Anyone else feel static in the brain?

Headaches and head pains are awful- I sometimes suffer from tension headaches and migraines and they can be really debilitating :worried: If it doesn’t go away soon (or if it comes back later), I would definitely agree with Megan and Siofra about mentioning it to your doctor, along with any other symptoms at the time.

Until then, water is your best friend- I know it sounds super cliche, but staying hydrated and getting good rest are essential for combating headaches :shield:

Relaxaing meditations are always a good idea if you ask me! :smile: @Silverbear has many wonderful videos for relaxation- this one about restful Deep Sleep came to mind, maybe that was the one you were thinking of, Garnet? :sleeping:

Meditation can definitely help to ease the pain of headaches, especially for those suffering from tension/stress headaches :+1:

Hope the static clears and you are feeling much better soon, @TheMuslimWitch! :pray::heart: