Warm greetings!
Please be aware that there is an upcoming change to the Energy Exchange Category in the forum.
Until now, the Energy Exchange Circle has been homed within the A Sacred Space Category. However, after some discussion, the Moderator Team has decided to move the coven’s Circle into the Energy Exchange Category- for ease of use and finding, it makes more sense to have the EE Circle in the category it was named after!
As a place of light of healing, we know that there are often more sensitive topics and very heartfelt situations shared with the Circle. Out of respect and honor to those who place their trust in the Circle, please rest assured that we are taking steps in order to maintain the sacred nature of this place in the forum.
In order to maintain the privacy and more personal nature of the Circle, the Energy Exchange Category as a whole will become a category exclusive to coven members. It will function in the same way that A Sacred Space does- in order to access the content there, please be sure you are logged into your active Spells8 account.
For most users, you will not even notice the change! So long as you are logged into your active account, you will be able to see all topics and categories in the forum as you normally do
If you have any questions at all about this update, please comment below or privately message @moderators- we will be happy to help you!
Thank you very much for reading this announcement!
Blessed be, Infinite Roots!