Always drawn to the dark side

Just wondering if anyone else has ever felt a strong tug to the dark side (and no not like a villain lol). I find darker topics pull me, and it must be years of those around me, i always slightly dip my toes into something i classify as dark (for me dark is Satanic, demons, hexing, etc) as in i could read a book about dark magick or even buy a tarot set based on demons, but will never go as far as to practise but just am finding it harder and harder to keep away. I know mainly it is my religious aspect i keep away (regardless of when i was a Christian growing up or as a Muslim now they both have similar views of demons and Satan)ā€¦ What should i do??? Perhaps instead of dipping my toes i could jump into the cold waters and see it wasnā€™t so bad, or perhaps slowly slide in incase i feel i really canā€™t do itā€¦ Your thoughts???

p.s.- i love strong female deities such as Hekate (who is already my deity) and Lilith i feel a connection too but have avoided so far. Perhaps i can start there? I feel like i already have too many deities (Cernuous, Hekate and Gaia) and i do not want to feel i give one more love than the other thatā€™s why i am hesitant to add another. How many deities do you have or what do you think is standard? I mean i thought having two cats was standard until 2 more strays came into my life now i am a cat mum of 4! :woman_facepalming: :laughing: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat:


I think that our upbringings and religious roots can make us have fear towards the subject. Iā€™d suggest an anti baptism to undo the things u were taught. To do like a reset button. I assure you they are lovely. As for how many can u work with? As many as you like darling. Iā€™m making a demon team. Also sometimes after we work with deity/demon after they have served their purpose they may be done with us just depends I suppose. I would not stear you wrong. Nothing to fear love. In my experience if itā€™s on your mind theres a reason. I think itā€™s awesome. I feel like humans blame them for their poor choices and behavior like a scapegoat. I think that if you want to explore, go about it confidently and without fear. There is no need to fear them. They are easy to reach out to. I think of you are interested in Lilith you should light a candle and meditate on her and see what she says or how it feels.


Iā€™m the same way drawn to the darker side. By dark side I donā€™t mean bad. Dark correlates with growth, sleep, rest, and renewal. Iā€™m drawn to being different


I find that anything worth value is shrouded in man made negativity to keep us bound to someone elseā€™s beliefs. To keep us weak and without knowledge (power) Iā€™ve never been one to necessarily like to be told what to do. :laughing: So many things we are told to keep us down n and fear. For no reason


Thanks for replying :blush:

I have never heard of one what does it involve? I was obviously baptised as a baby but not sure if that has anything to do with anti baptismā€¦

Omg that sounds awesome! :heart_eyes: I can imagine it now and how powerful and igniting it would feel

That is a smart way why not? You never know where it may lead and if i do feel something than like you said there must be a reason :blush:


Thankyou darling :kissing_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: Iā€™m glad to help. As for the anti baptism itā€™s more of undoing the things u were taught like a reset to help u lose ur fear. Iā€™m in bed but tomorrow I can send u a few rituals. Then you can decide if thatā€™s something you are interested in.

It is otherworldly. Just amazing :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: wish u could have felt my temple the other night. They are so amazing and I donā€™t regret my path ever. I love it. They are so radiant :star_struck:

I hope ur meditation with Lilith is beautiful. Let us know how it goes dear :heart::pray::pray:


To me darker side doesnā€™t necessarily mean bad as people say. For example when me and my husband go walking i tend to see beautiful magnificent crows about and so beautiful they stop me in my tracks as if nothing else around me matters or exists until my husband say a little prayer and is like ā€œquick lets go the demons are out to playā€ and that obviously get me doing a ā€˜are you seriousā€™ look back and me rolling my eyes :blush: :laughing:
I think that fear is what we make it. I feel very comfortable walking around the house at night without light but the rest of my family freak out and say it attracts things in the dark :woman_facepalming:
The darker side to me has a sensual and powerful feel to it and lets be real, we all know the darker side is extremely tempting especially if you are ā€˜all religiousā€™ as people tend to be in my experience (people i have met in the same religion).
In honesty, i fear god more than i do Satan because like my religion and many others say that ā€˜god made allā€™ so if that is true illnesses and those truly evil thing called ā€˜backstabbing troublemakersā€™ were also made from godā€¦


Thank you sweetheart and i appreciate it, no rush. Have a good sleep. Night x


I always say to my husband ā€œdo you know why men try to keep women out of government affairs, high paying roles, and as history has shown, ruling the worldā€? he said ā€œnoā€, and i replied ā€œbecause think about it for a moment. We can push a live human out of our end, carry all the pressure of family life on our shoulders and not break, multitask where we could be chatting on the phone cooking and still be able to communicate and juggle many things, so what do you think that would mean for you men if we were to rule when you cannot even handle a man cold without me having to give you a salt bath, rub vicks, medicate and feed you soup all the while caressing you so you feel betterā€. You should have seen his face :no_mouth: he was trying so hard to hide the fact of what he just realised lol :smirk: :yum:


Iā€™m surprised youā€™re even asking after having read some of the posts by Devenne, Tracy, and me. Of course, there are others here. :crazy_face: :people_hugging: Even Megan talks about being drawn to darker themes in the same way you do. :black_heart:

I feel the same as you do with that pull. I donā€™t have a religious background, so maybe that makes things easier for me. But as for what you should do, you really need to decide that for yourself. If youā€™re blinded by fear and anxiety, thatā€™s something you need to work on. You could ask the darker deities for help, and they can guide you through it, but youā€™ll have to hold up your end of the bargain, which is keeping your mind open.

