I am thinking someone who has been hurt or betrayed? someone who can help me pull out the swords and heal?
All images are that of witches. Maybe a witch?
The book refers to shamanistic healing- maybe there is a shaman in my family history.
If I don’t know many of my an ancestors, how do I know who it is?
Part of me thinks it is my Nanny.
What are your thoughts on who this could be? What are your thoughts when figuring out who the Three of Swords could represent?
@Satans_Helper is correct about the swords having to do with the norse gods and odin.
I have been working with ancestors too for solstice and just got this book.
And try using the coirt catds and then the major arcana to gain clarity. This what this woman, Nancy Henderson suggests. Court card for the person. And use the major arcana for what they will help you with or need your help with.
Also are you having heartbreak or is a past ine coming up for you that you are not addressing? They maybe urging tou to work on this… just a thought.
Ok, I’m just going to offer another way to know. When I did my training at The College of Psychic Studies, the Psychic offered a method to clarify who’s contacting you. There’s two methods
Method One
Using a pendulum (a board with an alphabet too if you like to get more details) Ask a question of whoever it is, that only you and that person would know, in a yes/no manner. That way you can rule out tricksters, and be absolutely clear it’s an ancestor.
You can also ask the spirit to spell it’s name, put the pendulum in your non dominant hand, and make sure your legs are uncrossed.
Method Two
Stand up. Ask whoever it is to confirm who they are by pushing you forward for yes, sideways for no. Then using your intuition, and information from the cards, start asking, Are you. ? Etc.
Do you think the ancestors that I don’t know would contact me?
Oh, I guess I could use the pendulum and ask if mother or father side and keep going that way.
I am going to reconnect with that card and try that way. Thanks!
There was definitely a lot of heartbreak and ache in her life and she died relatively young. There is a lot on that side of the family tree that needs healing.
I only really know 2 relatives well that have died -my nanny and my gran. If it is not one of them then I would have no idea who they were.
I am going to try the pendulum method and ask some questions.
Well, that will definitely limit who contacts me! I got about a 50/50 chance. I mean I did meant one grandfather for a nanosecond but other than that it was just my grandmothers.
I don’t know how much Nordic blood is in me since my DNA results are not from any Nordic country. However, I am sure there are traces since I am mostly Scottish/Irish (98.8%) and the Nords were there. However, you would think that would show up as having some DNA from a Nordic country
Thanks for the screenshot @celineelise. I will look at separating the cards in the future, although this spread didn’t recommend that.
There is certainly a lot of heartbreak and crap on my maternal side that has passed through the generations. That definitely needs healing. My mother even said it would be better to reach out to my dad’s side as her side was super messed up. She is still messed up but has worked hard on being relatively ok which is good.
Here’s a video on a more accurate way to trace ancestors than DNA. Nordic doesn’t just mean Norway, Sweden, Iceland. It’s basically Northern Europe, so Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Denmark etc would all count. The videos here: