brolly as Thor rains on me alot. :rofl:

Your altar looks gorgeous by the way :green_heart:


Here’s a few photos.

I’m using :thurisaz:, not sure why :person_shrugging:, was going to use :berkanan: but the rains stop, so maybe Thor’s asking for an acknowledgement :partying_face::beers:


This is a beautiful alter @Rayven the way everything is meticulously put out is perfect. I also love your Athame the red stone on the end is gorgeous :heartpulse:


I tend to do the same as you~! I always bless and charge mines before usage.

Also @Rayven @georgia @tracyS your altars are beautiful~! Thank you for sharing :black_cat: :heartpulse: :cherry_blossom:


@georgia , @tracyS thank you for sharing your altars they are amazing and truly inspiring.

Thank you everyone that makes me feel so much better knowing I am not over blessing my altar and not being too concerned on a pull to change my setup.


I don’t currently have an altar but I have felt that pull before. I think your altar looks great and you should change or bless it whenever you feel like it!


For me it depends on what it is. I don’t really cleanse my things. I like the energy and power they exude from my work. Unless it’s something I’m trying to get rid of . I like the energy on my things. If I feel any negativity or if I’m doing an elemental balancing ritual I cleanse