As for how many deities I work withā€¦ Uhā€¦ I basically have one for every day of the week, so about seven? More if I include ones that I work with sometimes but not often. Quite a few of us are making our own pantheons (what Devenne is referring to as her demon team). If I recall correctly, besides myself, another is Tracy. And Iā€™m sure thereā€™s someone else whoā€™s talked about it.

Anyway, long story short: youā€™re far from alone, and you have nothing to fear but your own fear itself. :people_hugging: :black_heart:


I have always been drawn to the darker side. I mainly work with Loki right now but I have called in Lucifer on occasion to help boost some energy. Iā€™m very drawn to voodoo. Iā€™m looking in to spirits and deityā€™s from the voodoo practice. I do also work on the lighter side with my oils and bath salts. But doing a divine Justice spell or a hex if needed is something Iā€™m not afraid to do.


I feel the same way God (yaweh) in the Bible let all kinds of horror happen and lived for our sins. The sin part is weird to me. He killed so many people. But somehow they say Satan is bad hahaha :rofl: itā€™s asinine. :rofl: You should read my starting paragraph under my Ave Satanas post :postal_horn:

Sounds like there is a lot of fear around it in your home. Iā€™m glad you see it differently. Kudos to u for sticking to logic and seeking answers.

LMFAO :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: Yes girl yes!!! Hahahah. Women should be ruling the world :100::100::100::100::100::100::100:


Thereā€™s my girl :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: yes :100::100::100::100::100::100: :heart_eyes:


I usually work more with Gwynn ap Nudd, Cernunnos, and the Creator (whomever that may be this time around. Personalities seem to change every few years). I think Baba Yaga is precious (see the movie Monster Family

among others), even if I donā€™t get to work with her much. Athena and I have a respectful acknowledgement of each other though we donā€™t really work together. My fairly recent introduction to Ganesh didnā€™t go anywhere, and thatā€™s fine.

IMHO, let whomever you are drawn to get to know you, like making friends. If things work out from there, good. If not, no big deal. Thereā€™s a whole Universe out there.

You seem apprehensive about working with the dark. Itā€™s OK to feel that way. Maybe you are drawn to it because there is something you need or some part of you wants attention from the shadows. Take care of it and move on, if you want. It doesnā€™t have to last forever.


Her is one that you can do out of S. Connelly book of demonaltry.

I have another one in my one of my Satan books I can share with you later too


I agree. The only way you know is to explore. Also if it turns out you donā€™t like it no harm no foul


I always feel drawn to the darker side but Iā€™m always thinking about what Iā€™d like on the other side. I was raised Catholic and told I will go to hell. I know that God has my back itā€™s just that I believe in God too! So
At first it was hard for me too even turn to Hecate but canā€™t love all diety dark and light ?
Itā€™s all an balance right
I always will have that programming in me I suppose


I respect everyones beliefs. For me I feel like religions are kind of a taught thing and therefore are an influence of someone or something. I guess maybe it is with everything. Head spins* :laughing: I work with Satan intimately. He is in my temple and I can feel his energy flowing to me now that I speak of him. He is not the enemy or bad.i donā€™t think i believe in a heaven and hell. I talk is as if there was one on occasion. As if someone says Iā€™m going to hell . I say Iā€™m coming too :rofl:

His peace is intoxicating and his strength is of a god. My God of this world. He will not ask you to take on something that doesnā€™t belong to you. But he will walk beside you and carry some of your burden. He has done nothing but try to help me make choices that will further me is a person and become stronger. I have never felt evil from him or any demons ever. They never push things on me. They offer their guidance when called upon without hesitation they have been my counsel. Without question They protect me and are unwaivering in their stances at my side. Not a scary peep in site from any of them. Sure if someone had never felt power like they exude and got scared. But like Kataya said nothing to fear but fear itself. I would never ask you or anyone else to change their beliefs. Ever never ever. I love you and all of you, and you and you and you.

Nor have I have heard anything Ill from Satan or any gods/demons/aliens? nothing crazy like people come to believe


Also I feel like some religions when they were coming about that there was some bias views or like they are trying to persuade you that one god is more deserving and desirable than the other? Just thoughts

Or making up stories. I mean anything I read even demon books some things wonā€™t work for me or Iā€™ll be like huh? Just like any other book


I never think that I am going to hell Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s spiritual programming that was taught to me. I had a kid not married and did many things that would be wrong in there eyes. I donā€™t believe in hell I actually thought of trying to worship Satan but I always have someone in my head that deter my thinking telling me! Iā€™m speaking of my experience with my life and my truth. I believe I feared Hecate and nothing happened to me. She welcomed me in my dreams. I just believe that itā€™s okay to have many diety and thereā€™s always going to be that spiritual programming thatā€™s in my head.