Here’s Ivy having a lovely interview with Maevius Lynn and what it means to be a Thelemite.
Whew - I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this.
I heard about Thelema several years ago but I’m not too knowledgeable about it. I tried reading a book about Thelema but couldn’t make it through
I really love how Maevius Lynn explained the concept of True Will. If I’m not mistaken, this is something that Gardner was also inspired by when creating Wicca. You can see this in the phrase “An it harm none, do what ye Will” – it’s been interpreted to mean that as long as you don’t harm anyone you can do whatever you want. Other interpretations, though, take it to mean making decisions in regard to your True Will.
I also didn’t know just how many women played a role in the growth and creation of Thelema it was so cool to hear about the different women who helped Crowley make Thelema what it is today. It’s great that she brought up the women that play a role in Thelema because of all the crap that gets thrown her way. I’m in a Discord server for creators with her and she’s shared some horrific screenshots of comments she gets from people on her YouTube videos. Women play a large role in occult communities and many of us are often downplayed or seen as “not as serious” compared to our male counterparts.
Thank you for sharing this, Tracy! This was a wonderful interview and I’ve learned quite a bit!
I must admit I do enjoy the "Interview with " series. Both Ivy and Bente do them, I learn so much from those that actually practice these different crafts
I enjoy them, too! I’ll admit that I don’t always have time to watch them all but it’s always a pleasure when I do.