Another crystal to identify

Does anyone know what type of crystal I have here? Please :pleading_face:

If you need better pics, let me know and I’ll be happy to take more.


My top 3 guesses in order of probability: milky quartz, agate, chalcedony. I think all three are related chemically. Opalite is usually more translucent. Jasper has different colored inclusions like I see here. These are just guesses. I’m fairly new, but I’ve been looking at online shops. I’ll read what others think. Oh I just looked online–maybe agate
I’ll include pics: image
Milky Quartz

Another agateimage
White onyx image
more milky quartz image
yellow jasper image
If none of these look like yours send more pics. Thanks for letting me guess! Fun!


Difference between Agate, Jaspar, and Quartz: The simple answer is if you put light behind the material and you can see through it , then it is an Agate if you can’t then you’re holding Jasper. The more complex answer is that it is not always that straightforward. The simple science behind this question is that both Agates and Jaspers are comprised of Quartz- which is one of the most common minerals on the planet. Quartz is comprised of two major types- macrocrystalline (large crystal) and cryptocrystalline (small crystal).


Okay, last comment: Telling the difference between agate and jasper is easy with most specimens. However, some specimens can show properties of both agate and jasper. For those specimens, you can simply call them “chalcedony” and be correct every time.


Looking at the pics, it’s more of a milky quartz. I put a light up to it and you couldn’t really see through it. It kinda light up lol id put up a pic with the light but the light is on my phone and my laptop is getting fixed. Thank you for your help! :pray::slightly_smiling_face::two_hearts:


You are a crystal master, @wendy4! :heart_eyes: :gem: Thank you for sharing all of this helpful advice- and so many gorgeous stones here! I’m always amazed by how much more there is to learn about crystals. So many types out there! :books: :laughing:

Enjoy your milky quartz, @christina4! It is a very charming stone :blush::two_hearts:


Thank you, @BryWisteria and thank you again @wendy4

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The crystal isn’t in focus so I cant really make out what it could be. Try photographing in natural light, and against a plain background (white & black)

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It appears to be a Garden Quartz in the rough, but may also be a phantom quartz.

Depends on how much clear quartz there is within the stone.