Anyone heard of an energy generator?

Hi all, so yesterday in my monthly subscription from Mindful Souls along with many things came this energy generator:

Anyone have one and what do you do with it? From what I know it sits in the room and generates energy but perhaps there is an actual use for it as in spells?
Let me know :relaxed:


It’s beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :gem:

I have never seen such a thing before, but my intuition would be that the quartz crystals at the “wings” gather energy from the space around and store it in the crystal in the center (which I’m also assuming is quartz?). The different colored smaller crystals tell me of different kinds of energy, kind of like candle or chakra colors.

Or possibly as the points are pointing outwards it acts like an energy prism, the center crystal gathering ambient energy and distributing it to the points as different kinds of energy you can use. That would actually make more sense to me now that I think of it.

It’s all just guesswork on my part, I’d love to hear if anyone has experience on it! :smile: :two_hearts:


Hello! If you can’t find the answers here, maybe google it and see what you find? It couldn’t hurt! It’s a beautiful piece!


I’m really glad you said what it was, because my first impression was that it was a giant crystal fidget spinner :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Forgive me!

It’s absolutely gorgeous, but as for how it works I’m afraid I’ve never seen or used one myself before. I like Celestia’s suggestions though! The name “generator” does make me think it is charging energy, and would then be storing it in the crystals :battery:

It didn’t come with any notes or instructions? I guess one option could be to write to Mindful Souls and ask how they recommend using it :thinking:

I’m sure you’ll find some great uses for it- it really is lovely! :gem::two_hearts:


I’ve never heard of this but it looks really awesome!

I really like @CelestiaMoon’s suggestion of uses - I think maybe you should experiment with it and see what happens!


You know the firs thing i tried to do was spin it lol :laughing: I noticed there wasn’t a point underneath and thought well maybe not :laughing: :blush:


I have to admit, one of my first thoughts was “does it spin” too :laughing:


Well I googled it. There are some on Etsy. Also found this:

Crystal energy generators


Hahahaha I’m so glad I’m not the only one :joy::+1:


Nice thank you :blush: This is very helpful


Not the only one, i think that be great idea​:grin:love it. Yeah i saw it and had the urge to spin that crystal beauty :joy::laughing:you never know if you felt the energy get stagnant maybe you could spin it jusy to shake of the stagnant energy and refresh the energy?? :thinking:maybe im just getting silly but it was just a thought i had. Im not actually sure if spinning it would shake up or refresh the energy if got stagnant… ooh you could use it if the coloyrs represended something particular like chakra or maybe intention you could lay cards out in circle around the spinner ( lol now im calling it tgat​:woman_facepalming:) and spin and see where each point lands on a card and that could be your message about that area of life or intention or chakra… or if dont want to spin you could just lay it in middle and shufgle cards and pkace at each point and each xard at each point again message for area intenrion or chakra?? Lol sorry im way thinking out the box hey… dont know whats sonething is for, sometimes i xome up with my own weird and wacky ideas lol i should not be left unsupervised :joy:ill take the path to wonderland every time.:laughing:.

I hope you find it useful whatever it is for. It looks really cool like a crystal snowflake. So i hope you enjoy all of your things you get in your boxes.


That sounds like it could work in theory to me! :grinning: :+1:

I hope you’ve been enjoying your beautiful energy generator, @TheMuslimWitch! :gem: :sparkles:


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